Editorial: Intergenerational encounters, intersubjective age relations
In: Emotion, space and society, Band 32, S. 100575
ISSN: 1755-4586
500 Ergebnisse
In: Emotion, space and society, Band 32, S. 100575
ISSN: 1755-4586
In: Notre Dame Law Review, Band 90, Heft 4
In: Dialogue: revue de recherches cliniques et sociologiques sur le couple et la famille, Band 209, Heft 3, S. 21-34
Dans cet article, l'auteure, psychologue clinicienne, interroge les enjeux intersubjectifs sous-jacents aux expériences de nourrissage. Elle envisage la croissance psychique comme étant fonction de l'instauration d'une relation humaine intime et nourrissante qu'elle nomme une « relation de nourrissage ». À partir d'une séquence détaillée d'observation de bébé à domicile selon la méthode E. Bick, l'auteure considère la relation de nourrissage comme le paradigme de la rencontre intersubjective. Elle souligne l'importance du travail d'accordage dans la mise en forme et l'intégration de l'expérience. Elle montre ensuite que la relation de nourrissage permet, à travers le rétablissement de l'unité symbiotique postnatale ordinaire, l'accès à une reconnaissance intersubjective individuante. Enfin, elle met en lumière le fantasme organisateur de la relation de nourrissage et le rôle central tenu par la fonction paternelle.
In: Smith College studies in social work, Band 69, Heft 2, S. 335-355
ISSN: 1553-0426
In: Thesis eleven: critical theory and historical sociology, Band 101, Heft 1, S. 53-62
ISSN: 1461-7455, 0725-5136
According to Maria Markus, the development of a particularly open and interested moral-psychological disposition towards the other is critical to the endeavour of subjects to realize the decent society. Drawing on the work of George Herbert Mead, it will be argued that such a sense of decency involves not just a normative commitment to reciprocity but a reflexive appreciation of the significance of the other to the formation of the self. Meads sketches of intersubjective freedoms are shown to provide a critical perspective on unjust social relations from the standpoint of the utopian horizon of a decent society. Meads conception converges, as well as contrasts, with Markuss perspective on civil society and the regulative ideal of the decent society. Significantly, Markuss account of the problem of the potential divergence between the decency of institutions and the decency of human relationships highlights the difficulties of interconnecting democratic justice and intersubjective freedoms.
The termination of right, which is based on the implementation of legal facts, is determined by the fact that it will facilitate the realization of processes of changing the subject composition of a legal entity. As a result of this, the definition of structural legislation regarding the quality of the legal structure for the implementation of the termination of right becomes relevant. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that termination of right is defined as the most problematic area of implementation in national legislation. This becomes a rather complicated legal phenomenon when it comes to block formations. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that, for the first time in the literature, aspects of the development of the system of termination of right in an integrated and furthermore national system of law are shown on the example of the European Union. The authors determine the need for the formation of the indicated topics as exemplified by the analysis of the main interstate and fundamental documents that form the common legal field in integration and block associations. The study gains practical significance in the event that it becomes necessary to distinguish the interaction between counterparties outside the integration association and the domestic legal field. This aspect should also be considered in globalization processes. The analysis also has its application for the socio-economic development of territories ; https://astrasalvensis.eu/blog/mdocs-posts/10-anatoliy-v-kostruba-valentyna-a-vasylyeva-international-regulation-of-termination-of-rights-in-the-field-of-civil-and-intersubjective-state-relations/
In: Ukrai͏̈noznavčyj alʹmanach, Heft 31, S. 66-72
The article is devoted to the analysis of the effective mechanisms and positive experience of the Bohdan Khmelnіtsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University in increasing the productivity of educational, scientific and cultural support of social processes by means of integration of participants in the educational process, teachers and students in the development of the social movement, popularization of the values of the Ukrainian people, strengthening of the national idea and statehood. The means and mechanisms of social cohesion of the community in the conditions of war are considered. It was established that the concept of social cohesion today represents a complex system of practical actions for stable development, improving the quality of life of all layers of society, preventing risks of social alienation with the aim of creating social well-being, harmonious and stable social relations as a component of socio-economic progress. The need for intersubjective practices in the educational space to create relationships of public trust, trust in social institutions for the education of active citizenship, the basis of which is trust in society and its social institutions, as a relevant link in the development of the European practice of intercultural dialogue in education, is substantiated. It was established that the successful cases and positive experience of the Bohdan Khmelnіtsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University of productive educational, scientific and cultural support of social processes in regional contexts affect the integration of participants in the educational process, teachers and students, the development of the social movement, the popularization of the values of the Ukrainian people, the strengthening of the national idea and statehood . The tenacity of the traditions of the Ukrainian educational and scientific community is substantiated - in the relentless pursuit of professional excellence, cooperation with local communities, educational institutions, public communities, unity and cohesion.
