Internationalisation in higher education: a paper and seven essays on international cooperation in the tertiary sector
In: ACA papers on international cooperation in education
181 Ergebnisse
In: ACA papers on international cooperation in education
Since Hong Kong's reunification with China, there has been more cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland in tertiary education, with Hong Kong-Shenzhen partnership being particularly active. This dissertation examines cooperation in tertiary education between Hong Kong and Shenzhen from the perspective of collaborative governance. It is found that the initiation of the collaboration is driven by leadership of the HKSAR Government, the Shenzhen Municipal Government and the Central People's Government, interdependence between the cities in educational resources, productivity and information as well as consequential incentives for the Hong Kong institutions. To look into how the cooperation may advance to the next level, the plan for the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) to establish campuses in Shenzhen are analyzed in details, taking into account their early stage of development. Recommendations on how similar setups can be done in the future have been come up, and they include putting formal memorandum of understanding and agreements in place, having long-term commitment to the project, identifying shared objectives with the counterparts, retaining a large share of discretion, adopting suitable approaches to managing the policy networks and managing risks. It is considered that such recommendations may be taken as reference for other means of cooperation in tertiary education between the two cities as well as that between Hong Kong and other mainland cities. ; published_or_final_version ; Politics and Public Administration ; Master ; Master of Public Administration
In: CERI collection
The mobility of students, professors, knowledge and even values has been part of higher education for centuries, but it has recently grown at an unprecedented pace. This presents many new opportunities among which are increased access to higher education, strategic alliances between countries and regions, as well as the expansion of human resource and institutional capacity. Parallel to these opportunities are an equal number of challenges: a potential increase in low quality or rogue providers, a lack of recognition of foreign qualifications by domestic employers or education institutions, al
Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) are emerging as the major cause of morbidity and mortality globally. In India, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) contribute to around 5.87 million deaths that account for 60% of all deaths. India shares more than two-third of the total deaths due to NCDs in the South-East Asia Region. World Health Assembly endorsed the WHO Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs for 2013-2020, the goal is to reduce the preventable and avoidable burden of morbidity, mortality and disability due to non-communicable diseases by means of multi-sectoral collaboration and cooperation at national, regional and global level. When analyzed about the existing health care services in India, the primary health centers are the fi rst point of contact for a patient with the health care, the services provided in the primary Health centers are grossly inadequate, in India almost 40% of the primary health centers are functioning without lab technician and 9% without doctors. In order to improve the NCD services in a tertiary care, we have to address the issue of dissatisfaction in patients in tertiary care by providing a better organized service which will lead to better compliance of the patient to treatment.
In: East Asia: an international quarterly, Band 37, Heft 4, S. 317-330
ISSN: 1874-6284
World Affairs Online
Within a very few years, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has turned out to be an effective technology which promotes relevant positive changes in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in various crucial domains essential for sustainable development. ICT may has the potential to provide to the LDC societies the capabilities to face their enormous challenges, in particular regarding the real base of development: the education. With the complexity of the implications that brings, ICT demonstrates interesting perspectives in improving teachers' design work, facilitating access information, enhancing the roles of students and teachers in the learning process and helping them to create a collaborative learning environment. Although ICT has these potentialities to improve the educational system to a great extent, developing countries are far from reaping these benefits because of certain barriers. The aim of this paper is to present a review of the relevant international cooperation framework relating barriers encountered when introducing ICTs in LDCs with a specific focus on tertiary education issues. The paper underlines the crucial role of general public awareness on LDCs' educational priorities and recommends an active role for universities and to create a new devoted bridge/cooperation between hard sciences and humanities to effectively improve the current international projects effectiveness. The paper does not offer a universal reference for reforming higher education systems, but it does provide a starting point for action. The greatest desire is to catalyse dialogue in countries around the world on how higher education is no longer a luxury: it is essential globally to ensure political, social and economic development. ; Il rafforzamento delle risorse educative nei Paesi in via di sviluppo attraverso l'impiego di innovati strumenti basati sull'ICT è al centro di crescente attenzione nei progetti internazionali da più di dieci anni, tuttavia l'impatto sull'educazione non è ancora significativo. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di presentare una revisione del quadro di cooperazione internazionale sulle opportunità e sugli ostacoli emersi nelle esperienze progettuali tese all'introduzione dei sistemi ICTs nei Paesi in via di sviluppo, con un focus specifico sulle questioni legate all'istruzione terziaria. Il documento non intende fornire un punto di riferimento universale per riformare i sistemi di istruzione superiore mediante l'ICTs, ma fornire un punto di partenza per rafforzare l'efficacia delle attuali attività progettuali in materia. Il fine ultimo è quello di sensibilizzare i decisori pubblici, le università, i ricercatori che operano nel campo della cooperazione internazionale e mass media verso una maggiore consapevolezza diffusa sul ruolo dell'istruzione superiore quale chiave necessaria ed imprescindibile per un reale sviluppo sostenibile, capace di garantire solide basi per la lotta alla povertà e per il dialogo democratico ed interculturale a livello globale.
