Benefits of a Stakeholder Analysis
In: The membership management report: the monthly idea source for those who recruit, manage and serve members, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 8-8
ISSN: 2325-8640
5662 Ergebnisse
In: The membership management report: the monthly idea source for those who recruit, manage and serve members, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 8-8
ISSN: 2325-8640
Metadata only record ; Though poorly developed from a methodological standpoint, stakeholder analysis (SA) now belongs to the long list of virtues and catchwords reigning over the field of development. Much to its credit, the method travels well across disciplinary and theoretical boundaries. It is so eclectic as to stretch across the political spectrum and fit in with most of what it encounters, be it informed by participatory methodology or not (Burgoyne 1994: 205, Grimble and Wellard 1997: 182). SA is currently used in fields ranging from political science to policy development and international relations. The concept and related methodology have made significant inroads into poverty reduction studies and applied research pertaining to issues of sustainable livelihood, community-based natural resource and conflict management (Ramrez 1999). It is also part of World Bank thinking on participation methodology since about 1993 (MacArthur 1997a: 5). ; Available in SANREM office, FS
In: The journal of business & industrial marketing, Band 17, Heft 2/3, S. 181-203
ISSN: 2052-1189
Business‐to‐business technology development firms face a unique set of challenges when participating in the opportunities made possible by emerging multi‐sector innovations. The greatest challenge involves the firm's efforts to influence and shape the market in its favor. This requires strategies for dealing with numerous stakeholders – many with which the firm has had little experience. Because both the risks and pay‐offs are great, the firm needs an analytical and systematic process for stakeholder analysis to provide the basis for stakeholder management strategies. The case of one significant multi‐sector innovation – wireless technologies for integrated traffic management and emergency response – provides an illustrative context for demonstrating a five‐step process for stakeholder analysis.
The Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) was first introduced in all commercial forest reserves in Sabah in 1997. This policy gives hope to the state government to manage the forests in a sustainable manner following the forest development phase of revenue oriented timber exploitation, which has contributed to the decline in forest resources; the increase in forest degradation and the decrease in state income earned from the forestry sector. Under the SFM concept, the forest of the state was divided into Forest Management Units (FMUs) managed by FMU holders under different institutional arrangements of state, state enterprise and private sector. This study was conducted to investigate the corporate-stakeholder interrelation under the SFM concept implemented by the FMU holder in Sabah, Malaysia. The research was based on the 'Triple Typology Perspective of Stakeholder Theory', which encapsulates three different perspectives of 'conceptual', 'corporate' and 'stakeholder' centric. The 'conceptual' perspective explores the overall SFM concept and its relation to the FMU holder – stakeholder interaction. The 'corporate' view investigates how the FMU holders as the corporate part of the SFM concept deals with their stakeholders; and the 'stakeholder' perspective analyses the relation between stakeholders, the FMU holders and SFM implementation. Stakeholder analysis was used to gather information with the application of methods incorporating literature reviews, expert interviews, focus groups, meetings and discussion, questionnaire surveys and Q methodology. Four FMUs were selected as study areas, which managed by the state, state enterprise and private sector. The respondents were encompassed personal of Sabah Forestry Department (SFD), FMU managers and FMU workers, various governmental and non-governmental agencies, and local communities of eight villages located within and in the fringe of FMU areas involved in the study. Under the 'conceptual centric', different groups of stakeholders were identified based on SFM documentation, which also provide the normative basis for the SFM concept. The contemporary implementation of SFM was assessed based on stakeholders' perspective, which indicated that the overall SFM contribution entailed mainly on satisfaction of environment objectives, followed by economic and, to a lesser degree, social objectives. Different