Relations between generations in the Israeli kibbutz
In: Journal of contemporary history, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 73-86
ISSN: 0022-0094
1417495 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of contemporary history, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 73-86
ISSN: 0022-0094
In: Journal of contemporary history, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 73-86
ISSN: 1461-7250
In: Differenz und Integration: die Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften ; Verhandlungen des 28. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie im Oktober 1996 in Dresden ; Band 2: Sektionen, Arbeitsgruppen, Foren, Fedor-Stepun-Tagung, S. 748-751
"Die gegenwärtig geführte Paradigmendebatte zur Kindheitssoziologie stellt ein deutliches Lebenszeichen für einen eigenständigen Sonderbereich Kindheit im Rahmen soziologischer Forschung dar. Im Vergleich damit ist die moderne Wirtschaftswissenschaft weitgehend desinteressiert am Phänomen der Kindheit. Dies ist keineswegs überraschend, da - in Analogie zur Soziologie - die Begründung moderner Wirtschaftswissenschaft den Ausschluß von Kindern aus dem mainstream von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft voraussetzte. Geblieben ist eine subalterne und instrumentalisierende Sichtweise von Kindheit z.B. in den Spezialfeldern Familien- bzw. Bildungsökonomie. Die gegenwärtig zu beobachtenden demographischen und ökonomischen Entwicklungen (Altern der westlichen Industriegesellschaften einerseits und Anzeichen von wirtschaftlicher Stagnation verbunden mit der Einschränkung staatlich garantierter Leistungen in den Bereichen Soziales, Bildung und Familie andererseits) lassen ein Wiederaufflammen verschärfter Verteilungskämpfe erwarten. Diese entwickeln sich zunächst entlang den klassischen Bruchlinien vertikaler (Klassen und Schichten) sowie horizontaler Umverteilung (unterschiedliche Familienlasten). Es gibt jedoch auch Anzeichen dafür, daß zu den klassischen Dimensionen von Verteilungsgerechtigkeit eine weitere hinzukommen wird, welche ich als generationale Dimension bezeichne. In statisch-komparativer Betrachtungsweise meine ich damit die Frage nach der ökonomischen Stellung verschiedener Generationen verstanden als Altersgruppen in der Sozialstruktur zu einem gegebenen Zeitpunkt, in longitudinaler Perspektive hingegen die Wohlfahrt verschiedener Generationen im Sinne von Alterskohorten. Die sich in allen westlichen Industrieländern intensivierenden Debatten um Kinderarmut und Generationenverträge sind engstens mit der Frage nach generationaler Verteilungsgerechtigkeit verknüpft." (Autorenreferat)
In: Журнал "Вестник Челябинского государственного педагогического университета", Heft 8, S. 232-241
Введение. В условиях динамичного развития современного мира знание национальных особенностей определенной культуры помогает лучшему взаимопониманию между народами. В паремиях, отражающих межличностные отношения между старшими и молодыми поколениями, в чеченском, русском и английском языках отчётливо прослеживается исто-рия и менталитет каждого народа. Материалы и методы. Проведен сопоставительный анализ паре-мий, отражающих межличностные отношения между старшими и младшими поколениями, в чеченском, русском и английском языках, что позволило выявить черты сходства и различия народного понимания старости и молодости в чеченских, русских и английских паремиях. Результаты. В результате данного исследования выявлены схожие черты характера, присущие «старости» и «молодости», и схожие требования к каждой роли, в силу специфики менталитетов трёх разных народов прослеживаются и характерные особенности, присущие каждому народу. Обсуждение. Подчеркивается отражение ментальности в паремиях, репрезентирующих межличностные отношения между старшими и молоды-ми поколениями, заключающих в себя всю историю определённого народа. Заключение. Данное исследование показало значимость, роль и функции, выполняемые старшими и молодыми поколениями, которые отражены в паремиях чеченского, русского и английского народов, и характерные качества, присущие им. Основные положения: - проанализированы чеченские русские и английские паремии, ре-презентирующие межличностные отношения между старшими и моло-дыми поколениями; - на основе проведенного сопоставительного анализа сформировано представление о межличностных взаимоотношениях между ними в трёх представленных языках.
Introduction. In conditions of dinamic expanding of modern world knowledge national specifity of other culture help to understand each other better. In paroemia reflecting relationships between old and younger generations in Chechen, Russian and English languages clearly showing history and mentality of each nation. Materials and methods. There is carried out the comparative analysis of paroemia reflecting interpersonal relationships between old and younger generations in the Chechen, Russian and English languages, which allows finding out the features of similarities and differences of folk comprehension of old and young ages in the Chechen, Russian and English paroemia. Results. In results of this study revealed similar traits inherented "old" and "youth" and similar reuirements to each role, due to the influence of mentality of three different nations we can see characterics of each nation. Discussion. The study shows reflecting mentality in paroemia representing relationships between old and younger generations which contain whole history each nation. Conclusion. This study showed importance, role and function which perfomed old and younger generations reflected in paroemia Chechen, Russian and English nations and characterics qualities inherented them. Highlights: Overviewed Chechen, Russian and English paroemia representing relationships between old and younger generations; On basis of comparative analysis we can speak about relationships between them in three different languages.
