Telemedicine in Scotland
In: Scottish affairs, Band 53 (First Serie, Heft 1, S. 48-65
ISSN: 2053-888X
1200 Ergebnisse
In: Scottish affairs, Band 53 (First Serie, Heft 1, S. 48-65
ISSN: 2053-888X
In: Global social sciences review: an open access, triple-blind peer review, multidisciplinary journal, Band VI, Heft I, S. 8-15
ISSN: 2616-793X
Telemedicine is well-positioned in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) to revolutionize wellbeing care due, in portion to expending portable phone get to and web network. This paper assesses the basic components that can potentially facilitate or ruin the advanced wellbeing in Pakistan. The objective of this thing is to recognize the current computerized wellbeing ventures and considers being carried out in Pakistan, as well as the key partners included in these activities. We conclude that whereas telemedicine features a promising future in Pakistan, it is still in its earliest stage at the time of this study. In any case, due to the COVID-19 widespread, there's an increment in requests for digital health and execution of health outcome taking after worldwide social removing conventions, particularly in LMICs. And extend the digital health segment for the improvement of telemedicine frameworks in our country.
In: World health forum: an intern. journal of health development, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 71-77
ISSN: 0251-2432
In: Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund: tidsskrift for idéhistorie, Heft 21
ISSN: 1904-7975
Til tross for betydelige statlige investeringer over flere år, er ikke telemedisin en etablert behandlingsform i norsk helsevesen. Lav utbredelse forklares ofte med at leger og andre helseprofesjonelle fungerer som portvakter. Etter vår mening er det behov for å heve blikket og supplere forklaringene på individnivå. I denne artikkelen presenterer vi en empirisk analyse inspirert av Bourdieus maktperspektiv. Vi har brukt intervju, observasjons og dokumentmateriale fra to empiriske case, teleslag og teledermatologi. I begge casene var legene positive til bruk av telemedisin, men løsningene ble lite brukt. Analysen får frem hvordan telemedisin er mer enn nye verktøy for klinkerne, og faktisk trigger diskusjoner om selve kjernen i helsefeltets autonomi; spørsmålet om hva som er den riktige behandling. Vi konkluderer med at mottagelsen av telemedisin i klinisk praksis må forstås i lys av pågående maktkamper i helsefeltet, mellom statlige styringsinteresser på den ene siden og profesjonell autonomi på den andre.Telemedicine; power disruptions in health careAlthough the development of telemedicine has been a priority in Norwegian public health care for over 20 years, only a limited number of applications have been established as routine services. Dominant explanations of slow diffusion points to clinicians and their role as gatekeepers. We argue there is a need to look beyond the ubiquitous accounts of individual influences, and include power structures in the analysis of telemedicine diffusion. In this paper, we present an empirical analysis inspired by Bourdieu's conceptual framework. The data consist of interviews, observations, and public- and project documents from two case studies; telestroke and teledermatology. In both cases, the clinicians were positive and involved in the implementation of telemedicine. Nevertheless, the services were not developed into routine practice; in fact, they were rarely used. Telemedicine touches upon the core value of health care activity: how to define the best patient treatment. The paper argues telemedicine might disrupt and be disrupted by existing power struggles in the health care sector. We conclude that slow diffusion of telemedicine should be understood in light of ongoing negotiations and power struggles between state regulatory powers on the one hand and health professional autonomy on the other.
With the support of Tianjin Municipal People's Government and the People's Government of Binhai New Area, the "First China (Tianjin) International Telemedicine Technology Exhibition" hosted by the American Telemedicine Association (ATA), will be held October 28- 30, 2014 at the Tianjin Binhai International Convention and Exhibition Center. The three day event will feature keynote sessions, concurrent discussion forums, exhibits (e.g., telemedicine, information technology, mHealth), a venture summit, meet-and-greet sessions for international and domestic companies for potential business collaboration, and policy discussions on China healthcare. For registration information:
In: Studies in health technology and informatics 54
In: SHS web of Conferences: open access proceedings in Social and Human Sciences, Band 2, S. 00013
ISSN: 2261-2424
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 10(3), 2019 ; Most Sub-Saharan Africa countries including Ghana experience a shortage of medical professionals, especially in the rural areas. This is mainly caused by the low-intake of students into medical schools due to inadequacy of facilities to train students. Also, a number of medical students graduate and emigrate to foreign countries to seek new opportunities and enhanced living standards. To reduce the effect of this, telemedicine is being implemented in certain areas to provide healthcare. Much as advances are being made in information and communication technologies, the advancement of telemedicine in developing countries still needs to upgraded and extended to cover more areas. Some categories of telemedicine have little to no implementation in Ghana due to lack of resources, little government support as well as the absence of structured frameworks and policies to ensure their implementation. This paper seeks to present telemedicine applications and implementations in Ghana till date as well as suggest some recommendations to mitigate some of the challenges impeding the advancement of telemedicine. ;
In: OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Band 6, Heft 3
ISSN: 1091-3734
Until the late 1990s, e private and public third-party payers generally did not have explicit policies to pay for telehealth services. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 signaled a significant change in Medicare payment policies opening the door for telemedicine reimbursement. This article traces the development of current Medicare telemedicine payment policies, beginning with the BBA of 1997 and including current medicare payment legislation. Issues related to telemedicine payment by both Medicare and other third party payers are presented; implication for the future, and the role of the nursing community are discussed.
