Rezension: The Humanities in Africa / Die Geisteswissenschaften in Afrika
In: Afrika Spectrum, Band 38, Heft 2, S. 276-278
583 Ergebnisse
In: Afrika Spectrum, Band 38, Heft 2, S. 276-278
In: Das historisch-politische Buch: HPB, Band 65, Heft 4–6, S. 559-563
ISSN: 2567-3181
Frido Mann, Christine Mann: Es werde Licht. Die Einheit von Geist und Materie in der Quantenphysik (Susanne M. Hoffmann)Thomas Höpel: Kulturpolitik in Europa im 20. Jahrhundert. Metropolen als Akteure und Orte der Innovation (Rainer Eckert)Franco Berardi: Helden. Über Massenmord und Suizid (Christian Hacke)Jörn Walter, Anja Hümpel (Hg.): Epigenetik. Implikationen für die Lebens- und Geisteswissenschaften (Markus Henkel)
'Material Trajectories: Designing With Care?' turns towards material-driven design processes with the aim of relocating technoscientific trajectories. Concerned with new forms of caretaking, it combines positions from the extended fields of design research and humanities scholarship including practice-based approaches. The contributions explore current ecological conditions through multiple acts of making-with and seek to complicate questions of sustainability, livability, and cooperation. In reassessing the status quo in design and architecture as material practices, they provide outlines for a nuanced reading of these worldmaking processes and ask what different ways of designing with care and complicity might entail.
In: International quarterly for Asian studies: IQAS, Band 53, Heft 1, S. 147-152
ISSN: 2566-6878
In: Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie: HJK, Heft 13, S. 517-521
ISSN: 2365-1016
Anonymity-Sunset-Dance-Party provides a commentary on the essays "Anonymität Tanzen" by Paula Helm and "Crypto Parties" by Linda Monsee. It draws on Whitehead's metaphor of the sunset, as an event that defies the bifurcation of nature, and the empirical material from the two essays to suggest that anonymity practices do not merely obscure identity but radically affect and potentially broaden subject formations. In doing so, it speaks to a politics of anonymity that goes beyond questions of identification.
In: International quarterly for Asian studies: IQAS, Band 52, Heft 3-4, S. 359-361
ISSN: 2566-6878
Simultaneously speculative and inspired by everyday experiences, this volume develops an aesthetics of metabolism that offers a new perspective on the human-environment relation, one that is processual, relational, and not dependent on conscious thought. In art installations, design prototypes, and research-creation projects that utilize air, light, or temperature to impact subjective experience the author finds aesthetic milieus that shift our awareness to the role of different sense modalities in aesthetic experience. Metabolic and atmospheric processes allow for an aesthetics besides and beyond the usually dominant visual sense.
In: Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie: HJK, Heft 13, S. 569-581
ISSN: 2365-1016
Dieser Artikel setzt sich anhand konkreter Beispiele der Ausstellungspraxis mit kolonialen Darstellungsmuster in alltagskulturellen Museen auseinander.
In: Soziologiemagazin: publizieren statt archivieren : Magazin für Studierende und Soziologieinteressierte, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 75-81
ISSN: 2198-9826
In: Griot: Revista de Filosofia, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 1-16
This article starts from the analysis of Impressionism, Kazimir Malevich's abstractionism and Hélio Oiticica's penetráveis to think about the process of eliminating the edges of painting. Oiticica's thesis is that, at the moment in which she lived and acted, the painting began to do without the edges, spilling out of it and constituting itself as modus vivendi, thus eliminating the notion of an outside and one inside. With this, it defends the substitution of the spectator by the participant. We wonder if cinema, with its moving edges, is also touched by these changes. For that, we will take Cinema Novo and Cinema Marginal. Finally, we wonder if the school institution, as heir to these questions, has been inserted in this debate and what it has or would be its role. In this sense, the question remains about what to expect from this institution after the dilution of the picture (the great narratives, the modern certainties) and the historical vanguards.
In: Peripherie: Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur, Band 39, Heft 2, S. 309-311
ISSN: 2366-4185
In: Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement: Kunst, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft = Journal of cultural management : arts, economics, policy, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 216-219
ISSN: 2363-5533
In: International quarterly for Asian studies: IQAS, Band 48, Heft 3-4, S. 307-308
ISSN: 2566-6878
In: Bios: Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen, Band 29, Heft 1, S. 155-159
ISSN: 2196-243X