categories of stakeholders were identified based on their perceptions of various issues under SFM implementation. These include the level of cooperation or conflict; degree of stakeholder participation; views of specific individuals and a thorough comparison of individual subjectivity. There is, however, an agreement to the statements on the influential factors towards effective SFM implementation, which include the administration and leadership of SFD, and good collaboration between SFD and the FMU holders. Other consensuses were related to the roles of participation in promoting learning about synergy and the importance of various forest uses, and that it should be able to influence the decision-making during the consultation process. The implementation of SFM was agreed in influencing towards investment in the forestry sector and the development of the rural area in the state. The 'corporate centric' indicates the different approaches of stakeholder management under the different arrangements of FMU holders. The SFM operations with a high level of stakeholder involvement were identified as community forestry programme followed by forest conservation, forest protection, development and preparation of plans, administration, human resource development, and research and development. The important stakeholders, according to their degree of involvement in SFM operations were the internal stakeholders of FMU workers, followed by external stakeholders of the staff of SFD, contractors, local communities, local authorities, consultants, businessmen/traders and researchers/scientists. Other stakeholders were various state government agencies, manufacturers, shareholders, NGOs (local), international agencies, NGOs (international), donors, federal government agencies and other FMU holders. The 'stakeholder centric' identifies the various stakeholders interests and claims associated with SFM implementation that depend on stakeholder affiliation. The main groups in this study were multi-interest stakeholder groups (n=104) and the local community groups of the selected villages (n=332). The interests and claims of the multi-interest stakeholder group were related to SFM objectives such as good management of the forest, protection and conservation of environment and biodiversity, and protection of water catchment areas. The local community groups, on the other hand, were mainly concerned with the importance of the forest as a source for foods, land for agriculture and other livelihood purposes. There are various approaches for stakeholder relation management (SRM) that are employed by the FMU holders and stakeholders. These may consist of management quality system, CSR program, the community forest development project; inter agency meetings and dialogue; and collaboration and cooperation with other agencies and institutions. SRM can assist in balancing conflicts that arise, promoting cooperation, and advancing the knowledge and understanding on the SFM concept among the stakeholders. The SRM approaches under the SFM implementation can augment participation by the stakeholders, which in turn will promote effective and efficient implementation of SFM. The mutual relation of the SFM concept and SRM is advancing stakeholder participation in promoting effective implementation of SFM at the FMU level. The inter-relation of the 'triple perspective typology of stakeholder theory' was integrated as new contexts to achieve objectives for sustainability under SFM policy, with the business case of corporate sustainability, and the wider scope of the ecosystem approach and the sustainable development. ; Das Konzept Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) wurde erstmals in allen kommerziellen Waldreservaten in Sabah, Malaysia, im Jahr 1997 eingeführt. Mit dieser Politik verbindet die Landesregierung die Hoffnung, dass die Wälder nun in einer nachhaltigen Art und Weise bewirtschaftet werden können, nachdem die fast ausschließlich auf Einnahmen orientierte Holznutzung zum Rückgang der Waldbestände, zur Zunahme der Waldzerstörung und damit letztendlich auch zum Rückgang der Staatseinnahmen aus der Forstwirtschaft beigetragen hat. Zur Umsetzung des SFM-Konzepts wurde der Staatswald in Forest Management Units (FMU) unterteilt, die von FMU Haltern aus verschiedenen Staatsinstitutionen, Staatsunternehmen und der Privatwirtschaft verwaltet werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das Verhältnis zwischen Unternehmen als FMU-Bewirtschaftern und Stakeholdern im Konzept nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung, das von FMUs in Sabah, Malaysia implementiert wurde. Die Arbeit basiert auf der "Triple-Typology Perspective of Stakeholder