Frugal and Reverse Innovations - Quo Vadis?
In: Henri Simula, Mokter Hossain, Minna Halme, "Frugal and Reverse Innovations - Quo Vadis?", in Current Science, Forthcoming
582 Ergebnisse
In: Henri Simula, Mokter Hossain, Minna Halme, "Frugal and Reverse Innovations - Quo Vadis?", in Current Science, Forthcoming
In: Journal of developmental entrepreneurship: JDE, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 1301001
ISSN: 1084-9467
In: Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2015 Forthcoming
In: Journal of intercultural management: the journal of Spoleczna Akademia Nauk, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 71-84
ISSN: 2543-831X
In today's changing and competitive environment, innovation is crucial for the survival of any business in the marketplace. Globalization has brought both opportunities and challenges for companies in emerging economies. The intense competitive environment is compelling these companies to innovate, so as to sustain and survive. That is why the emerging market economies are transforming into centers of innovation. These innovations associate with low-cost products like health care devices, wind power, micro finance, electric cars and many more. Multinational companies used to launch new products in the developed world and later on sell the stripped-down version of products to developing parts of the world. Since a few years ago this proces is changing its direction in an opposite way. Innovations initially launched in developing countries are introduced to advanced countries (reverse innovations). This kind of actions make the managers to change the management models of their companies and deal with different intercultural aspects. The aim of this article is to present the reverse innovation idea and typology and identify the most important intercultural aspects in their management.
In: Administración y Organizaciones, Band 22, Heft 42, S. 73-80
In: Broschüren
Die gemeinsame UBA-GIZ Broschüre "Reverse Innovation - Stadtverkehr neu denken durch globales Lernen" untersucht das Potenzial von Reverse Innovation für den Stadtverkehr. Zehn interessante Innovationen aus Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern wurden ausgesucht um deutschen Kommunen wichtige Impulse zu liefern. Neben technischen Innovationen wurden auch soziale und regulatorische Innovationen berücksichtigt wie auch neuartige Geschäftsmodelle. All diese Innovationen können dabei helfen, die Vision des UBA "Stadt für Morgen" Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. - In der vorliegenden Broschüre wird der englischsprachige Begriff "Reverse Innovation" im Kontext städtischer Verkehrsentwicklung verwendet. "Reverse Innovation" beschreibt jedes neue Konzept und jede neue Idee, die zunächst in Entwicklungsländern verwendet, von ihrem lokalen Kontext geprägt wird und das Potenzial aufweist, Impulse für die städtische Verkehrsplanung in Industriestaaten zu setzen. Der Begriff hat seinen Ursprung in der Produktentwicklung und wurde erstmals im Jahre 2009 von Vijay Govindarajan verwendet (Govindarajan 2009 und 2012). Dennoch kann er darüber hinaus für städtische Mobilität hilfreich sein – insbesondere, seitdem Digitalisierungsprozesse zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen und nahezu täglich neue Apps erfunden werden.
In: Innovation: the European journal of social science research, Band 35, Heft 2, S. 196-223
ISSN: 1469-8412
In: The journal of developing areas, Band 56, Heft 1, S. 319-330
ISSN: 1548-2278
In: IEEE transactions on engineering management: EM ; a publication of the IEEE Engineering Management Society, Band 71, S. 10185-10199
"The popular HBR article "How GE is Disrupting Itself" by GE's CEO Jeffrey Immelt, Vijay Govindarajan, and Chris Trimble first coined the term reverse innovation, using it to describe GE's new approach to global strategy. GE, like most multinationals, follows a strategy of developing products at home and then adapting them for other markets around the world. But as growth accelerates in emerging markets and slows in developed ones, GE is also now doing the reverse: developing products in countries like China and India, and then distributing them globally. As the tip of the multinationals iceberg, GE shows that successful global companies will have to do both. But succeeding at reverse innovation requires a different model than the one used in home markets. This book picks up where the ground-breaking HBR article leaves off, and goes beyond describing the reverse innovation phenomenon to showing how to do it. Through eight detailed case studies - PepsiCo, Procter and Gamble, EMC, Deere & Company, Logitech, Harman International , PIH/PACT, and, of course, GE - authors Govindarajan and Trimble explain how to succeed on the ground with reverse innovation, showing how these companies use a different management model than the one they use in their home markets. This book explains the new model these companies use -- the Local Growth Team -- and how it works, and offers a "Reverse Innovation Toolkit" providing readers with a step-by-step action plan for developing and implementing their own reverse innovation strategies. "--
In: International journal of development issues
ISSN: 1758-8553
This study offers a first conceptualisation of sustainable reverse innovation by discussing the contribution of innovation from the Global South towards sustainable development. In so doing, this study aims to recognise an active role played by developing countries in creating viable and innovative solutions that can contribute to the achievement of sustainable development for all.
