Ricefor the poor program, known as Raskin is one of the government programs to reduce expenditure and the protection of poor families through the distribution of rice with a number and a specified price .in the distribution of Raskin often encountered obstacles or problems, one of them for leveling Raskin amount received by all recipients Raskin. While there are different social degrees between the receiver Raskin. Raskin distribution given the same amount to all recipients Raskin, happens because it is still done manually allowing the occurrence of a subjective determination by the village government because it has not referring to predetermined criteria. In this study used methods of SAW (Simple Additive Weight). SAW weighted summation , namely by finding a weighted sum of the value of the performance of each alternative on all attributes and requires a decision matrix normalization process (X) to a scale which can be compared with all existing alternatives value. The results of this analysis, a decision support system determines the amount of rice for the poor (Raskin ) using Simple Additive Weight (SAW) in the village Puupi, Kolono, Southern Konawe district. The analysis is given based on the normalized matrix multiplication and summation with weights. Keywords—Decision Support System, Simple Additive Weight (SAW), Raskin
Education is very important given the Government programs which require a minimum of 9 years of education, but many societies among medium size down unable to finance the education of their sons and daughters to 9 years. Indonesia Smart program is one of a national program that aims to increase the number of elementary and secondary education participation, increase sustainability education marked with menurunya numbers dropouts, as well as improving secondary education students readiness to enter the job market or proceed to higher education.In this research will be made a decision support system (SPK) to facilitate in the selection criteria for the Smart Card recipient Indonesia students who deserve help, the method used in this research is the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), this method was chosen because it can determine the value weights for each attribute, and then do the perangkingan process will determine the alternatives to get more accurate results are eligible to receive smart cards help indonesia .By applying the method of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) hope to provide ease in taking decisions which are appropriate and accurate.
This study aims to determine the acceptance of covid19 assistance. The COVID 19 pandemic is devastating, resulting in a lot of unemployment. The poverty rate is increasing, and there are also cases of rampant mortality, the mobility of the community itself and security insecurity. With that, the government plans to provide special assistance for people who cannot afford to face the COVID 19 pandemic. The distribution of social assistance as a realization of the social safety net program during the COVID 19 pandemic has worried many homeworkers, starting from reduced income, setting targets to distribution. However, the mechanism for distributing aid often becomes very complicated, or the nominal amount decreases and there is often an inaccurate point of view because the criteria for beneficiaries do not match the data that is inaccurate / does not match the reality in the field, resulting in misunderstandings between the community. In essence, the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method is often known as the weighted method. The basic concept of the Simple Additive Weighthing (SAW) method is to find the weighted sum of the performance branches for each alternative on all criteria. The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method requires a decision matrix normalization process. So the author uses the Simple Additive Weighting method or it is often said with the term SAW. To solve this problem, namely by using one of the methods to obtain a multiple and complete assessment of criteria with a conferential thinking framework to carry out hierarchical considerations, then calculate the weight of each criterion to determine the priority recommendations for receiving COVID 19 assistance according to the data. On the results of this study.
Abstract-monitoring technology is an area or region now isgrowing rapidly, this refers to the interest to be used.Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is a type of camera thatwas used for the supervisor of the building or room, but itcan also be used to monitor the condition of congestion androad conditions. The problems are the installation ofCCTV is not always right on target because it is onlyinstalled for trend following, without looking at theconditions that will be installed, so it becomes less thanoptimal. Many of the problems in need of supervision bythe Government. Problems such as road density, accidentprone area, business area, area schools, parking area andpopulation density at the location of the road is a problemthat requires supervision. In order for the supervision canbe done with the optimal technological devices are usedthen the information and communication technology, theutilization for surveillance of a region commonly referredto with the Smart Monitoring, the device that can be usedis CCTV. In order to target the right CCTV installationrequires a calculation and analysis of the right against theconditions of the point to be fitted, to allow the installationof CCTV can be right on target and not just follow thetrend of development of the technology. Many of theproblems that have to be analyzed before the installationof CCTV, to find the solution of many problems, thisresearch using methods MCDM method Simple AdditiveWeighting (SAW). Based on the results of the calculationof 40 data points of observation in the city of XYZ with 10categories, problems and preferences 3 weights usedproduce a value Vi maximum 4 point, and that point isrecommended for CCTV installed.Keywords: SAW, CCTV