Theory", welche drei verschiedene Perspektiven beinhaltet, die konzeptionell, unternehmensbezogen oder Stakeholder-zentriert sind. Dabei untersucht die konzeptionelle Perspektive SFM-Konzepte und die daraus resultierenden Beziehungen zwischen FMU-Bewirtschafter und ihren jeweiligen Stakeholdern. Die unternehmenszentrierte Sicht legt den Schwerpunkt darauf, wie FMU-Bewirtschafter als Teil des SFM-Konzeptes mit Stakeholdern interagieren. Die Stakeholder-Perspektive analysiert das Verhältnis zwischen Stakeholdern, FMU-Bewirtschafter und der SFM-Implementierung. Die Daten wurden mit Hilfe der Stakeholder-Theorie unter Anwendung quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden wie Literaturrecherche, Experteninterviews, Fokusgruppen, informellen Treffen und Diskussionsrunden, schriftlichen Befragungen und der Q-Methodologie erhoben. Als Untersuchungseinheiten wurden vier FMUs ausgewählt, die durch den Staat, den staatlichen Forstbetrieb und den privatem Sektor bewirtschaftet werden. Die Befragungsteilnehmer setzten sich aus Personal der Forstverwaltung Sabah (Sabah Forestry Department, SFD), den FMU-Bewirtschaftern und –Mitarbeitern, verschiedenen Regierungs- und Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen und lokalen Gemeinschaften in acht Dörfern innerhalb sowie im Randgebiet der FMUs zusammen. In Bezug auf die konzeptionelle Perspektive wurden, basierend auf der SFM-Dokumentation, verschiedene Stakeholder-Gruppen identifiziert, die die normative Basis für das SFM-Konzept liefern. Dessen Implementation wurde aus Sicht der Stakeholder analysiert. Es zeigte sich, dass der gesamte Beitrag zum SFM vornehmlich umweltbezogene Zielsetzungen erfüllt, gefolgt von ökonomischen und, zu einem noch geringeren Grad, sozialen Zielen. Mehrere Kategorien von Stakeholdern wurden auf Grundlage ihrer Wahrnehmung verschiedener Aspekte im Zuge der SFM-Implementation identifiziert. Diese umfassen die Kooperations- oder Konfliktebene, den Grad der Stakeholder-Beteiligung sowie individuelle Betrachtungen. Es gibt eine Übereinstimmung zu Äußerungen, welche Einflussfaktoren hinsichtlich effektiver SFM-Implementierung entscheidend sind. Dabei wurden vor allem das Management und die Führung der, der SFD sowie gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem SFD und den FMU-Bewirtschaftern genannt. Weitere Übereinstimmung besteht darin, die Weiterbildung über die Bedeutung unterschiedlicher Waldnutzungen und deren Ausbalancierung zu stärken, um die Entscheidungsfindung im Konsultationsprozess beeinflussen zu können. Auch herrschte Einigkeit darin, durch Investition in den Forstsektor und Entwicklung ländlicher Regionen die Implementation von SFM zu stärken. Der unternehmensbezogene Fokus konzentriert sich auf die verschiedenen Ansätze des Stakeholder-Managements unter unterschiedlichen Charakteristika der FMU-Bewirtschafter. SFM-Maßnahmen mit einem hohen Grad an Stakeholder-Beteiligung sind Gemeinschaftsforstprogramme (community forestry programmes), gefolgt von Waldnaturschutz, Waldschutz, Entwicklung und Vorbereitung von Plänen, Verwaltung, die Entwicklung von Humanressourcen sowie Forschung und Entwicklung. Die wichtigsten Stakeholder, bezogen auf ihren Beteiligungsgrad in SFM-Maßnahmen, waren intern die Mitarbeiter der FMUs und extern die Mitarbeiter der SFD, Vertragsnehmer, lokale Gemeinschaftsgruppen und Verwaltungen, Berater, Geschäftsleute/Händler und Forscher/Wissenschaftler. Weitere Stakeholder waren verschiedene Regierungsorganisationen, Produzenten, Aktionäre, internationale Behörden, lokale und internationale NGOs, Behörden der föderalen Regierung und andere FMU-Bewirtschafter. Die Stakeholder Perspektive identifiziert verschiedene Interessen und Forderungen der Stakeholder, die sich auf die SFM-Implementation beziehen und von der Stakeholder-Zugehörigkeit abhängen. Die Hauptgruppen in dieser Studie waren sogenannte Mehrinteressen-Stakeholder-Gruppen (n=104) und lokale Gemeinschaftsgruppen (n=332). Die Interessen und Forderungen der Mehrinteressen-Stakeholder-Gruppen waren bezogen auf SFM-Ziele wie gute Waldbewirtschaftung, Schutz und Erhaltung der Umwelt und Biodiversität sowie Schutz von Wassereinzugsgebieten. Andererseits stand der Wald als Quelle für Nahrung, landwirtschaftliche Flächen und andere Aspekte des Lebensunterhaltes im Mittelpunkt des Interesses lokaler Gemeinschaftsgruppen. Es gibt zahlreiche Ansätze für das Management von Stakeholder-Beziehungen (Stakeholder Relation Management, SRM), welches durch FMU-Bewirtschafter und Stakeholder genutzt wird. Der SRM-Ansatz besteht aus dem Bewirtschaftungsqualitätssystem, CSR-Programm, dem Gemeinschaftswaldentwicklungsprojekt, multilateralen Treffen und Dialog zwischen den Behörden, und