The Social Economy in Cameroon
In: Transnationalisierung und Regionalisierung vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, 14
91561 Ergebnisse
In: Transnationalisierung und Regionalisierung vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, 14
In: Political and social economy
In: International Labour Office, Working Paper No. 67; ISBN: 9789221292883
The contributions to this volume, flowing from an inter-regional and international network of scholars and community organizations, analyze how the social economy, in its many manifestations, interacts with and shares commonalities with organizations in the other sectors of the economy. Taken as a whole, Researching the Social Economy enriches our understanding of how this important cluster of organizations contributes to Canadian society in both economic and social terms, and lays the groundwork for future study."--Pub. desc
In: Review of social economy: the journal for the Association for Social Economics, Band 43, Heft 3, S. 371-379
ISSN: 1470-1162
In: Review of social economy: the journal for the Association for Social Economics, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 160-173
ISSN: 1470-1162
The contributions to this volume, flowing from an inter-regional and international network of scholars and community organizations, analyze how the social economy, in its many manifestations, interacts with and shares commonalities with organizations in the other sectors of the economy. Taken as a whole, Researching the Social Economy enriches our understanding of how this important cluster of organizations contributes to Canadian society in both economic and social terms, and lays the groundwork for future study."--Pub. desc.
In: Social Europe guide Vol. 4
In: Social Europe
In: Contemporary political economy series
In: International journal of urban and regional research: IJURR, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 225-229
ISSN: 0309-1317
Québec has been structuring and promoting a social economy sector since the mid-1990s. What explains this specificity of the Québec social model? Careful process tracing analysis reveals that the mobilization of Québec's left in the mid-1990s, followed by coalition engineering during the 1996 economy and employment summit, account for Québec's distinct trajectory. Consistent with power resource theory (PRT), at the agenda-setting stage, protagonists of Québec's social economy policies were associated with the left. Contrary to what is assumed by PRT, however, at the decision stage, the right's consent to social economy policies was not conditioned by a weak bargaining position or by a fear of antagonizing voters.RÉSUMÉLe Québec appuie et structure un secteur de l'économie sociale depuis le milieu des années 1990. Comment expliquer cette spécificité du modèle social québécois? Une analyse attentive du retraçage des processus révèle que la mobilisation de la gauche québécoise au milieu des années 1990, suivie d'une coalition autour de l'économie sociale formée au moment du Sommet sur l'économie et l'emploi en 1996, expliquent la trajectoire distincte du Québec. De façon cohérente avec la théorie des ressources de pouvoir (PRT), à l'étape de la mise à l'agenda, les protagonistes des politiques visant à appuyer l'économie sociale au Québec étaient associés à la gauche. Contrairement à ce qui est supposé par la PRT, cependant, à l'étape de la prise de décision, l'appui de la droite à ces politiques ne reposait pas nsur un faible rapport de force ou sur une crainte de s'aliéner les électeurs.