National well-being will continue to depend on the productive use of soils, but society will increasingly demand that soils be managed sustainably. Soil scientists, therefore, need to contribute technology to land management in a holistic way to satisfy society's requirements. They must also help formulate public policy, contribute to public understanding of environmental issues, and be alert to opportunities provided by new knowledge to improve soil and land management. Close cooperation with land owners and managers is necessary. Appropriate training of soil scientists is needed to prepare them for these responsibilities. Training in the natural sciences is a prerequisite for both vocational and research careers in soil science. This basic training should be concurrent with, or followed by, adequate exposure to the principal subdisciplines of soil science. Training in team-based problem solving is essential. Examples that support these assertions are discussed.
National well-being will continue to depend on the productive use of soils, but society will increasingly demand that soils be managed sustainably. Soil scientists, therefore, need to contribute technology to land management in a holistic way to satisfy society's requirements. They must also help formulate public policy, contribute to public understanding of environmental issues, and be alert to opportunities provided by new knowledge to improve soil and land management. Close cooperation with land owners and managers is necessary. Appropriate training of soil scientists is needed to prepare them for these responsibilities. Training in the natural sciences is a prerequisite for both vocational and research careers in soil science. This basic training should be concurrent with, or followed by, adequate exposure to the principal subdisciplines of soil science. Training in team-based problem solving is essential. Examples that support these assertions are discussed.
Despite recognition of soil as a major global natural resource and longstanding policy recognition of its importance for understanding environmental systems and stewardship in a rapidly urbanizing world, soil science has been underrepresented in teaching National Curriculum in UK schools. Alongside concerns about declining student participation in science education, a key challenge is how to effectively engage students and address inadequacies in soil education. A UK government–funded initiative led to Soil-Net, an innovative, open, online soil educational Web site resource to support school curricula. Following a decade of online availability, this article analyzes Web site data on the adoption, use, and impact of Soil-Net 2006–2016. First, data analysis based on geoidentification of more than a million and a half users revealed patterns of adoption and usage by territory. Although originally targeted in the United Kingdom, Soil-Net is now being used worldwide in 223 countries and territories. Second, analysis of student scores on soil science knowledge quizzes available to be used alongside school education and curricula assessments provided evidence of student learning supported by Soil-Net resources. Third, analysis based on user ratings and qualitative feedback revealed good satisfaction ratings by primary and secondary school students, teachers, and parents. Usage data analysis offers an initial evaluation of Soil-Net, although further research is required to evaluate support for curricula and student learning. Next steps include development of Web site resources using innovative pedagogies to ensure applicability and sustainability and research to further evaluate how Soil-Net is used in schools and its contribution to soil science teaching and learning.
Soil investigation may be carried out on various levels of knowledge, research capacity and proficiency. Scientists commonly apply advanced methodology for soil resources inventory, including the professional terminology for landscape and soil description, data acquisition and processing, soil classification and mapping, soil and land evaluation. By default, an internationally accepted system should be recommended. An implementation of such methodology is also recommended in more advanced courses of soil science studies on bachelor and master study levels. However, the long-term teaching experience reveals difficulties connected mainly with complicated terminology and excessive number of characteristics obligatory to know, and justifies some simplification of the language, rules and structure at the introductory stage of teaching. This was the base and rationale for the preparation of simplified Guidelines for Soil Description and Classification: Central and Eastern European Students' Version. This book is divided into three parts. The first one – Site and soil description - follows the layout and content of professional edition of Guidelines for Soil Description, 4th ed., published by FAO (2006), simplified for educational purposes. The order of description has been modified to correspond to the layout of an original Soil description sheet. The second part - Soil classification - is a simplified WRB classification (based on a 2014/2015 edition) limited to reference soil groups known from Central Europe. The third part is an Illustrated explanatory guide that includes: i) examples of typical soil profiles for all Central European Reference Soil Groups; ii) morphological features important for soil description and identification in the field; iii) soil- landscape relationships. The photos have been enriched with graphical tips helpful at the recognizing of important soil features. The textbook was developed in the framework of EU Erasmus+ FACES project (Freely Accessible Central European Soil) aiming to facilitate the knowledge and implementation of an international rules of soil characterization adopted by the FAO. It will be used to unify the presentation of soil data collected in the partner countries. The interpretation of soil data fully based on the international soil classification WRB (World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2015) as WRB was endorsed by the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) and accepted by the European Commission as an official system for the European Union. Therefore, this guideline might be a starting point for preparation of basic teaching materials to spread the knowledge on an internationally recommended rules and terminology for soil description and classification. However, this guideline is designed as teaching tool for students in Central and Eastern European countries and therefore it may not be applicable worldwide. Moreover, it is suited for the "first step" training, and it is not substituting any professional original classification. Authors of this guidebook assume that the users are familiar with the basic knowledge in soil science. Therefore, the guidelines do not contain explanations related to basic soil forming factors, soil forming processes and basic physico-chemical features.