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered type of coronavirus. Indonesia confirmed the first case of the coronavirus infection that caused Covid-19 in early March 2020. Since then, various countermeasures have been made by the government to reduce the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in various sectors. One of the efforts to tackle Covid-19 transmission is by carrying out community activities. This has an effect on business activities which in turn has an impact on the economy. The economic downturn due to Covid-19 has an impact on increasing the poor population in Indonesia. One of the steps taken by the government in dealing with Covid-19 is by providing social assistance that is prioritized by poor families. The factor that becomes a problem in implementing a program is the right information and the accuracy of the recipient is not right on target. Therefore, the sub-district , as a government agency, processes data on poor families which are classified into three categories, namely near-poor and very poor. In determining these criteria, a decision-making model is known as a Decision Support System (DSS) is needed. The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method was chosen because this method determines the weight value for each attribute. The results obtained from the Simple Additive Weighting method ranking were obtained from 9 very poor categories with the highest value, namely 0.91. Keywords: Social Assistance,COVID-19,Simple Additive Weighting(SAW). ; COVID-19 adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh jenis corona virus yang baru ditemukan. Indonesia mengonfirmasi kasus pertama infeksi virus corona penyebab Covid-19 pada awal Maret 2020. Sejak itu, berbagai upaya penanggulangan dilakukan pemerintah untuk meredam dampak dari pandemi Covid-19 di berbagai sektor. Salah satu upaya penanggunalangan penularan Covid-19 dengan melakukan pembatasan aktivitas masyarakat. Hal ini berpengaruh pada aktivitas bisnis yang kemudian berimbas pada perekonomian. Pelemahan ekonomi akibat Covid-19 berdampak ...
Every year, various regions in Indonesia always have many tourists both local and foreign so as to provide benefits for the government and the surrounding local community. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the tourism sector has slumped. Therefore, to revive the tourism sector in the new normal due to Covid-19, there needs to be various considerations. One of them, namely decision support system for choosing tourist attractions with facilities that meet health protocol standards in the new normal/adaptation of new habits. In this study, a case was raised with the aim of choosing the best tourist attractions in Kendal Regency, Central Java with several criteria determined, especially regarding facilities that comply with health protocols. The calculation in this study was done by Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. The research was conducted by determining alternatives, criteria, and weight values on each criterion. Then the calculation of the value of preferences and stamps to get the best alternative. From the calculations that have been done, the result of the best tourist attractions in Kendal is Tirto Arum Baru with a preference value of 0.766. However, due to the dynamic nature of the criteria and weight data, it is possible that at any time the selected data may change.
Toll roads are one of the transportation media that can be used to facilitate travel. But only vehicles with at least four wheels can enter the toll road area. Toll roads have several service facilities including transaction services, traffic services, construction services, information services, PJR (Highway Patrol) services, and rest area services. Of these services have service attributes. Where the attributes of the services of the service type can be used as research alternative data. The assessment criteria are the class 1 vehicle satisfaction index and the non-group 1 vehicle index. Then from these criteria and alternatives, it can be done to fill in the value data from the survey results on 95 toll road users from group 1, and 49 toll road users from non-group 1. From the data from the survey results, the data is then indexed. Index data can be used as decision-making value data. With criteria data, alternative data, and value data can be created a decision support system (DSS). The development of DSS can be used for satisfaction analysis which can further provide consideration for the government or toll road managers regarding the types of services that need to be improved. This analysis system uses the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. From the results of the study, recommendations were obtained for each attribute of the type of service that must be prioritized for its implementation.
Selection of School Principals with Achievement in the Ministry of Education and Culture is a form of appreciation from the government for principals who have high achievement in the form of exemplary ways to improve the quality of education in schools and in their regions. Through this award, it is hoped that it can further motivate and improve the professionalism of school principals which in turn will improve the quality of national education. The problem in selecting outstanding principals is that the process of selecting outstanding principals is confusing and less optimal in making the selection and there is much interest in assessing school principals, so that the assessment is not carried out in a transparent manner. The design of decision support involves a method that has been widely used by researchers, namely the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) Method, where the process is to find the weighted sum of the performance ratings for each alternative on all attributes. Decision support system testing will be carried out at the Education Office and all data relating to this decision support system will be coordinated with the Education Office.