Zusammenarbeit und Kooperation mit anderen Behörden und Organisationen. SRM kann dazu dienen, mögliche Konflikte auszubalancieren, Kooperation zu begünstigen sowie das Wissen und Verständnis von SFM zu fördern. Die Einbindung von SRM in die Implementation von SFM erweitert die Beteiligung der Stakeholder, was wiederum zu einer effektiveren und effizienteren Implementation von SFM auf FMU-Ebene führen kann. Die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen der "Triple-Perspective Typology of Stakeholder Theory" und dem Ökosystemansatz, der unternehmensbezogenen Nachhaltigkeit und dem Konzept des Sustainable Forest Management bilden die Grundlage, um das Ziel einer umfassenden Nachhaltigkeit zu erreichen.
In: Marine corps gazette: the Marine Corps Association newsletter, Band 100, Heft 11, S. 23
ISSN: 0025-3170
In: American journal of health promotion, Band 25, Heft 5, S. TAHP-1-TAHP-12
ISSN: 2168-6602
Crowdsourced crisis maps emerged in the last decade as a series of civil society projects – often launched by small groups or even individual media users with the intention to collect and organize geo-referenced information from a large number of sources during crisis in order to make it useful for emergency managers as well as those people affected by the crisis. The purpose of this study is not only to examine crisis mapping, but more importantly to place this phenomenon within a Swiss context. What would a potential crisis map look like in a Swiss context? Which actors would be involved and what role could governmental actors play? To date, despite their reported usefulness for mitigating the effects of disaster and speeding up recovery processes, little is known about how the phenomenon of crisis mapping could be brought in line with established procedures of disaster management. To examine how crisis mapping in Switzerland could be organized, we suggest a three-step approach. First, we review several recent instances of crisis to identify key stakeholders that tend to play a decisive role in such processes. Based on our recent work on agency and behavior in self-organized crisis collaborations, we develop a typology of stakeholders in crisis mapping situations. In a second step, we attempt to transfer the phenomenon of crisis mapping to the Swiss context. To this end, based on a real crisis situation experienced recently in Switzerland, we describe a scenario in which a crisis mapping project might emerge. In particular, based on several background interviews with experts from Swiss authorities, technology companies, academia and civil society, we examine which social actors in Switzerland would likely be involved in such a crisis mapping project and how the collaboration among these actors could take place. Finally, based on the findings of the scenario exercises, we discuss possible future directions for crisis mapping in Switzerland.
In: The international journal of organizational diversity, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 25-43
ISSN: 2328-6229
In: Journal of public administration and governance, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 100
ISSN: 2161-7104
This article studied on the stakeholder analysis of environmental policymaking process in Thailand for classifying and analyzing the power and interests of stakeholders. The results illustrated the importance and influence among them and leaded to the better understanding about the environmental policymaking process of Thailand. This findings advantaged in the public administration aspect concerning the natural resources and environmental management by fulfill the gap to avoid undesirable affected that may harm the further the environmental policymaking process. The results found that the most important stakeholders are those who make final policy decisions in Thailand's Environmental Policymaking Process. They are three decision-makers; the Cabinet, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment and the National Environment Board. They all have a legal and presumed claim and ability to influence policy decision making. The second group is the citizens, the communities, and the international organizations eager to democratize the natural resources and environmental management because they believe that liberalization from state hands could lead to better public accessibility and better the self-immunity, which, in turn, would enhance the efficiency and fairness in the utilization of natural resources and the country's democracy. Nevertheless, the results significantly indicated that the first group influenced the environmental policymaking process of Thailand in their direction more than the second group due to their power and interests.