Abstract The teaching of soil classification in the universities of Russia is being discussed as a comparatively new experience in the education of environmental science students. The lecture course (24–30 academic hours) changes in response to the inevitable changes in soil classification systems. In the introduction, the objectives and structure of soil classifications are outlined, and then a brief overview of the most well-known national systems is given, which is also important for understanding the difficulties, origin and problems of the International WRB system. The latter is the central point of the lecture course: its principles are explained, the main diagnostic features of Reference Soil Groups are communicated, and students are trained to use system basing on the descriptions of soil profiles and analytical data relating to them. As a result, students give WRB names to soils either by correlating with a name from the national system, which is familiar to them, or by looking at soil profile photos; in both cases morphological and analytical data are clarified by the teacher. Chernozem is used as an example for training. In the conclusion, the reasons to know soil classifications are specified, and they are differentiated for soil scientists, geochemists and geographers.
The article describes the achievements of scientists of the leading scientific school of thought on the development of soil protection technologies in Ukraine, founded by Vasyl Onufriievych Pastushenko (1907–1999). The introduction of the years of the scientists' research in Ukrainian farms with different soil and climatic conditions has resulted in efficient production of quality agricultural products and improvement of environmental conditions, particularly, the improvement of soil protection crop rotations with the cultivation of mixtures of perennial legumes and siderates, anti-erosion cultivation of soil across the slopes, fertilizer and mulching, etc. Among the followers of Vasyl Pastushenko are the well-known scientists P. I. Boiko, V. O. Borodan, V. V. Kulbida, H. K. Medvid, I. H. Predko, I. H. Zakharchenko, and others. The purpose of the article is to review the achievements of these scientists in the development of soil protection, anti-erosion measures in different soil and climatic conditions in Ukraine.
Abstract Soil classification systems provide a common language for scientific communication, represent the diversity of soils and create a scientific basis for soil management, monitoring and conservation. There are several soil classifications currently in use in Russia. Teaching soil systematics to students at the Faculty of Soil Science of the LMSU has developed over the years to meet specific requirements at different stages of education. Students learn to use and correlate different classification systems. Bachelor's students study classifications to enable professional communication and describing soil diversity. Master's students further learn the key principles of soil formation, historical and current trends in the development of soil science and the international terminology of soil science. Studying different aspects of the theory and practice of soil classification at different stages of education gives our students a solid base for systematising their knowledge and acquiring skills in scientific research.