This study presents five innovation vignettes and discusses them through an antecedents–enablers–consequences scheme for exploring the concept of sustainable reverse innovation. While discussing the model components, this study develops propositions to drive future research directions.
This study contributes to both development studies and innovation studies by recognising and highlighting the role played by businesses in addressing global challenges through sustainable innovation sourced from or inspired by developing countries.
To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first study that offers a conceptualisation of sustainable reverse innovation that goes beyond the low-cost and frugality connotation that has characterised the debate surrounding innovation from emerging economies.
In den letzten Jahren konnten Firmen aus Schwellenländern ihre Marktanteile sowohl in Industrie- als auch in Schwellenländern durch Reverse Innovation vergrössern. Reverse Innovation bezeichnet dabei schlichte, frugale Produkte, die in Schwellenländern entwickelt und auch in Industrieländern vermarktet werden. Ihr Erfolg gefährdet den weltweiten Marktanteil westlicher multinationaler Unternehmen (MNC), da sich diese traditionell nur auf fortschrittliche Produkte für die wenigen, wohlhabenden Kunden an der Spitze der ökonomischen Pyramide konzentriert haben. Das Phänomen Reverse Innovation wird aktuell in Wissenschaft und Praxis stark diskutiert. Bisherige Erkenntnisse beschränken sich jedoch auf die Beschreibung anekdotischer Beispiele. Die Frage, wie westliche MNCs erfolgreich Reverse Innovation fördern, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben, ist unbeantwortet. Bestehende wissenschaftliche Literatur kann bislang nur beschränkt Erkenntnisse liefern. Darüber hinaus stellt Reverse Innovation bisherige theoretische Annahmen des Produktlebenszyklus in Frage. Traditionell basieren Innovationen auf neuen Technologien. Diese diffundieren von Industrie- hin zu Schwellenländern. Basierend auf den empirischen Daten von vier Fallstudien westlicher Medizintechnikunternehmen bietet die vorliegende Arbeit eine Konzeptualisierung von Reverse Innovation. Sie gibt detaillierte Einblicke in Entscheidungs- und Umsetzungsstrukturen, welche Reverse Innovation fördern. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Reverse Innovation auf zwei voneinander unabhängigen Prozessen basiert: der Entwicklung von frugalen Innovationen für Kunden mit begrenzten Ressourcen und der anschließenden globalen Vermarktung. Frugale Innovationen werden durch die Niederlassung im Schwellenland entwickelt, die einzig-artige Fähigkeiten für deren Entwicklung besitzt. Die Entwicklung beinhaltet technologisches und marktbasiertes Wissen ...
Health care in the United States and other nations is on a collision course with patient needs and economic reality. For more than a decade, leading thinkers including Michael Porter and Clayton Christensen have argued passionately for value-based health care reform: replacing delivery based on volume and fee-for-service with competition based on value, as measured by patient outcomes per dollar spent. Though still a pipe dream here in the United States, this kind of value-based competition is already a reality--in India. Facing a giant population of poor, underserved people and a severe shortage of skills and capacity, some risk-taking private enterprises have found a way to deliver high-quality health care, at ultra-low prices, to all patients who need it. Govindarajan and Ramamurti studied these Indian value-based models in depth. After investigating forty health care organizations and conducting field research on sixteen, they identified seven "exemplar" providers that consistently delivered high-quality health care at ultra-low cost, while being profitable, financially sustainable, and able to scale up their operations. Their secret sauce consists of five principles that work together to produce value-based care. Arguing that now is the time for the United States and other "rich" nations to learn from the "poor," this book shows how the innovations developed by these Indian exemplars are already being practiced by some far-sighted US providers--reversing the typical flow of innovation in the world. The authors describe four different pathways being used by these organizations to apply Indian-style principles to attack the exorbitant costs, uneven quality, and incomplete access to health care in the United States.