Der Autor beschäftigt sich aus wissenschaftssoziologischer Perspektive mit dem Strukturproblem der Kontrolle von Wissenschaftlichkeit in Bezug auf die Frage, wie diese Kontrolle einheitlich, effizient und gerecht gestaltet werden könne. Er analysiert dabei verschiedene Praktiken, durch welche die soziologische Komplexität in einer institutionell dysfunktionalen Weise reduziert wird und die sich daher als berufsethisch bedenklich erweisen. Er problematisiert in diesem Zusammenhang z.B. die quantitative Bestimmtheit der wissenschaftlichen Reputation und die Zuteilung der 'venia legendi' beim akademischen Nachwuchs. In seiner Erörterung der Strukturprobleme der Verantwortlichkeit macht er deutlich, dass Soziologen Verantwortung in dem Maße tragen, wie sie vorgeben, aus soziologischen Erklärungen Prognosen und aus diesen geeignete sozialtechnische Schritte zur Lösung bestimmter Probleme ableiten bzw. soziale Phänomene adäquat beschreiben oder deutend verstehen zu können. In dieser Verantwortung stehen sie sowohl als Berater außerwissenschaftlicher Anwender als auch als Forscher und Lehrer gegenüber Fachkollegen und soziologisch Interessierten. Das Ziel, einen soziologischen Konsens herbeiführen zu wollen, erweist sich dabei als soziale Fiktion. (ICI2)
Der Autor setzt sich in diesem Bericht mit den Strahlenwirkungen der Atomenergie im niedrigen Dosisbereich auseinander. Er will beweisen, daß sich hierfür eigentlich kein Grenzwert festlegen läßt, was er anhand einiger Beispiele verdeutlicht. "Für eine bestimmte Erkrankung, nämlich Leukämie im Kindesalter, die durch Röntgenbestrahlung im Mutterleib verursacht wurde, konnte sogar bis zu etwa 0,2 Rem, also bis in den Bereich der natürlichen Strahlungsbelastung, ein linearer Zusammenhang nachgewiesen werden." Derartige Befunde haben jedoch keinen Eingang in die Grenzwertdiskussion gefunden, es wird sogar behauptet, unterhalb von 10 Rem gäbe es keine schädlichen Befunde. Wissenschaftler, die Gegenteiliges nachweisen, werden diffamiert und ihre Forschungsmittel gestrichen. "Es bildet sich durch vielfältige Mechanismen ein falsches Lehrgebäude heraus, das sich hinter dem Rücken der Wissenschaftler mehr und mehr stabilisiert und sich mehr und mehr von der Wirklichkeit entfernt." Dies läßt sich nach Ansicht des Autors nur ändern, wenn sich in der breiten Öffentlichkeit die Einsicht einstellt und dann auch politisch wirksam wird, "daß Atomenergie grundsätzlich abzulehnen ist und es auf Details der Grenzwerte gar nicht mehr ankommt". (psz)
"The dawn of the new image of science, since Galileo, has called into question the Aristotelian concept of science and, thus, the old claim of the scientific profile of theology. This work deals with the idea that theology is not a science. Using Karl Popper's critical rationalism, it searches for explanations as to why it is difficult, if not impossible, for (Catholic) theology to be (regarded as) a science; and why it is still possible to speak of rationality in the context of Catholic theology"--
"The dawn of the new image of science, since Galileo, has called into question the Aristotelian concept of science and, thus, the old claim of the scientific profile of theology. This work deals with the idea that theology is not a science. Using Karl Popper's critical rationalism, it searches for explanations as to why it is difficult, if not impossible, for (Catholic) theology to be (regarded as) a science; and why it is still possible to speak of rationality in the context of Catholic theology"
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In this paper, author deals with Heidegger's account of the modern age as the epoch based on Western metaphysics. In the first part of the paper, he shows that, according to Heidegger, modern interpretation of the reality as the world picture, is essentially determined by Descartes' philosophy. Then, author exposes Heidegger's interpretation of the turn which already took place in Plato's metaphysics and which made possible Descartes' metaphysics and modern epoch. In the second part of the paper, author explores Heidegger's interpretation of science and technology as shoots of very metaphysics. Heidegger emphasizes that the essence of technology corresponds to the essence of subjectivity and shows how the metaphysics of subjectivity subsequently finds its end in Nietzsche's metaphysics of the will to power, as the last word of Western philosophy. In the concluding part, author argues that the contemporary processes of globalization can be just understood as processes of completion of metaphysics. They can be identified as a global rule of the essence of technology. On the basis of Heidegger's vision of overcoming metaphysics, author concludes that it opens the possibility of a philosophy of finitude which points to dialogue with the Other as a way of resolving the key practical issues of the contemporary world.
The revolution of research, precisely, the revolution of knowledge has been transforming the role of modern universities in Europe and farther. Nowadays, it is emphasized the need to revise the whole process of research – technology – production. The enhancement of human knowledge is a consequence of the changes and transformations being done in all aspects of the practical life of the society. A quick development has accompanied the direct or indirect geographical group sciences. Among the widespread fields of study introduced nowadays, it is hard to find another field of study, which is more interdisciplinary than the one being discussed. Albania is trespassing another stage of social and economical transformations, and this is due to political changes undergone in the years 1990-1991. This stage is followed by other new changes which require further scientific studies based on specific topics. An important step has been done in the regional tackling of problems, where it was estimated the interdependence between the geographic environment and the demographic and economic development of specific regions. Such studies have been done in the field of tourism, a field much explored in the aspects of natural and cultural inheritance. The scientific research in Geography needs to be developed through detailed analysis, which is based on primary and secondary data. These data should be well interpreted from a contemporary point of view, characterized also from physical and geographical transformations, as well as social and economical ones. Although the curricula of Geography in Albanian universities has undergone several changes, (a lot of subjects have been added to the curricula), their effect on the scientific research has not been so much reflected. The field of the applicative scientific research in Geography is broad, because the object of Geography is broad. The applicative scientific research of Geography in Albania will give importance to the role of the geographer, especially in different levels of decisions. The paper will show concrete arguments for the necessity of strengthening the applicative character in the scientific research of Geography in our country.
Whereas character education is not new, scientific study of its effectiveness has been only sporadically implemented during the past thirty-five years. Much of the application of character education is therefore not informed by a scientific knowledge base. This article introduces a scientific perspective on character education and a summary of the research base examining the student impact of school-based character education. From this research base, general principles of effective practice are derived. This in turn is used to offer suggestions to practitioners and policy makers for the improvement of school-based character education.
Whereas character education is not new, scientific study of its effectiveness has been only sporadically implemented during the past thirty-five years. Much of the application of character education is therefore not informed by a scientific knowledge base. This article introduces a scientific perspective on character education & a summary of the research base examining the student impact of school-based character education. From this research base, general principles of effective practice are derived. This in turn is used to offer suggestions to practitioners & policy makers for the improvement of school-based character education. 72 References. [Copyright 2004 Sage Publications, Inc.]