The article analyses changes of EU structural policy in the new programming period of 2007 – 2013. In thebeginning of the article the evaluation of EU structural policy is made, which allows to formulate the main principlesof structural policy. Subsequent reconstruction of financial instruments of structural policy is analysed, and attentionis paid to the fact that from 2007 only two structural funds formally remain. Combined with financial instruments forstructural policy there are three funds in total. Also in the article an analysis of new objectives of structural policyis made. Legal bases for European territorialcooperationgrouping is also analyzed. Finally, the article affirms thatstructural policy develops to cohesion policy.
In: Economics of planning: an international journal devoted to the study of comparative economics, planning and development, Band 18, Heft 3, S. 114-142
The appeals to minimize state intervention in the Russian economy are counterproductive. However the excessive involvement of the state is fraught with the threat of building nomenclature capitalism. That is the main idea of the series of articles by prominent representatives of Russian economic thought who formulate their position on key elements of the long-term strategy of Russia's development. The articles deal with such important issues as Russia's economic policy, transition to knowledge-based economy, basic directions of monetary and structural policies, strengthening of property rights, development of human potential, foreign economic priorities of our state.
AbstractThis paper attempts to provide a framework for understanding and analysing structural change and structural policy in agriculture. To date, sociological analyses of these subjects have been insufficiently attuned to the agricultural economics approaches that dominate the outlook and understanding of policy makers.Agricultural economics analysis of structural policy concentrates on the technical and biological aspects of structure, i.e. the 'beta determinants'. The 'gamma determinants' are defined as organizational, institutional and cultural network aspects of agricultural structure. The Structure‐Conduct‐Performance (SCP) model derived from industrial organization theory is applied as a framework linking these gamma and beta determinants to 'structure' and market behaviour.Sociological theory is traditionally dominated by the action versus structure dilemma. Giddens's structuration theory suggests a solution to this problem by distinguishing 'system' and 'structure', and by assuming a duality of structure (i.e. structure is both the medium and the outcome of action). Suiting from this duality it is shown that rural sociology and agricultural economics have a common point of reference at system level.RésuméCet article cherche à proposer un cadre conceptuel pour ľanalyse du changement en agriculture et pour ľanalyse des politiques de structures. Il postule que les analyses sociologiques sont restéees insuffisamment liées aux approches économiques, celles‐ci constituant la base de la culture des decideurs politiquesCes analyses économiques se sont surtout centrées sur les aspects techniques et biologiques, soit les facteurs beta. Les facteurs gamma sont définis comme les aspects organisationnels, institutionels et culturels de la structure agricole. Un modèle, dérivé de la théorie de ľorganisation industrielle, et dénommé modèle "Structure ‐ Conduct ‐ Performance" (SCP) est proposé pour élucider les relations entre ces facteurs beta et gamma ?une part et les aspects de structure et de marche ?autre part.La théorie sociologique, habituellement tiraillée entre action et structure, peut cependant repondre à ce problèms à travers la théorie de la structuration de Giddens qui distingue système et structure, et suppose une dualité de la structure, celle‐ci étant à la fois médiation et produit de ľaction. Sur cette base théorique, on peut montrer que la sociologie rurale et ľeconomie agricole ont un plan commun ?analyse au niveau du système.KurzfassungIn diesem Beitrag wird versucht, einen Bezugsrahmen für das Verständnis und die Analyse von Strukturwandel und Strukturpolitik in der Landwirtschaft zu liefern. Bisher sind soziologische Analysen dieser Themenbereiche ungenügend abgestimmt mit Ansätzen der Agrarokönomie, die die Ansichten und das Verständnis der agrarpolitischen Entscheidungs‐träger beherrschen.Die Agrarökonomie analysiert schwerpunktmäßig die technischen und biologischen Aspekte der Struktur, d.h. die 'Beta‐Determinanten'. Die 'Gamma‐Determinanten' wer‐den definiert als organisatorische, institutionelle und kulturelle Netzwerkaspekte der Agrar‐struktur. Das aus der industriellen Organisationstheorie abgeleitete Struktur‐Verhalten‐Leistung‐Modell wird als Bezugsrahmen angewandt, um diese Gamma‐ und Beta‐Determinanten an 'Struktur' und Marktverhalten zu verbinden.Soziologische Theorie ist traditionell stark geprägt durch das Dilemma von Handlung und Struktur. Giddens Strukturierungstheorie schlägt eine Lösung dieses Problems vor durch Unterscheidung von 'System' und 'Struktur' und Annahme einer Dualität der Struktur (d.h. Struktur ist beides, Medium und Ergebnis von Handlung). Ausgehend von dieser Dualität wird gezeigt, daß ländliche Soziologie und Agrarökonomie auf Systemebene einen gemeinsamen Bezugspunkt haben.
The objective of this paper is to give a short overview of the actual discussionsand actions concerning urban policy in the European Union.No complete picture is given but this survey covers some importantactors and activities. The paper is concentrated on how urban policy isimplemented within the European Union structural policy during thelast ten years, and the period 2000–2006. A short overview is also given of discussions on urban policy in otherinternational organisations and in Sweden. At the end of the paper there is an attempt to summerize the effectsof the actual discussion about urban policy for the European Unionand for Sweden, in the framework of regional development and structuralpolicy.