Working paper
This tracer study tracks the employability of 1,216 computer and software engineering graduates from 9 universities in Bangladesh. It also assesses the accessibility, quality, and relevance of computer and software engineering university programs and identifies possible areas for improvement. The study provides useful evidence for policy interventions to enhance the country's information technology and information technology-enabled services industry, a key priority for the government under its Digital Bangladesh initiative.
Quality teaching and learning are vital to meet the increasingly complex needs of students as they prepare for further education and work in the 21st century. This publication provides insights on how to create sustainable and high quality teacher capacity development systems in primary and secondary education, technical and vocational education and training, and higher education programs. It showcases 13 case studies from around the world as examples of teacher professional development programs that support, improve, and harness teaching capabilities and expertise. The publication also discusses government initiatives and other factors that can contribute to quality teaching.
In: Arbeitspapiere des Osteuropa-Instituts der Freien Universität Berlin, Arbeitsschwerpunkt Politik, Band 14
Untersucht wird, welche Rolle die Gestaltung der Außenbeziehungen des Dritten Sektors für die Entwicklung seiner Leistungspotentiale und Erfüllung seiner spezifischen Funktionen spielt. Es wird verdeutlicht, daß zur Steigerung von Wohlfahrt alle Sektoren zusammenwirken müssen, um institutionelle Eigenlogiken optimal verknüpfen zu können. Nach einer Darstellung der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Dritte-Sektor-Forschung und verschiedener Definitionssysteme zum Dritten Sektor werden die folgenden theoretischen Ansätze vorgestellt: (1) die ökonomischen Theorien, welche dem Dritten Sektor eine Ausgleichsfunktion von Markt- und Staatsdefiziten zuordnen; (2) die politikwissenschaftlichen Theorien, nach denen der Staat Defizite des Dritten Sektors ausgleicht; (3) der "welfare-mix-Ansatz", der die Intermediarität des Dritten Sektors in Bezug auf andere "wohlfahrtsproduzierende" Bereiche betont. Das Defizit dieser Theorien besteht in ihrem Mangel an kontextspezifischen Deutungsmustern. Dies setzt eine Stabilität der gesamtgesellschaftlichen Kontingenzen voraus, die gerade in Transformationsländern nicht gegeben ist. "Nur wenn man Raum läßt für die Analyse kontinuierlicher dynamischer Entwicklungsprozesse, die auch Ungleichzeitigen und Inkonsistenzen zulassen, kann die Bedeutung des Dritten Sektors in einem gesellschaftlichen System im Wandel adäquat erfaßt werden." (prd)
In: Arbeitspapiere des Osteuropa-Instituts der Freien Universität Berlin, Arbeitsschwerpunkt Politik, Band 13
Seit Beginn der 90er Jahre engagieren sich in Rußland nichtstaatliche Organisationen (NGO), um die Defizite staatlicher Leistungen auf den Gebieten Bildung und Sozialwesen auszugleichen. Ihre Tätigkeit wurde durch Interviews von Vertretern dieser Organisationen vor Ort untersucht. Dabei ging es vor allem um die Frage, wie die Arbeit der russischen NGOs durch Förderprogramme der Europäischen Union unterstützt werden kann. Es zeigt sich, daß sich im Wettbewerb um Kompetenzen und Ressourcen derzeit staatliche Verwaltungsstrukturen und NGOs einander gegenüberstehen. Zur Lösung dieses Problems läuft derzeit ein Gesetzgebungsprozeß für eine Sozialpartnerschaft zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft. Durch internationale Zusammenarbeit kann dieser Verhandlungsprozeß beschleunigt werden. Weiterhin soll der Schwerpunkt internationaler Unterstützung auf die Finanzierung langfristiger Projektarbeit gerichtet sein, wodurch die Schaffung von Institutionen innerhalb des Dritten Sektors in Rußland ermöglicht wird. Dabei sollen auch in Rußland tätige Wirtschaftsunternehmen in die Unterstützung des Dritten Sektors eingebunden werden. Beispielhaft werden zwei von der Europäischen Union finanzierte Förderprogramme vorgestellt: Das TACIS-Democracy-Programm sowie das LIEN-Programm. (prd)
The goal of the article is to discuss mental health services at tertiary level for children from residential care in Lithuania from professionals' point of view. Content analysis revealed several topics, three of which are discussed in the article: professional responsibilities and relations with other professionals, inter-professional collaboration inside and outside organizations, main obstacles for mental health services provision. Research data showed that responsibilities of different professionals (doctors (psychiatrists), psychologist and social workers) are clearly understood and separated. Also, interconnections are found, however, these interconnections reflect not only different professional identities, but hierarchical relations, as well. There is inter-professional cooperation inside and outside mental health and child care organizations. Lack of communication, organizational restrictions, imperfection of health care system and personal factors were identified as the main obstacles for a good practice. The key challenge is the collaboration at tertiary level when a child is hospitalized. Both sides, mental health and child care services providers, see the problems concerning communication, interconnection and continuation of services. The data reflected not only problems of inter-professional cooperation between mental health and child care organizations, but also not good regulations of information flow between professionals, as information could be provided only from the same professional to the same professional. It