Pillar Two of the GSP underpins many of the actions under the other Pillars by addressing the general lack of societal awareness of the importance of soil in people's lives and the well - being of the planet. In many cases, deficiency in education is the specific underlying cause of unsustainable land management practices, of the general lack of investment (both in education and physical measures to protect soil) and, as importantly, of the widespread political reluctance to adopt short - and long - term measures to preserve and enhance soil conditions. The Plan of Action (PoA) for Pillar 2 consists of six interlinked and interdependent components: policy, investment, education, extension, public awareness and technical cooperation. The development of the PoA was initiated at the European Network Soil Awareness (ENSA) workshop in Aberdeen in September 2013. This was followed by discussions at the 2013 Global Soil Week in Berlin which lead to the establishment of a Working Group to produce a draft plan of action , which was eventually endorsed by t he ITPS in April 2014. The PoA was presented, reviewed and adopted by the Plenary Assembly of the GSP in July 2014. Seven key recommendations are presented. Robust policy frameworks are one means of ensuring the sustainable management and protection of soils. Therefore, governments must be in vited to create or reinforce policies on soil and its protection. Whereas soil protection and management is a long - term aim, most political decisions are governed by short - term ambitions that reflect the lifetime of governments or politicians. Today's highly urbanised society means that the population is largely detached from food and fibre production issues and lack s a fundamental understanding of the role o f soil in enabling such life - critical services. It is disappointing to observe that society in many parts of the world attaches a greater value to developments in subjects such as particle physics and mobile communication than essential issues such as soil fertility. The PoA calls for a systematic awareness raising campaign in all countries on how soil relates to people's everyday lives. This can be done through brief and vivid messages, not only as part of the World Soil Day celebrations and during the forthcoming International Year of Soils, but also as a sustained long - term outreach and engagement programme. The PoA recommends a significant increase in investments to support such actions. Education in soil sciences is important and needs to be taken into account by other disciplines. The current soil science community should strive to show synergies with other domains to demonstrate its relevance. Pressure should be brought at all levels to halt the decline in soil science teaching at tertiary level, while boosting professional technical qualifications and support to educationalists, so that soils and agriculture can be more appealing for the younger generations. Soil extension services should interpret and present relevant research - based information to a broader range of stakeholders in an understandable and usable form, including farmer - to - farmer schemes or through initiatives such as the Soils Doctors Programme. The technical approach underlying the extension services should reflect mutually beneficial cooperation rather than from mere transfers from one partner to another. Finally, investments must go hand in hand with awareness o f the importance of soil resources. These investments should develop an effective skills base and entrepreneurship among soil users. The GSP should make full use of such tools as the Healthy Soils Facility to generate and facilitate the collection of financial contributions to the PoA.
This article describes how the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Cooperative Extension Service (CES) might serve as a model for improving the dissemination of education research and development results. It is based on a paper prepared for the House Subcommittee on Select Education in the U.S. Congress, to assist the reauthorization of the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) in the U.S. Department of Education. After reviewing the distinctive aspects of each dissemination system, the author lists various features of CES that might be replicated and others that should be avoided.
4 pages, figures, and tables statistics. ; Heavy metals in the soils of old mining areas, besides affecting the productivity of their ecosystems, could also affect animal and human health. To test this hypothesis, we assessed the bioavailability of heavy metals to forage crops used as human food sources or components of fodder. The sites examined were the surrounding soils of two abandoned mines in Central Spain polluted with Al, Fe, Mn, and more than one of the heavy metals Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, Cr or Ni, and As. All elements were determined by plasma emission spectroscopy with the exception of As, which was quantified by XRF. Levels of Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu and Fe were high in roots as well as in the above-ground parts of the plants, and high As levels were also found in roots. The accumulation of heavy metals by this plant was assessed in terms of its possible use for phytoremediation but also in view of its possible detrimental impacts on humans as well as wild and domestic animals. Strategies for education in areas faced with this problem are also proposed. People living in rural areas will need to be taught ecological concepts but we will also