Sustained Effects of Small-Group Instruction in Mathematics
In: CESifo Working Paper No. 11021
2717 Ergebnisse
In: CESifo Working Paper No. 11021
In: The journal of human resources, Band 59, Heft 5, S. 1599-1636
ISSN: 1548-8004
In: Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research: JSSWR, Band 6, Heft 4, S. 565-589
ISSN: 1948-822X
In: Developmental science, Band 16, Heft 4, S. 485-498
ISSN: 1467-7687
AbstractAround the end of the first year of life, infants develop a social referencing ability – using emotional information from others to guide their own behavior. Much research on social referencing has focused on changes in behavior in response to emotional information. The present study was an investigation of the changes in neural responses that underlie social referencing behavior, reflected in event‐related potentials (ERPs). Twenty‐six 12‐month‐olds participated in a single‐session visit in which ERPs were recorded both immediately before and after a behavioral intervention in which infants' caregivers provided positive, negative or neutral information about each of three stimuli (ERP data available for n = 17). After the intervention, infants devoted more neural resources to processing negative versus neutral and positive information, as observed in early and late positive‐going components. Changes in neural responses from the pre‐ to post‐intervention recordings clarify this observation, indicating a sustained response in the negative and positive conditions, and a decrease in the neutral condition, suggesting an attenuation effect in the neutral condition. Further, infants who attended most to the objects in the behavioral intervention showed increased neural responses in the negative condition and decreased responses in the positive condition. Taken together, these findings suggest that infants' neural responses are differentially affected by positive, negative and neutral information. Furthermore, the findings highlight the importance of measuring the change in neural responses to better interpret post‐experience responses.
In: Teaching public administration: TPA, Band 42, Heft 2, S. 125-154
ISSN: 2047-8720
This study aims to propound an instructional design for a service-learning course grounded in public problem analysis and verify its immediate and sustained outcomes through the actual instructional process. A quasi-experimental research design was adopted wherein students who were enrolling in a service-learning course were considered as a treatment group, while those not enrolling in the course were categorized into a comparison group. Three-wave surveys were distributed at the beginning, end, and 6 months after the end of the course. Our difference-in-differences (DID) analysis showed that the project-based service-learning experience seems to be negatively related to perceived problem-solving ability but positively associated with students' public service motivation (PSM) in the short term. However, the above influence did not sustain as time progressed. This study helps to clarify the relation between service-learning courses and students' problem-solving ability as well as PSM in the field of public affairs education. It can also serve as a foundation for efforts to improve subsequent instructional plans of service-learning courses.
Many scholars have considered the relationship between the government response to COVID-19, an important social intervention strategy, and the COVID-19 infection rate. However, few have examined the sustained impact of an early government response on the COVID-19 infection rate. The current paper fills this gap by investigating a national survey performed in February 2020 and infection data from Chinese cities surveyed 1.5 years after the outbreak of COVID-19. The results suggest that the Chinese government&rsquo ; s early response to COVID-19 significantly and sustainedly reduced China&rsquo ; s COVID-19 infection rate, and that this impact worked through risk perception, the adoption of protective action recommendations (PARs), and the chain-mediating effects of risk perception and the adoption of PARs, respectively. These findings have important practical value. In demonstrating how government response and infection rate at the macro level are connected to the behaviour of individuals at the micro level, they suggest feasible directions for curbing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. When facing such public health emergencies, the focus should be on increasing the public&rsquo ; s risk perception and adoption of PARs.
In: Journal of development economics, Band 140, S. 169-185
ISSN: 0304-3878
In: Journal of development economics
ISSN: 0304-3878
World Affairs Online
Many scholars have considered the relationship between the government response to COVID-19, an important social intervention strategy, and the COVID-19 infection rate. However, few have examined the sustained impact of an early government response on the COVID-19 infection rate. The current paper fills this gap by investigating a national survey performed in February 2020 and infection data from Chinese cities surveyed 1.5 years after the outbreak of COVID-19. The results suggest that the Chinese government's early response to COVID-19 significantly and sustainedly reduced China's COVID-19 infection rate, and that this impact worked through risk perception, the adoption of protective action recommendations (PARs), and the chain-mediating effects of risk perception and the adoption of PARs, respectively. These findings have important practical value. In demonstrating how government response and infection rate at the macro level are connected to the behaviour of individuals at the micro level, they suggest feasible directions for curbing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. When facing such public health emergencies, the focus should be on increasing the public's risk perception and adoption of PARs.
