Modernization of employment structures enhancing socioeconomic cohesion in the European Union countries
In: Journal of international studies, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 189-205
ISSN: 2306-3483
293 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of international studies, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 189-205
ISSN: 2306-3483
This article addresses the concept of Territorial Cohesion, which has been gaining increasing interest within academia and the EU policy circles. In particular, this article examines its relevance and main dimensions, and also suggests a comprehensive definition based on those dimensions. Additionally, this paper proposes a methodology which can be used to measure Territorial Cohesion in a given territory. Furthermore, the article also highlights the importance of the territorial dimension as a key topic in the EU political agenda and, at the same time, gives a contribution to answer several questions for debate expressed in the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
This article addresses the concept of Territorial Cohesion, which has been gaining increasing interest within academia and the EU policy circles. In particular, this article examines its relevance and main dimensions, and also suggests a comprehensive definition based on those dimensions. Additionally, this paper proposes a methodology which can be used to measure Territorial Cohesion in a given territory. Furthermore, the article also highlights the importance of the territorial dimension as a key topic in the EU political agenda and, at the same time, gives a contribution to answer several questions for debate expressed in the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion. ; The paper is published by the European Journal of Spatial Development (EJSD). The previous version of the journal was host by Nordregio. The same version of the paper can also be found in NordPub.
In: Urban studies, Band 42, Heft 13, S. 2447-2470
ISSN: 1360-063X
In the Netherlands, the post-war housing estates are increasingly experiencing problems. Some of these relate to the concentration of households with a low socioeconomic status on these estates. The Big Cities Policy aims to improve liveability in deprived urban areas by increasing the number of high-income households and thereby decreasing the share of problem-causing households in the neighbourhood. The increased differentiation in education, ethnicity, income, home-ownership structure and lifestyle presents a challenge to social cohesion. This paper demonstrates how differences between socioeconomic and ethnic groups relate to different dimensions of social cohesion: social networks, common values and place attachment and identity. The issue is interesting since social cohesion can help enhance liveability and increase the tolerance between groups that is so often lacking in multiethnic neighbourhoods with residents from many different socioeconomic backgrounds. The paper is based on a fieldwork study undertaken on two estates in the cities of Utrecht and The Hague in the Netherlands. As expected, quantitative analyses show clear differences between native Dutch people and members of other ethnic groups. Contrary to expectations, socioeconomic characteristics do not lead on all dimensions of social cohesion to differences in the degree of social cohesion. The conclusion drawn is that increasing the diversity of socioeconomic or ethnic groups in deprived urban areas is likely to lead to less social cohesion.
This article addresses the territorial impacts of the EU Cohesion Policy in Iberian Peninsula (1990-2010). It makes use of an innovated TIA tool (the TARGET_TIA) which goes beyond the typical EU dimensional TRIAD (economy + society + environment) in assessing territorial impacts, as it also values the "territorial governance" and "spatial planning" related components in this fundamental analysis. Moreover, this TIA tool allows for a multivector enquiry, by including counterfactual evaluation elements, such as the multiplier, the exogenous, and the sustainable policy effects. In the end, our analysis concluded that the territorial impacts from the EU Cohesion Policy in both Iberian countries were positive (+1.3 in a scale from -4 to +4). Notwithstanding, these impacts were more positive in Spain than in Portugal. However, the obtained "generic potential impact value" for Iberian Peninsula was far from a desired one, which showed high inefficiencies in the use of EU funds. Also, a high variation in the analysed dimensions was detected. In sum, the positive impacts were higher in the socioeconomic cohesion and the environmental sustainability dimensions, whereas the territorial governance/cooperation and morphologic polycentricity ones obtained residual positive impact values. Furthermore, at the regional level, large asymmetries were detected in these estimated impact values, as the less developed Iberian regions showed, in general, less positive results, than the more developed ones.
In: The Urban Book Series
Introduction: A handbook on territorial impact assessment (TIA) -- Part 1: EU and national public policies for territorial cohesion -- EU policies and strategies and territorial cohesion -- National policies and territorial cohesion -- Part 2: Socioeconomic development policies for territorial cohesion -- Equal opportunities, fair work and social protection for increasing territorial cohesion: Impacts of COVID-19 for young people in Portuguese low-density territories -- Nonprofit organizations and territorial cohesion: The case of cross-border collaboration -- Part 3: Environmental sustainability policies territorial cohesion -- Environmental sustainability for territorial cohesion via the EU territorial agenda -- Sustainable urbanisation for territorial cohesion -- Part 4: Urban policies for territorial cohesion -- Urban and regional planning for territorial cohesion -- Spatial planning for territorial cohesion -- Part 5: Territorial cooperation and governance policies for territorial cohesion -- EU cohesion policy territorial cooperation for territorial cohesion -- Territorial governance via EGTCs for territorial cohesion -- Conclusions.