MTs 2 state Medan Jl. Administrator No. 3 Medan Estate Complex is one of the school governments engaged in education. With the rapid development of technology that develops with the development of science and technology, we must prepare human resources who are able to compete excellently. In order for the formation of quality students, the superior class is a gap in efforts to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. To get quality students will not be separated from good religious knowledge, because if students do not have religious knowledge it will cause competent children to do things that are deviant, whereas in the hadith it has been stated that morals are higher in the placement of knowledge, then a student who does not there are morals then their knowledge will be in vain. This study is to see that to enter the superior class with several specified criteria, namely: Al-Quran test, IQ test, medical history, parent's income, Sem-Odd Value, Sem-Even Value. If these criteria are met, a student will be selected through the results of the ranking of each criterion. Because it takes too much time and the limited ability to see all aspects at one time that has been determined accurately, it causes several errors in decision making. Therefore, a decision support system for selecting a superior class is needed with the criteria determined by the MTs state 2 Medan school, by using the simple additive weighting method (SAW) which can help the school to determine superior class students quickly and accurately. By using the SAW method formula that is connected with each existing criterion to produce a decision in selecting the superior class student. Keywords: superior class, decision support system, SAW
In companies the role of employees is very important. Especially in the assessment of employees for promotion in a company or government agency, an effective and efficient assessment of employees will affect promotions in a company. Usually the company will conduct an employee appraisal for promotion in order to motivate employees to be more active and diligent in their work. Promotion is given to employees on the recommendation of supervisors or supervisors in each part of the work unit based on several assessment criteria. So also happened to PT. Mayora Indah Tbk. Chocolate Division maintenace the production section. Based on research by the author of employee assessments for promotion at PT. Mayora Indah Tbk. The chocolate division of the maintenance section is still subjective. Employee evaluation criteria for promotion at PT. Mayora Indah Tbk. The chocolate division of the production maintenance section is Knowledge, Attendance, Skill, Responsibility, Attitude. The purpose of writing this thesis is one of the graduation requirements for undergraduate (S1) Information Systems study programs at the School of Information and Computer Management (STMIK) Nusa Mandiri Jakarta. In calculating the author uses the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method, because this method is suitable for accurate calculations and is very helpful in the process of calculating every data obtained in this research
Recipients of housing assistance for poor people are government assistance programs that have a limited budget so that not all people receive housing assistance. Criteria for recipients of housing assistance can be seen from 13 criteria such as age, education, occupations, income, land ownership, home ownership, number of occupants, roof conditions, wall conditions, floor conditions, ownership of bathrooms, water sources, electricity sources. To get a decent recipient, a Decision Support System (DSS) is needed to make it easier for the government to provide housing assistance for poor people. Fuzzy Method Simple Additive Weighting (F-SAW) is one method in DSS that can help resolve unstructured problems and can accommodate weakness of SAW method in linguistic and numerical assessments. System testing conducted use sensitivity testing that is with change value weight each criteria in a manner gradually. From sensitivity test above that has been done, the most sensitive is education criteria because when tested three times of high weight is changed to very high has experienced one change, low has 4 times changed and very low has 4 times the change, with these changes the results got 90% presentation for education criteria. From the results of comparisons that have been made between Dinas Sosial and system, data quota that deserves to receive housing assistance as much as 30 data from dinas sosial showed that total data quota is 20 which is same with system and 10 data is not same with system. ; Penerima bantuan rumah untuk warga yang kurang mampu merupakan program bantuan pemerintah yang memiliki anggaran yang terbatas sehingga tidak semua masyarakat menerima bantuan rumah. Penentuan kriteria penerima bantuan rumah dapat dilihat dari 13 kriteria yaitu umur, pendidikan, pekerjaan, penghasilan, kepemilikan tanah, kepemilkan rumah, jumlah pengghuni, kondisi atap, kondisi dinding, kondisi lantai, kepemilikan kamar mandi, sumber air, sumber listrik. Untuk mendapatkan penerima yang layak diperlukan sebuah Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) agar mempermudah pihak pemerintah dalam memberikan bantuan rumah untuk warga yang kurang mampu. Metode Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting (F-SAW) merupakan salah satu metode dalam SPK yang dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah tidak terstruktur serta dapat mengakomodir kekurangan metode SAW dalam penilaian yang bersifat linguistik dan numerik. Pengujian sistem yang dilakukan menggunakan pengujian sensitivitas yaitu dengan merubah nilai bobot masing-masing kriteria secara bertahap. Dari pengujian sensitifitas diatas yang telah dilakukan, kriteria pendidikan paling sensitif karena saat dilakukan pengujian sebanyak tiga kali dari bobot tinggi diubah menjadi sanggat tinggi mengalami 1 kali perubahan, rendah mengalami 4 kali perubahan dan sangat rendah mengalami 4 kali perubahan, dengan perubahan tersebut didapatkan hasil presentasi 90 % untuk kriteria pendidikan. Dari hasil perbandingan yang telah dilakukan antara Dinas Sosial dan sistem, kuota data yang layak untuk menerima bantuan rumah sebanyak 30 data dari Dinas Sosial menunjukan bahwa total kuota data tersebut 20 yang sama dengan sistem dan 10 data tidak sama dengan sistem.