In: E-medicine, e-health, m-health, telemedicine, and telehealth handbook Volume 1
In: Social Justice, Equality and Empowerment
Intro -- RURAL TELEMEDICINE AND HOMELESSNESS ASSESSMENTS OF SERVICES -- RURAL TELEMEDICINE AND HOMELESSNESS ASSESSMENTS OF SERVICES -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 TELECOMMUNICATIONS: FCC'S PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT WEAKNESSES COULD JEOPARDIZE PROPOSED REFORMS OF THE RURAL HEALTH CARE PROGRAM -- WHY GAO DID THIS STUDY -- WHAT GAO RECOMMENDS -- WHAT GAO FOUND -- ABBREVIATIONS -- BACKGROUND -- FCC HAS NOT PERFORMED THE ANALYSIS NECESSARY TO ENSURE THAT THE PRIMARY RURAL HEALTH CARE PROGRAM MEETS THE NEEDS OF RURAL HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS -- Participation in the Program, Although Increasing, Has Not Met FCC Projections and over Half of All Program Funds Are Used in Alaska -- FCC Has Not Assessed the Telecommunications Needs of Rural Health Care Providers to Guide the Evolution of the Rural Health Care Program -- FCC'S POOR PLANNING AND COMMUNICATION DURING THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PILOT PROGRAM CAUSED DELAYS AND DIFFICULTIES -- FCC's Limited Collaboration with USAC, Federal Agencies, and Other Knowledgeable Stakeholders Affected Pilot Program Design -- Pilot Participants Have Experienced Delays and Difficulties, in Part, Because FCC Did Not Fully Establish Requirements Prior to Calling for Applications and Did Not Provide Effective Program Guidance -- Pilot Participants Have Experienced Delays and Difficulties for Many Reasons -- FCC's Call for Applications Did Not Include Needed Information about the Eligibility of Entities, Expenses, and How to Meet the Match Requirement -- FCC Introduced New Requirements after Its Call for Applications and Selection of Pilot Participants -- Program Guidance Is Not Provided in an Effective Manner -- Program Guidance Is Not Provided in an Effective Manner
In: Health care policy in the United States
In: Health care policy in the United States
Ch. 1. Introduction -- ch. 2. Background and related literature -- ch. 3. Review of the diffusion literature -- ch. 4. Conceptual framework -- ch. 5. Research design and methods -- ch. 6. Characteristics of the survey population and descriptive statistics -- ch. 7. Data analysis, findings, and discussion -- ch. 8. Conclusions and policy implications.
This article provides an analysis of the skills that health professionals and patients employ in reaching diagnosis and decision-making in telemedicine consultations. As governmental priorities continue to emphasize patient involvement in the management of their disease, there is an increasing need to accurately capture the provider-patient interactions in clinical encounters. Drawing on conversation analysis of 10 video-mediated consultations in 3 National Health Service settings in England, this study examines the interaction between patients, General Practitioner (GPs), nurses, and consultants during diagnosis and decision-making, with the aim to identify the range of skills that participants use in the process and capture the interprofessional communication and patient involvement in the diagnosis and decision-making phases of telemedicine consultations. The analysis shows that teleconsultations enhance collaborative working among professionals and enable GPs and nurses to develop their skills and actively participate in diagnosis and decision-making by contributing primary care-specific knowledge to the consultation. However, interprofessional interaction may result in limited patient involvement in decision-making. The findings of this study can be used to inform training programs in telemedicine that focus on the development of effective skills for professionals and the provision of information to patients. ; open access article