In: Annual review of sociology, Band 37, Heft 1, S. 545-564
ISSN: 1545-2115
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the nature of intergenerational relationships in immigrant families, especially between immigrant parents and their children, many of whom were born and largely raised in the United States. This review begins with an analysis of the causes of tension and conflict as well as accommodation and cooperation between parents and children in immigrant families in the contemporary United States. We then examine what happens when parents and children are separated in transnational families—why this pattern occurs today and how it affects family relationships. We provide a historical-comparative perspective, discussing what is new about parent-child relations in immigrant families today in contrast to a century ago in the last great wave of immigration to the United States. Finally, a cross-national view reveals the different emphases in the social science literature on intergenerational relations in immigrant families in the United States and western Europe.
In: Fertility, reproduction and sexuality volume 32
In: Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives
Recent literature has identified modern "parenting" as an expert-led practice-one which begins with pre-pregnancy decisions, entails distinct types of intimate relationships, places intense burdens on mothers and increasingly on fathers too. Exploring within diverse historical and global contexts how men and women make-and break-relations between generations when becoming parents, this volume brings together innovative qualitative research by anthropologists, historians, and sociologists. The chapters focus tightly on inter-generational transmission and demonstrate its importance for understanding how people become parents and rear children
In: Journal of family issues, Band 16, Heft 4, S. 450-465
ISSN: 1552-5481
This research examined the relationship between three aspects of intergenerational relations—a problem in the life of an adult child, conflict with an adult child, and social support from an adult child—and depression in aging parents in a sample of three-generation California families. Of the three issues, only support from an adult child was consistently related to depression in parents. Using a nonevaluative measure of support, it was found that those parents who receive support from a child are more depressed than those who do not, and those who have less conflict between the generations are more depressed when they receive support from an adult child.
In: Arbeitspapier des Beziehungs- und Familienpanels (pairfam), Band 8
A consideration of recent demographic trends, the historically unique longevity, and the political discussion about social security and care for the elderly makes it apparent that the topic of intergenerational relationships is getting more and more important – not only for politics, but also for social research in the field of family sociology and gerontology. A closer look at the huge quantity of studies in this field reveals a number of limitations for Germany. Firstly, only some aspects of intergenerational relationships are captured in the present empirical data. Secondly, most studies focus on the relations between adult children and their older parents. Information about intergenerational relationships founded on a broader empirical basis is missing. And, as a third point, the theoretical debate reveals some significant conceptual shortcomings. To narrow these gaps, this paper first discusses the theoretical and empirical results of the current debate about intergenerational relations. In a second step our own empirical data are presented: these capture many different aspects of
the relations between generations. Finally, suggestions will be made for ways to close the
theoretical gap.
In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics
"Justice Between Generations" published on by Oxford University Press.
In: Journal of intergenerational relationships: programs, policy, and research, Band 8, Heft 4, S. 425-430
ISSN: 1535-0932
In: Justice, Posterity, and the Environment, S. 29-45
In: Zarządzanie Publiczne, Heft 3(49)/2019, S. 53-62
ISSN: 2658-1116
In: Security dialogue, Band 40, Heft 6, S. 597-616
ISSN: 1460-3640
Counterinsurgency strategies employed by the US military in Afghanistan have led to the US military embarking on civil governance reform. This has created new forms of civil-military relations with Afghan and international counterparts. These relations appear less dramatic than 'conventional' civil-military relations, in that they do not create the same visible alignment on the ground between military and non-military identities. In addition, the increased merging of civil and military work areas creates a new complexity that stems from semantic confusion. This complexity is mostly about norms and principles, in that the core puzzle is the more general question of what kinds of tasks the military should and should not do, rather than about violent consequences to civilians and questions of neutrality. This article proposes the term 'third-generation civil-military relations' to capture and examine the conceptual challenges that stem from the merging of military and civil work areas in Afghanistan's reconstruction. [Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications Ltd., copyright PRIO,]
In: Security dialogue, Band 40, Heft 6, S. 597-616
ISSN: 1460-3640
Counterinsurgency strategies employed by the US military in Afghanistan have led to the US military embarking on civil governance reform. This has created new forms of civil—military relations with Afghan and international counterparts. These relations appear less dramatic than 'conventional' civil—military relations, in that they do not create the same visible alignment on the ground between military and non-military identities. In addition, the increased merging of civil and military work areas creates a new complexity that stems from semantic confusion. This complexity is mostly about norms and principles, in that the core puzzle is the more general question of what kinds of tasks the military should and should not do, rather than about violent consequences to civilians and questions of neutrality. This article proposes the term 'third-generation civil—military relations' to capture and examine the conceptual challenges that stem from the merging of military and civil work areas in Afghanistan's reconstruction.