Manufacturing Back-Shoring: A Research Agenda for an Emerging Issue in International Business
In: 37th European International Business Academy Annual Conference 2011, ASE, Bucharest, 8-10 December
1129 Ergebnisse
In: 37th European International Business Academy Annual Conference 2011, ASE, Bucharest, 8-10 December
In: The Nature of Political Theory, S. 141-169
In: IMF Working Paper No. 2024/122
In: The bulletin of the atomic scientists: a magazine of science and public affairs, Band 45, Heft 4, S. 35
ISSN: 0096-3402, 0096-5243, 0742-3829
In: Southeast Asian affairs, Band 12, S. 334
ISSN: 0377-5437
In: Southeast Asian affairs, Band 1985, Heft 1, S. 334-346
ISSN: 1793-9135
In: CESifo working paper series 2288
In: Trade policy
We study the relation between the off-shoring of intermediates and services and productivity growth in the Italian manufacturing industries in 1995-2003. Our results indicate that the off-shoring of intermediates within the same industry (narrow off-shoringʺ) is beneficial for productivity growth, while the off-shoring of services is not. We also find that the way in which off-shoring is measured may matter considerably. The positive relation between off-shoring of intermediates and productivity growth is there with our direct measures based on input-output data but disappears when either a broad measure or the Feenstra-Hanson off-shoring measure employed in other studies are used instead.
In: XXIV Riunione Scientifica Annuale Associazione italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale, "Entrepreneurship, innovation and the engine of growth", Politecnico di Milano, Milano, 2013 October, 17-18
I offer four ways to reinforce Birch's precautionary principle so it can be used effectively and practically in deciding which animals to cover by legislation for humane treatment: (1) add one more credible indicator of sentience to the BAR rule; (2) use phylogenetic classification, not the outdated Linnaean classification, to test which animal clades have sentience; (3) disentangle the pain of suffering from sentience; and (4) reconsider the sentient status of decapods and insects to remove potential inconsistencies in the proposed framework.
In: Public management: PM, Band 96, Heft 3
ISSN: 0033-3611
In: The military engineer: TME, Band 97, Heft 638, S. 51-52
ISSN: 0026-3982, 0462-4890
In: Transition: events and issues in the former Soviet Union and East-Central and Southeastern Europe, Band 1, Heft 6, S. 55-58
ISSN: 1211-0205
Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der ukrainisch-russischen Beziehungen in den Jahren 1992 bis 1995 und stellt eingehend den Verhandlungsverlauf bezüglich des Abschlusses eines bilateralen Freundschafts- und Kooperationsvertrags dar. Der Autor beleuchtet in diesem Zusammenhang die Konfliktpunkte zwischen beiden Ländern. Wenngleich es bislang noch zu keinem endgültigen Durchbruch bei den Verhandlungen gekommen ist, so ist doch nicht zu verkennen, daß Rußland heute in höherem Maße als früher zur Anerkennung der Unabhängigkeit und territorialen Integrität der Ukraine bereit ist. (BIOst-Mrk)
World Affairs Online
In: CESifo economic studies: a joint initiative of the University of Munich's Center for Economic Studies and the Ifo Institute, Band 54, Heft 3, S. 414-450
ISSN: 1612-7501