In: The urban book series
Intro -- Foreword -- Introduction -- Contents -- Editor and Contributors -- Part I EU and National Public Policies for Territorial Cohesion -- 1 EU Policies and Strategies and Territorial Cohesion -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 EU Strategic Development Agendas and Territorial Cohesion -- 1.3 EU Cohesion Policy and Territorial Cohesion -- 1.4 EU Territorial Agendas and Territorial Cohesion -- 1.5 Conclusion -- References -- 2 National Policies and Territorial Cohesion -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.1.1 Theoretical Framework and Policy Setting Rationale -- 2.1.2 The Exercise of Compatibility Between Public Policy Instruments Arising from the Recovery and Resilience Facility and from Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 -- 2.1.3 The Recovery and Resilience Facility's Rationale and Intervention Model -- 2.2 Recovery and Resilience Plans and National Policies -- 2.2.1 Main Policy Areas Covered by the RRPs -- 2.3 Strategic and Functional Articulation Between RRPs and CP 2021-2027 -- 2.4 RRPs and the Territorialization of Approaches -- 2.5 Conclusions -- References -- Part II Socioeconomic Development Policies for Territorial Cohesion -- 3 Equal Opportunities, Fair Work and Social Protection: Impacts of COVID-19 on Young People in Portuguese Rural Territories -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 EU and Portuguese Rural Areas: A Snapshot -- 3.3 Young People in Rural Areas -- 3.3.1 Youth and Shrinking Demography -- 3.3.2 Declining Economies -- 3.3.3 Institutional Support -- 3.4 COVID-19 Impacts on Portuguese Young People Living in Rural Areas -- 3.4.1 Equal Opportunities: Education and Transition to the Labour Market -- 3.4.2 Fair Working Conditions: Youth (un)employment -- 3.4.3 Social Protection: Poverty, Social Exclusion and Health Needs -- 3.5 Discussion and Conclusion -- 3.5.1 Implications for Research and Policy -- References.
In: Urban studies, Band 49, Heft 9, S. 1873-1889
ISSN: 1360-063X
This article aims to clarify the concept of social cohesion by embedding it within a dynamic, multiscalar and complex understanding of socioeconomic development in the city. Section 1 gives a European perspective on the relationship between differing views of social cohesion and urban policy and how its relation to competitiveness is inherent to contemporary EU cohesion discourse. It examines the ambiguity of policy orientations that seek an answer to this failing functionalisation. Section 2 unravels the complexity and multidimensionality of social cohesion as a problématique. It systematises social cohesion as an 'open concept', distinguishing between its socioeconomic, cultural, ecological and political dimensions. Section 3 offers ways of accommodating the tensions and contradictions between cohesion and competitiveness inherent in capitalist market economies, and argues in favour of a progressive neo-structuralist approach, capable of laying out policies to make cities more inclusive for all inhabitants in all their uniqueness and diversity.
The aim of this paper is to determine whether it is possible, in line with the purpose of the cohesion policy, to identify the elimination of disparities across the EU 2004+ countries and their cohesion regions, as measured by a relevant method of geographical analysis of disparities. The disparities were assessed, based on the indicator of gross domestic product per capita, both for each country as a whole and for individual cohesion regions. We have chosen the Theil index as the primary method of assessment, with the results then being checked using the Adjusted Geographic Concentration index (AGC). Both methods have consistently shown that, although there are disparities in the GDP per capita indicator among the countries and their cohesion regions, the disparities can be qualified as relatively low (with the exception of Hungary) based on the values gained using the two methods. Regarding the actual development of disparities, the Theil index identified a significant increase, especially after the crisis year of 2008, while the harmonized AGC index of production revealed, with regard to the different development of individual national indices (stagnation, decline and growth), that the development of discrepancies in wealth creation has not changed.
