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16783 Ergebnisse
Emigration Dynamics in Sub‐Saharan Africa1
In: International migration: quarterly review, Band 33, Heft 3-4, S. 313-390
ISSN: 1468-2435
Emigration Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa
In: International migration, Band 33, Heft 3-4, S. 315-390
ISSN: 0020-7985
Activity rates: Regional and sub-regional differentials
In: Regional studies: official journal of the Regional Studies Association, Band 4, Heft 4, S. 411-424
ISSN: 1360-0591
Regional sub-state diplomacy today
In: Nijhoff eBook titles
Preliminary Material /D. Criekemans -- Introduction /David Criekemans -- On The Normalization Of Sub-State Diplomacy /Noé Cornago -- Regional Sub-State Diplomacy From A Comparative Perspective: Quebec, Scotland, Bavaria, Catalonia, Wallonia And Flanders /David Criekemans -- Sub-State Diplomacy In Mexico /Jorge A. Schiavon -- The External Relations Of Tatarstan: In Pursuit Of Sovereignty, Or Playing The Sub-Nationalist Card? /Elena Albina -- The Public Diplomacy Of Federated Entities: Examining The Quebec Model /Ellen Huijgh -- Going Beyond Paradiplomacy? Adding Historical Institutionalism To Account For Regional Foreign Policy Competences /Peter Bursens and Jana Deforche -- Federalism And Compliance With International Agreements: Belgium And Canada Compared /Stéphane Paquin -- Sub-State Diplomacy Today /Luc Van den Brande.
Strategy and dynamics in sub-regional governance and planning: Lessons from Eastern England 2010 to 2020
In: Environment and planning. C, Politics and space
ISSN: 2399-6552
This article extends analysis of sub-regional governance dynamics, focusing on local institutions in Eastern England in the period from 2010 to 2020. Building on Third Phase Institutionalism and the growing interest in the impact of agency, the paper shows how the narratives, practices and rules of governance institutions both shape and are shaped by the varied strategic ambitions of local actors. Thus when particular objectives of 'recognition', 'investment' and 'control' were pursued by local actors there was a reinforcing relationship with positive narratives, collaborative practices and stable rules. Alternatively, though, institutional constraints may emphasise other strategic objectives such as preserving or advancing the power of preferred institutional structures, together with an associated limiting of narratives and practices.
Southern Africa: regional sub-system or sub-imperail complex?
In: The African review: a journal of African politics, development and international affairs
ISSN: 0856-0056, 0002-0117
In der Theoriedebatte über den polit-ökonomischen Charakter des südlichen Afrika hält der Autor den 'Sub-Imperialismus'-Ansatz für fruchtbar. Dieser sieht die Republik Südafrika zwar an die Interessen der westlichen Metropolen angebunden, räumt dem Kapital der RSA aber gleichzeitig eine gewisse Autonomie ein. (DÜI-Spe)
World Affairs Online
Conceptualizing sub-national regional cooperation
In: Regions & cohesion: Regiones y cohesión = Régions et cohésion : the journal of the Consortium for Comparative Research on Regional Integration and Social Cohesion, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 61-87
ISSN: 2152-9078
English abstract:
Regional cooperation is a context-dependent process that is better understood using a geographical approach; this is, accounting for the region as part of the explanation for and not only as the container in which cooperative agreements operate. The case of the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia, a bottom-up regional cooperation process that resulted in a regional trademark, illustrates what roles are played by a diversity of local actors and how local socio-economic conditions influence cooperation agreements. The case highlights the inadequacy of inflexible jurisdictional boundaries and the limitations of preexisting categories (such as inter-municipal cooperation or metropolitan areas). The empirical evidence includes the analysis of 19 semi-structured interviews.Spanish abstract:
La cooperación regional es un proceso que depende del contexto local y regional; y una perspectiva geográfica apoya a considerar la región donde ocurre como parte de la explicación, y no como un contenedor dentro del cual operan los acuerdos. Este artículo aborda el caso del Paisaje Cultural Cafetero Colombiano, un proceso de cooperación regional de abajo hacia arriba que resultó en una marca registrada regional. El caso ilustra participantes y roles en el proceso y cómo las condiciones socioeconómicas locales influyen en los acuerdos de cooperación. Los resultados destacan la inflexibilidad de las divisiones jurisdiccionales y las limitaciones de las categorías preexistentes (como la cooperación intermunicipal o las áreas metropolitanas). La metodología incluyó el análisis de 19 entrevistas semi-estructuradas.French abstract:
Les processus de coopération régionale dépendent de leur contexte et sont mieux appréhendés à travers une approche géographique. En d'autres termes, il est nécessaire de prendre en compte la région comme partie intégrante de l'analyse, et non uniquement en tant que simple structure où les accords de coopérations se déroulent. Le cas du Paysage culturel du café de Colombie, un processus de coopération régionale du bas vers le haut qui a abouti à la création d'une marque, illustre les rôles joués par une diversité d'acteurs locaux et comment les conditions socio-économiques influencent les accords de coopération. Il met en évidence l'inadéquation des frontières juridictionnelles inflexibles et les limites des catégories préexistantes (comme la coopération inter-municipale et les aires métropolitaines). La méthodologie repose sur une étude de cas et dix-neuf entretiens semi-directifs.
Regional security in sub-Saharan Africa
In: Africa insight: development through knowledge, Band 26, Heft 2, S. 162-176
ISSN: 0256-2804
World Affairs Online
Sub regional planning studies: An evaluation
In: Socio-economic planning sciences: the international journal of public sector decision-making, Band 8, Heft 4, S. 232
ISSN: 0038-0121
Computer models in sub-regional planning
In: Regional studies: official journal of the Regional Studies Association, Band 3, Heft 3, S. 331-336
ISSN: 1360-0591
Sub-regional planning studies. An evalution
In: Urban and regional planning series Vol. 6