have to alert political leaders and administrators to the problem to encourage them to invest in dealing with polluted soils. In this context, it is essential to understand both the elements and processes affecting ecosystems and the perception and opinions held by the rural population of the problem of soil pollution. KEYWORDS: Ecosystems health, grasslands, agrosystems, polluted soils, phytoremediation INTRODUCTION The environment plays a major role in the health of individuals and communities, including air, water and soil, through which exposure to chemical, biological and physical agents may occur [1]. For several decades, Central Spain has sustained substantial mining activities. Although presently abandoned, the effects of these mines persist [2, 3]. The ecosystems affected by old mines are mainly grasslands consumed by cattle and sheep that are often surrounded by lands given over to forage crops, mainly barley, wheat and oats. These sites show more than one heavy metal in their topsoil layers. Thus, the heavy metals in soils of these Mediterranean ecosystems, besides affecting the productivity of the systems, could also have impacts on animal and human health. Heavy metals detected in the aerial portions of grazing and forage plant species pose a serious health risk for herbivores. Cu and Pb are both toxic with the latter being moderately toxic for plants and highly toxic for animals; Zn and Cr also have known toxic effects. This study was designed to determine the bioavailability of heavy metals to oats used as a food source or component of fodder. ; Project CTM2008-04827/TECNO of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; EIADES Program of the Community of Madrid. ; Peer reviewed
Abstract There is a considerable amount of confusion in soil-related topics at all levels of Slovenian education. The fundamental problem is the use of the term "soil". We use several different terms for more or less the same natural phenomenon. Other problems include the lack of an official Slovenian soil classification, the occasional use of out-of-date soil topics in primary and secondary education, the inexpert use of soil names for soil types of the World, and very few higher education soil specialisations. There are a lot of existing initiatives to improve the current state, but there are still a lot of obstacles impeding this process.
Soil carbon losses to the atmosphere, via soil heterotrophic respiration, are expected to increase in response to global warming, resulting in a positive carbon-climate feedback. Despite the well-known suite of abiotic and biotic factors controlling soil respiration, much less is known about how the magnitude of soil respiration responses to temperature changes over soil development and across contrasting soil properties. Here we investigated the role of soil development stage and soil properties in driving the responses of soil heterotrophic respiration to temperature. We incubated soils from eight chronosequences ranging in soil age from hundreds to million years, and encompassing a wide range of vegetation types, climatic conditions and chronosequences origins, at three assay temperatures (5 °C, 15 °C and 25 °C). We found a consistent positive effect of assay temperature on soil respiration rates across the eight chronosequences evaluated. However, chronosequences parent materials (sedimentary/sand dunes or volcanic) and soil properties (pH, phosphorus content and microbial biomass) determined the magnitude of this temperature effect. Finally, we observed a positive effect of soil development stage on soil respiration across chronosequences that did not alter the magnitude of assay temperature effects. Our work reveals that key soil properties alter the magnitude of the positive effect of temperature on soil respiration found across ecosystem types and soil development stages. This information is essential to better understand the magnitude of the carbon-climate feedback and thus to establish accurate greenhouse gas emission targets. ; This research received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement 702057. M.D. was supported by an FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU-15/00392). M.D. and F.T.M. are supported by the European Research Council (Consolidator Grant Agreement No 647038, ...
Soil and Water Conservation: An Annotated Bibliography highlights freely-available online resources covering various aspects of soil and water conservation, and is designed to be a resource for conservation students and practitioners. The thirteen chapters in the annotated bibliography are grouped into four sections, including History and Fundamentals, Conservation Practices, Conservation Implementation, and Careers. Types of cited resources include extension bulletins, USDA NRCS conservation practice standards, and other government reports and resources. Cited resources are generally concise, easily read, and meant for general audiences. Annotations and images are used to provide context for each resource. Many contributors made Soil and Water Conservation: An Annotated Bibliography possible through their assistance with technical edits, outline development, identifying resources, or writing annotations. Chapter authors are experts and practitioners of soil and water conservation, or students of soil and water conservation who worked under the supervision of the editor, Colby Moorberg. The annotated bibliography is used as the primary text for Kansas State University's AGRON 635 – Soil and Water Conservation, which is taught by Moorberg. ;