Socialt kapital : teori, begrepp och mätning - en kunskapsöversikt med fokus på folkhälsa
Social capital has become an attractive theoretical perspective for a range of phenomena. However there is no consensus about definitions and measures of the concept. The aim of this paper is to make a Swedish review with relevance for public health of how the concept is used among some well cited researchers in political science, sociology, economy and public health. The review describes the background and use of the concept within these four disciplines. Different forms and perspectives on social capital are reviewed, and the important question about sources and consequences of social capital is discussed. Some of the critics against the concept are also presented. Social capital is often measured by connecting variables from already existing databases to the concept. However there are also examples of instruments that are prepared especially for measuring social capital and some of these are showed in this review. Examples of both quantitative and qualitative studies are presented. The review calls attention to the wide application of social capital within public health. The concept is useful in understanding the connections between social factors and health outcome on three different levels, - state, community and individual level. Some researchers state that the concept is too broad to be able to add some new knowledge; while this review argues that a wide application also could be a benefit. The question about health determinants is complex and could not be understood only on one level. Social capital can add important new knowledge about health determinants on all three levels. However, there is a need for further theoretical development to make the research about social capital and health valid. The basis for community social capital has to be clarified. In addition, there is a need for more knowledge about the collective and the individual aspects of social capital. Analysis of social capital on different levels also demands awareness of the fact that social capital could have positive consequences on one level and concurrently, negative consequences on another level. ; Syftet med denna rapport är att bidra till en svensk kunskapsöversikt om hur begreppet socialt kapital definieras och används av några flitigt refererade forskare på området, med ett särskilt fokus på folkhälsa. Inledningsvis görs en genomgång av hur begreppet definieras, beskrivs och används inom statsvetenskap, sociologi, ekonomi och folkhälsa. Därefter redovisas olika former av och perspektiv på socialt kapital. Sedan görs ett försök att bena ut vilka källorna till, respektive effekterna av socialt kapital kan vara. En del av den kritik som finns mot begreppet redovisas och därefter presenteras en sammanfattande matris över hur begreppet används inom de fyra redovisade kunskapsområdena. Rapporten tar också upp frågan om hur socialt kapital mäts, där en rad exempel på undersökningar och mätinstrument för socialt kapital presenteras. Inom EU-finansierade projektet Urban Design.