In: Environment and behavior: eb ; publ. in coop. with the Environmental Design Research Association, Band 34, Heft 1, S. 26-53
ISSN: 1552-390X
In the study reported in this article the roles of social cohesion, residential satisfaction, and place identification are examined for their effect on place-related social identity and its consequential impact on attitudes to environmental sustainability. Two neighborhoods in Guildford, Surrey, England were selected on the basis of their social histories, housing types, and socioeconomic composition. Ninety residents in each neighborhood were sampled. Research methods included cognitive mapping and a questionnaire survey. A structural equation model was used to analyze the covariances between the different factors. The results show clear differences between the two neighborhoods in terms of residential satisfaction, with only some differences in terms of identification and social cohesion and sustainability. Conclusions are drawn that suggest an important relationship between identity and sustainability behavior that is suggestive for future research.
In: Social science quarterly, Band 73, Heft 4, S. 798-814
ISSN: 0038-4941
Variables compiled from various secondary sources are used to analyze the political & economic conditions under which states protect local firms from hostile takeovers. Findings suggest that high unemployment & the presence of nationally oriented firms facilitate the passage of takeover statutes; a speculative business environment & union headquarters do not. Finance capital institutions help define the interests to which legislators respond. Consistent with bank hegemony theory, the results indicate that finance capital helps unify the business community around their broad class interests in stability, while shifting the balance of power away from unions. 4 Tables, 26 References.
THIS LAST CHAPTER EXPLAINS THE SOURCES OF POLITICAL cohesion in Nuevo León. In its first section, the chapter identifies the very few instances of major political conflict that took place in this state in the second half of the twentieth century and first six years of the twenty-first century, and then provides a general explanation of these events. The subsequent section explains how different factors and actors interact to generate political cohesion and prevent political factionalism in the state. This section identifies specific means and motivations (socioeconomic, institutional, and cultural) that prevent major civil conflict and political violence in a rich northern Mexican state. The chapter concludes with an assessment of the key role of institutional factors in sustaining political cohesion in Nuevo León.
El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las trayectorias de cohesión interna en la Unión Europea, a escala de país, para el periodo 2000-2015. Al mismo tiempo la información generada ha permitido identificar agrupaciones de países, a través de un análisis clúster, en cuanto a su comportamiento conjunto en crecimiento, convergencia, desarrollo y cohesión. Concretamente, la trayectoria de cada país se compara con su clúster más próximo. Estas agrupaciones servirán para rediseñar las políticas generales y específicas, por grandes áreas, encaminadas al cumplimiento de los objetivos de la actual Estrategia 2014-2020 y futura Estrategia 2021-2027 ; The objective of this research is to analyse, at country level, the trajectories of internal cohesion in the European Union for the period 2000-2015. At the same time, the information generated has made it possible to identify groupings of countries through a cluster analysis in regard to the joint performance of growth, convergence, development and cohesion. Specifically, the trajectory of each country is compared with the nearest cluster. These groups will serve to redesign the general and specific policies of large areas that are directed at achieving the objectives of the current strategy (2014-2020) and the future strategy (2021-2027)
The objective of this research is to analyse, at country level, the trajectories of internal cohesion in the European Union for the period 2000-2015. At the same time, the information generated has made it possible to identify groupings of countries through a cluster analysis in regard to the joint performance of growth, convergence, development and cohesion. Specifically, the trajectory of each country is compared with the nearest cluster. These groups will serve to redesign the general and specific policies of large areas that are directed at achieving the objectives of the current strategy (2014-2020) and the future strategy (2021-2027). ; El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las trayectorias de cohesión interna en la Unión Europea, a escala de país, para el periodo 2000-2015. Al mismo tiempo la información generada ha permitido identificar agrupaciones de países, a través de un análisis clúster, en cuanto a su comportamiento conjunto en crecimiento, convergencia, desarrollo y cohesión. Concretamente, la trayectoria de cada país se compara con su clúster más próximo. Estas agrupaciones servirán para proponer, plantear o diseñar políticas generales y específicas, por grandes áreas, encaminadas al cumplimiento de los objetivos de la actual Estrategia 2014-2020 y futura Estrategia 2021-2027.
In: Studia diplomatica: Brussels journal of international relations, Band 58, Heft 3, S. 77-114
ISSN: 0770-2965
This article aims to present the issues of social cohesion in the Andean Community of Nations (CAN, in Spanish). First of all, we will present a theoretical description of the social cohesion concept and the different approaches that exist in the European Union and Latin America. Secondly, we will identify certain socioeconomic processes which have exerted an influence on the social cohesion of the Andean sub-region. Thirdly, we will tackle the crucial issue of employment. And finally, we will present the social agenda defined by the CAN. Tables, Graphs.