Education is a gate to start the formation of a developed and one-nation country and education is also a gateway to the success of the nation's children, education is something that must be owned by every child and even must be owned by every individual, but there are still many children of the nation who cannot obtain education due to the high cost of education, many donors and volunteers who help unconditionally make a movement of assistance to the level of education, assistance is not only from the government but other there is assistance from outside parties provided to the school aims to provide free educational scholarships at the SMK level (School Secondary Vocational) in private schools, the donors choose to provide funding for vocational level because it is considered Minimum education is at the level of vocational / high school and its level is equivalent, so many Private Schools in the City of Medan so that a decision support system is needed to avoid mistakes in the selection of private high school schools receiving scholarship assistance funds, in this study using the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method
The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1548512919850380 ; This article compares the entropy weight scheme to other subjective weighting schemes using various multi-attribute decision making criteria. We apply the entropy weighting scheme to improve the CARVER center of gravity analysis and targeting analysis that are currently used by Special Operations Forces. We also compare the entropy weighing schemes to other weighting schemes using the ranking of terrorist for targeting. Next, we apply several multi-attribute decision making (MADM) methods using our suggested various weighting schemes to obtain the rankings of the alternatives. We compare the results and provide sensitivity analysis to examine the robustness of each MADM analysis. We conclude that any decision methodology for CARVER and terrorist ranking that used the actual data collected to compute the weights might be a better method than subjective weights.
Pahandut Seberang Village has an average middle to the lower level of economy in the community, so most of the people still need assistance from the government. In Pahandut Seberang Village, the selection of recipients of the Smbako program assistance is still the old way by using from paper. The assessment process is still not transparent in nature and the selection process is very slow and receipt of Sembako programs assistance are not being on target. Therefore, to overcome this problem, a Decision Support System (SPK) is created to help the Pahandut Seberang Village in selecting the recipients prospective of Sembako program assistance In designing and building the system are using 2 development methods, namely the Waterfall method as a software development method and the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method as a decision support system method in its calculations. Where the saw method has 4 stages, namely determining the criteria, determining the suitability, making a decision matrix based on the criteria and normalizing the. The final result is obtained from the ranking, namely the sum of the normalized matrix multiplication R with the weight vector so that the largest value sas a solution. This system testing uses a Black-box testing system. The test results show that the system created has been running according to the expectations of the researcher. This research produces a decision support system for selection of the recipients prospective that can provide recommendations for the recipients prospective the Pahandut Seberang village.
Abstract Objectives Pharmaceutical supply chain is a significant component of the health system in supplying medicines, particularly in countries where main drugs are provided by local pharmaceutical companies. No previous studies exist assessing risks and disruptions in pharmaceutical companies while assessing the pharmaceutical supply chain. Any risks affecting the pharmaceutical companies could disrupt supply medicines and health system efficiency. The goal of this study was the risk assessment in pharmaceutical industry in Iran considering process's priority, hazard and probability of risks. Methods The study was carried out in 4 phases; risk identification through literature review, risk identification in Iranian pharmaceutical companies through interview with experts, risk analysis through a questionnaire and consultation with experts using group analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method and rating scale (RS) and risk evaluation of simple additive weighting (SAW) method. Results In total, 86 main risks were identified in the pharmaceutical supply chain with perspective of pharmaceutical companies classified in 11 classes. The majority of risks described in this study were related to the financial and economic category. Also financial management was found to be the most important factor for consideration. Conclusion Although pharmaceutical industry and supply chain were affected by current political conditions in Iran during the study time, but half of total risks in the pharmaceutical supply chain were found to be internal risks which could be fixed by companies, internally. Likewise, political status and related risks forced companies to focus more on financial and supply management resulting in less attention to quality management.