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494 Ergebnisse
Der Artikel beleuchtet das islamische Zinsverbot: seine exegetischen Grundlagen, seine inhaltliche Reichweite, seine faktische Umsetzung in historischer Perspektive sowie schließlich die Diskussion um die Ratio dieser Norm. ; The article examines the Islamic prohibition of interest: its exegetical foundations, its scope, its application in historical practice, as well as the debate over its ratio legis.
In: Ahmad, A.U.F., and Hassan, M.K. (2007). Riba and Islamic banking. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance (JIEBF), ISSN: 2070-4658, 3(1), 9-42
In: Danish Ahmed Siddiqui, (2011). "Understanding Riba: A new Approach." Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Volume 50(1) Pages 175-188 (June)
Cover -- Title -- Table of Contents -- About the Authors -- Dedication -- Acknowledgements -- Foreword -- Introduction -- History and definitions -- Approaches to ethics -- Ethical decision-making -- Professional ethics -- The six ethical duties -- The public interest -- The context -- Looking ahead -- 1 Duty to the Wider World -- Introduction -- Law, regulation and professional codes -- Going further -- Key principles -- Conclusion -- Dilemma -- decision tree -- Views from others -- 2 Duty to Society and the End User -- Introduction -- Law, regulation and professional codes
In: Routledge Islamic studies
Banking law (Islamic law); banks and banking; religious aspects; Islam
World Affairs Online
In: Middle Eastern studies, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 64
ISSN: 0026-3206
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, Band 35, Heft 4II, S. 989-1000
Land tenureship may take the form of self-cultivation,
contractual workers, leasing and partnership. This paper focuses on the
last one known as muzara`ah or share-tenancy. After clarifying what riba
stands for, it reviews the misgiving about share-tenancy as a case of
riba. It also argues at length in favour of share-tenancy as a
legitimate mode of land tenure in Shari`ah. Finally, it also draws
attention to some reforms to ameliorate the negative aspects of
share-tenancy arrangements currently in vogue.
Working paper
The world's political and economic tectonic plates are shifting. The old paradigm of mainstream neoclassical economics is collapsing. Paradigmatic revolution is in the air. But what form should paradigmatic revolution take? Western 'free market' finance capitalism is the main cause of present problems and so must be rejected: and also rejected is communism/socialism which abhors Allah, is politically oppressive, and is materially inefficient. The answer lies with genuinely independent nations which have economies free from fiba. These new economies will possess their own money supply and will not rely upon financial capital coming from abroad. Eschewing riba-interest (and interest-equivalents as in forms of Islamic banking), they will be based upon the use of national bank-issued interest-free loans which can be administered by the banking system (imposing only a charge for administration). These loans are for the development and spreading of productive (and associated consuming) capacity to every individual in society. The result is a proper balance of supply and demand (as is required by Say's Theorem) and a forwarding of social and economic justice. The new economics also founds new political, social and environmental solutions.
Working paper
In: Treballs de la Secció de Filosofia i Ciències Socials 3