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2534 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
China's New Undersea Nuclear Deterrent: Strategy, Doctrine, and Capabilities
In: Joint force quarterly: JFQ ; a professional military journal, Band 3rd Quarter, Heft 50, S. 31-38
ISSN: 1070-0692
Mail Buoy Watch - Culture, Strategy, Doctrine, Tactics and Ethics
In: Naval forces: international forum for maritime power, Band 31, Heft 3, S. 119-119
ISSN: 0722-8880
China's new undersea nuclear deterrent: strategy, doctrine, and capabilities
In: Joint force quarterly: JFQ ; a professional military journal, Heft 50, S. 31-38
ISSN: 1559-6702
World Affairs Online
Strategy, doctrine, and the politics of alliance: theatre nuclear force modernisation in NATO
This book examines the processes of nuclear policymaking in NATO and the interaction of alliance strategy with the docrines underlying it. Dr. Buteux focuses on the issue of theatre nuclear force modernisation to illustrate his thesis that NATO's strategic posture results from a political process in which other than purely strategic objectives are sought; agreements on alliance strategy may in fact be related only indirectly to the actual military posture of the alliance and the means available to support it. The book highlights the cumulative effect of strategic and technological change on the strategy and nuclear politics of NATO. Emphasizing that the present strategic environment has called into question many of the strategic and political premises on which NATO's nuclear posture has been based, Dr. Buteux gives special attention to recent proposals to deploy enhanced-radiation weapons (the "neutron bomb") and new intermediate-range nuclear weapons in Europe. He considers the impact of these proposals on NATO's nuclear policymaking process and on the ability of the alliance to continue to base its deterrent posture on the concept of flexible response
Strategy, doctrine and the politics of alliance: theatre nuclear force modernisation in NATO
In: A Westview replica edition
World Affairs Online
Japan as a seapower: strategy, doctrine, and capabilities under three defense reviews, 1995-2010
In: The journal of strategic studies, Band 37, Heft 3, S. 403-441
ISSN: 0140-2390
World Affairs Online
Japan as a Seapower: Strategy, Doctrine, and Capabilities under Three Defence Reviews, 1995–2010
In: The journal of strategic studies, Band 37, Heft 3, S. 403-441
ISSN: 1743-937X
Strategy, Doctrine, and the Politics of Alliance: Theatre Nuclear Force Modernization in NATOPaul Buteux Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1983, pp. xiv, 158
In: Canadian journal of political science: CJPS = Revue canadienne de science politique, Band 16, Heft 4, S. 833-834
ISSN: 1744-9324
Russia's military strategy and doctrine
Russia's Military Strategy and Doctrine is designed to educate Russia watchers, policymakers, military leaders, and the broader foreign policy community about the Russian Armed Forces and security apparatus across the full spectrum of geographic, doctrinal and domain areas. Each chapter addresses a different strategic-level issue related to the Russian military, ranging from "hybrid" warfare doctrine, to the role nuclear weapons play in its strategy, to cyber and electromagnetic warfare, to Moscow's posture in the Arctic or the Black Sea, to the lessons its Armed Forces have learned from their ongoing operations in Syria and eastern Ukraine. And each section of the book is written by one of the world's foremost experts on that theme of Russia's military development. The key questions emphasized by this book include "how Russia fights wars" and "how its experiences with modern conflicts are shaping the evolution of Russia's military strategy, capabilities and doctrine." The book's value comes not only from a piecemeal look at granular Russian strategies in each of the theaters and domains where its Armed Forces may act, but more importantly this study seeks to present a unifying description of Russia's military strategy as a declining but still formidable global power. Russia's Military Strategy and Doctrine will be an essential reference for US national security thinkers, NATO defense planners and policymakers the world over who must deal with the potential military and security challenges posed by Moscow.
World Affairs Online
Soviet Naval Strategy: Naval Doctrine
In: Strategic Power: USA/USSR, S. 470-477
Nationality Doctrine in Soviet Political Strategy
In: The review of politics, Band 16, Heft 3, S. 283-304
ISSN: 1748-6858
Modern totalitarianism combines appeals to both nationalism and internationalism. Of course this statement applies with much greater force to Soviet than to Nazi totalitarianism. The latter was primarily a national movement, but with international ideological overtones, and with some elements of an international elite cadre and even of an international mass following. Soviet communism began as a faction of the Russian affiliate of international social democracy, and then acquired the territorial base which has given it the national characteristics it now possesses.