is not clear how other professionals, such as social workers, group teachers–supervisors, could receive this information in child care system. Usually, it varies from case to case and depends on regulations of a specific child care organization or personal interest of a professional. ; Straipsnio tikslas – pristatyti kokybinio tyrimo, kaip institucijų globojamiems vaikams teikiamos tretinio lygio psichinės sveikatos paslaugos, duomenis. Kokybinio tyrimo duomenys rinkti interviu metodu. Pokalbio su tyrimo dalyviais kryptį ir turinį lėmė tyrimo problema. Buvo pasirinkta struktūruota interviu forma iš anksto suformulavus interviu klausimus. Interviu su tyrimo dalyviais pokalbis buvo užrašytas į diktofoną, vėliau interviu duomenis tyrėjai transkribavo rašytine forma. Interviu su kiekvienu dalyviu truko 1.30–1.45 val. Siekiant atskleisti specialistų požiūrį į tiriamą reiškinį, netikimybinės tikslinės atrankos būdu parinkti penki informantai (tyrimo dalyviai), dirbantys sveikatos priežiūros ar vaiko gerovės sistemose. Interviu metu kalbėta su dviem psichologais ir trimis socialiniais darbuotojais. Kokybinė turinio analizė atskleidė keletą temų, iš kurių trys nagrinėjamos šiame straipsnyje: skirtingų specialistų atsakomybės, teikiant paslaugas vaikui, bendradarbiavimas organizacijų viduje ir tarp sveikatos priežiūros bei vaiko globos organizacijų, psichinės sveikatos paslaugų teikimo trukdžiai. Tyrimo duomenys atskleidė, kad specialistai diferencijuoja savo atsakomybes, teikiant psichinės sveikatos paslaugas globojamiems vaikams, taip pat suvokia bendradarbiavimo organizacijoje būtinybę. Ir sveikatos priežiūros, ir vaiko globos organizacijose tarpprofesinis bendradarbiavimas yra grindžiamas hierarchiniais ryšiais. Socialinis darbuotojas yra priimamas kaip žemesnio rango specialistas komandoje. Duomenys apie tarpinstitucinį bendradarbiavimą nevienareikšmiški: sveikatos priežiūros ir vaiko globos specialistai pateikia priekaištų vieni kitiems dėl bendradarbiavimo trūkumo. Organizaciniai apribojimai, sveikatos priežiūros sistemos netobulumas ir asmeniniai veiksniai minimi kaip psichinės sveikatos paslaugų teikimo bendradarbiaujant trukdžiai.
This Issue Paper summarizes the main findings of the first workshop of the International Forum for Expert Exchange on Countering Islamist Extremism (InFoEx) workshop series. The workshop's goal was to facilitate the exchange of lessons learned, inspiring practices, and knowledge gaps from programs and measures on countering Islamist extremism that are implemented in Denmark, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. This Issue Paper explores (common) challenges as discussed in the workshop. Furthermore, it provides three "flashlight" cases from Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands. They serve as examples of specific approaches discussed during the workshop. The workshop was based on a needs-based approach and focused on the following five main topics: 1. Planning, financing, implementing, and evaluating tertiary prevention programs; 2. Multi-agency cooperation and clarity about roles between different actors and stakeholders; 3. Returning foreign fighters, focus on women and children; 4. Role of mental health and psychological factors in (de-)radicalization; 5. Effectively communicating tertiary prevention to the public and stakeholders.
Widening access to labour markets through developing and promoting new or innovative programmes, aimed at reducing traditional gaps between blue collar and white collar respectively.V ocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education (HE) has been high on the agenda of policy makers, especially at the European level for years. But how sound are these melodic rhythms written in Brussels or elsewhere when played with the old instruments of national legislations, traditions, funding shortages, and claims between different stakeholders? Our project LETAE (Reinforce the Labour Efficiency of Tertiary Adult Education at universities) focuses on the interface between universities and the "world of work": Subjects of inquiry are programmes for adult learners (who should have finished a first (either VET or HE) qualification), which combine learning at universities and at the workplace. This research report reveals the main findings of a comparative analysis of strategies of Tertiary Lifelong Learning (TLL), educational systems, funding, etc. of such programmes in the 6 participating countries (DE, UK, ES, CZ, TK, and FI). Additionally 3 case studies per country were selected and are sketched out in the report; so findings might not be classified as "representative", but as "indicative"; especially since the distribution of cases in our developed typologies draw a quite clear (and sad) picture. ; Bremen ; 64
Higher education institutions are confronted with a complexity of tasks and contexts or framework conditions which they must manage and classify. The internationalisation of higher education institutions (HEI) provides the opportunity to work with new partners in teaching, research and transfer. At the same time, competition for German HEIs in the global science market is increasing. As internationalisation continues to increase, discourses on academic freedom and migration processes are also coming to the fore. Furthermore, the current digital transformation of society as a whole is also affecting scientific organisations in all areas of performance. Against the background of these profound global upheavals, the study explores the question of how future international higher education cooperation should be developed and what contribution transnational education (TNE) in particular can make to this.