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 207, S. 111307
ISSN: 1090-2414
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 28, Heft 6, S. 7476-7490
ISSN: 1614-7499
The effects of adding zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) on the physicochemical, biological and biochemical responses of a semi-continuous anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge have been assessed. Two sets of consecutive experiments of 103 and 116 days, respectively, were carried out in triplicate. nZVI were magnetically retained in the reactors, and the effect of punctual doses (from 0.27 to 4.33 g L) over time was studied. Among the different parameters monitored, only methane content in the biogas was significantly higher when nZVI was added. However, this effect was progressively lost after the addition, and in 5–7 days, the methane content returned to initial values. The increase in the oxidation state of nanoparticles seems to be related to the loss of effect over time. Higher dose (4.33 g L) sustained positive effects for a longer time along with higher methane content, but this fact seems to be related to microbiome acclimation. Changes in microbial community structure could also play a role in the mechanisms involved in methane enhancement. In this sense, the microbial consortium analysis reported a shift in the balance among acetogenic eubacterial communities, and a marked increase in the relative abundance of members assigned to Methanothrix genus, recognized as acetoclastic species showing high affinity for acetate, which explain the rise in methane content in the biogas. This research demonstrates that biogas methane enrichment in semicontinuous anaerobic digesters can be achieved by using nZVI nanoparticles, thus increasing energy production or reducing costs of a later biogas upgrading process. ; Raquel Barrena is grateful to TECNIOspring fellowship programme (TECSPR15-1-0051) co-financed by the European Union through the Marie Curie Actions and ACCIÓ (Generalitat de Catalunya).
In: American journal of political science, Band 68, Heft 3, S. 1022-1040
ISSN: 1540-5907
AbstractTransparency is expected to strengthen electoral accountability. Yet, initiatives disseminating politician performance information directly prior to elections have reported mixed results. We argue that to be effective, transparency needs to be sustained: The dissemination of politician performance information needs to occur early, regularly, and predictably throughout the term. Using a formal model of electoral accountability under nonprogrammatic and uneven party competition, we study how sustained transparency affects a string of decisions by various actors in advance of elections: incumbents' running choices, parties' nomination strategies, and potential challengers' entry decisions. We show how these effects shape the candidate slate and ultimately electoral outcomes, conditional on incumbent performance and the incumbent party's relative strength. We test our theory using a field experiment involving 354 subnational constituencies in Uganda, and find robust support for the idea that sustained transparency can improve electoral accountability even in weakly institutionalized electoral settings.
In: Human factors: the journal of the Human Factors Society, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 175-184
ISSN: 1547-8181
Eighteen subjects performed a 1-h visual vigilance task, once during a control condition (filtered air) and once during an experimental condition (CO). The COHb level was elevated to 5% utilizing a bolus maintenance technique which raised the COHb level rapidly so that there would be no possibility of an adaptation occurring prior to vigilance testing. Physiological measurements included heart rate, blood pressure, and ventilation. Neither vigilance performance nor the physiological variables was statistically affected by the 5% COHb level. Subjects identified a significantly (p> 0.05) higher percentage of signals with the high frequency of signal presentation as compared to the low frequency under both filtered air and the 5% COHb level. Signal detection improved in 12 subjects during minutes 0-15, while 10 subjects showed improvement during minutes 31-45 with an elevated COHb level. The subjective questionnaire indicated that CO significantly (p < 0.01) decreased the subjects' confidence concerning their performance on the vigilance task, as well as causing significant (p < 0.05) irritation of the eyes and throat.
In: Human factors: the journal of the Human Factors Society, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 53-65
ISSN: 1547-8181
During a period of illness with Phlebotomus fever, decrements in the performances of eight experimental subjects were found to be approximately 18% in average work efficiency (sustained performance) and 14% in average muscular output. Both aspects of performance had recovered completely four days after the day of peak illness. Analyses of 24 biomedical indices of infection were also computed, and the average biomedical response was found to have decreased approximately 26% during illness without recovery to normal levels at the end of the 15-day study.