In: 3rd Communication Policy Research South Conference (CPRsouth3), Beijing, China
Working paper
In: International journal of information management, Band 25, Heft 2, S. 173-184
ISSN: 0268-4012
In: Hansen , S F & Baun , A 2015 , ' DPSIR and Stakeholder Analysis of the Use of Nanosilver ' , NanoEthics , vol. 9 , no. 3 , pp. 297-319 .
First concerns about the use of nanosilver were raised almost a decade ago, but assessing the risks has been extremely challenging scientifically, and regulation to protect environmental and human health remains controversial. In order to understand the known risks and issues associated with the use of nanosilver, we carried out a DPSIR analysis and analysed drivers, pressures, state, impacts and potential policy responses. We found that most concerns relate to the potential development of multi-resistant bacteria and the environmental impacts of nanosilver. From the DPSIR analysis, we found that new (separate) legislation for nanomaterials in general and nanosilver-specific changes in the current European chemical, biocide and medical legislation were the optimal policy responses, along with limiting the overall use of nanosilver. In order to qualify the identified potential policy responses, we carried out a stakeholder analysis, in order to explore possibilities for reaching consensus amongst stakeholders. Through the stakeholder analysis, the interests, views, power and influence of the identified stakeholders were mapped. Overall, the policy options identified in the DPSIR analysis were deemed not to be implementable, as industry and NGOs seem to have fundamentally conflicting views and interests. The use of the combination of DPSIR and stakeholder analysis proved valuable for use in cases of complexity, as they compensate for each other's limitations and open up for a discussion what can be done to reduce risks.
In: Waste management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 965-973
ISSN: 1879-2456
Background: High pharmaceutical price is a dilemma. Value-based pricing (VBP) is suggested to be the potential solution to this problem. However, in Malaysia, VBP does not receive favorable response from the industry players. Therefore, in this study we would like to examine the position of various stakeholders on this issue. Methods: The PolicyMaker tool is used to evaluate the position and interest of the various stakeholders. Next, we assess the factors that might contribute to the policy success or failure using Kingdon's multiple stream approach Results: We found that VBP received positive response from the stakeholders with some request for amendments. There was unanimity among the stakeholders about introducing medications that do not improve patient outcomes is counterproductive, therefore the problem has been articulated adequately. The policy was sufficiently explained with the publication of the guidelines. Continuous engagement between the government and the private sector plays a major role. Strong political will also contributed to the success. Conclusion: Our findings showed that VBP implementation is successful due to strategic engagement and strong support from the government and the private sectors.
In: Public health genomics, Band 17, Heft 5-6, S. 280-286
ISSN: 1662-8063
<b><i>Background:</i></b> The pace of discoveries and advances in genomic research is not reflected in the pace of their translation and incorporation into day-to-day clinical medicine to individualize healthcare decision-making processes. One of the main obstacles is the poor understanding of the policies and the key stakeholders involved in these translation processes. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> We used the computerized version of the <i>PolicyMaker</i> political mapping tool to collect and organize important information about the pharmacogenomics and genomic medicine policy environment, serving as a database for assessments of the policy's content, the major players, their power and policy positions, their interests, and networks and coalitions that interconnect them. <b><i>Results and Conclusions:</i></b> Our findings indicate that the genomic medicine policy environment in Greece seems to be rather positive, as the vast majority of the stakeholders express their medium to high support in the initially set goals of genomic medicine policy environment. The Ministry of Health and public healthcare insurance funds seem to oppose it, most likely due to financial constrains. These findings would contribute in selecting and implementing policy measures that will expedite the adoption of genomics into conventional medical interventions.