International audience ; The termination of right, which is based on the implementation of legal facts, is determined by the fact that it will facilitate the realization of processes of changing the subject composition of a legal entity. As a result of this, the definition of structural legislation regarding the quality of the legal structure for the implementation of the termination of right becomes relevant. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that termination of right is defined as the most problematic area of implementation in national legislation. This becomes a rather complicated legal phenomenon when it comes to block formations. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that, for the first time in the literature, aspects of the development of the system of termination of right in an integrated and furthermore national system of law are shown on the example of the European Union. The authors determine the need for the formation of the indicated topics as exemplified by the analysis of the main interstate and fundamental documents that form the common legal field in integration and block associations. The study gains practical significance in the event that it becomes necessary to distinguish the interaction between counterparties outside the integration association and the domestic legal field. This aspect should also be considered in globalization processes. The analysis also has its application for the socioeconomic development of territories.
International audience The termination of right, which is based on the implementation of legal facts, is determined by the fact that it will facilitate the realization of processes of changing the subject composition of a legal entity. As a result of this, the definition of structural legislation regarding the quality of the legal structure for the implementation of the termination of right becomes relevant. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that termination of right is defined as the most problematic area of implementation in national legislation. This becomes a rather complicated legal phenomenon when it comes to block formations. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that, for the first time in the literature, aspects of the development of the system of termination of right in an integrated and furthermore national system of law are shown on the example of the European Union. The authors determine the need for the formation of the indicated topics as exemplified by the analysis of the main interstate and fundamental documents that form the common legal field in integration and block associations. The study gains practical significance in the event that it becomes necessary to distinguish the interaction between counterparties outside the integration association and the domestic legal field. This aspect should also be considered in globalization processes. The analysis also has its application for the socioeconomic development of territories.
In: Human development, Band 55, Heft 2, S. 65-91
ISSN: 1423-0054
The relational habitus, an adaptation of Bourdieu's concept of habitus, is an ecological ensemble of relations including self, tools, tasks, and others that is intersubjectively constructed and sustained over time in formal and informal learning communities. The development of the relational habitus explains variances in the social organization of meaning making in local arenas of learning, referred to as dynamic fields. As a theoretical tool, the relational habitus encompasses two interrelated aspects of intersubjectivity: (a) an orientation to others in cultural contexts and (b) mutual perspective taking accomplished through communication. These two aspects of intersubjectivity explain how the meaning-making processes that promote learning and development involve both agential action and the situational structuring of these actions.
"Among the classics of the history of philosophy, the Scienza nuova (New Science) by Giambattista Vico (1668-1744) was largely neglected and generally misunderstood during the author's lifetime. From the nineteenth century onwards Vico's views found a wider audience, and today his influence is widespread in the humanities and social sciences. The New Science is often taught in courses at colleges and universities, both in philosophy and Italian departments and in general humanities courses. Despite the excellent English translations of this enigmatic book and numerous studies in English of Vico, many sections of the work remain challenging to the modern reader. Vico's New Science of the Intersubjective World offers both an in-depth analysis of all the important ideas of the book as well as an evaluation of their contribution to our present understanding of the social world. In the first chapter, Vittorio Hosle examines Vico's life, sources, and writings. The second and third chapters discuss the concerns and problems of the Scienza nuova. The fourth chapter traces the broader history of Vico's reception. Hosle facilitates the understanding of many passages in the work as well as the overarching structure of its claims, which are often dispersed over many sections. Hosle reformulates Vico's vision in such a way that it is not only of historical interest but may inspire ongoing debates about the nature of the humanities and social sciences as well as many other issues on which Vico sheds light, from the relation of poetry and poetics to the development of law. This book will prepare students and scholars for a precise study of the Scienza nuova, equipping them with the necessary categories and context and familiarizing them with the most important problems in the critical debate on Vico's philosophy. "Vico's New Science of the Intersubjective World delivers a comprehensive treatment of Vico, which is neither too detailed and technical nor too superficial. The book gives a clear picture of what Vico wanted to say, where he might have been wrong or become obsolete, and what his true achievements are for which he still deserves praise."--Peter Konig, University of Heidelberg"--
"Among the classics of the history of philosophy, the Scienza nuova (New Science) by Giambattista Vico (1668-1744) was largely neglected and generally misunderstood during the author's lifetime. From the nineteenth century onwards Vico's views found a wider audience, and today his influence is widespread in the humanities and social sciences. The New Science is often taught in courses at colleges and universities, both in philosophy and Italian departments and in general humanities courses. Despite the excellent English translations of this enigmatic book and numerous studies in English of Vico, many sections of the work remain challenging to the modern reader. Vico's New Science of the Intersubjective World offers both an in-depth analysis of all the important ideas of the book as well as an evaluation of their contribution to our present understanding of the social world. In the first chapter, Vittorio Hosle examines Vico's life, sources, and writings. The second and third chapters discuss the concerns and problems of the Scienza nuova. The fourth chapter traces the broader history of Vico's reception. Hosle facilitates the understanding of many passages in the work as well as the overarching structure of its claims, which are often dispersed over many sections. Hosle reformulates Vico's vision in such a way that it is not only of historical interest but may inspire ongoing debates about the nature of the humanities and social sciences as well as many other issues on which Vico sheds light, from the relation of poetry and poetics to the development of law. This book will prepare students and scholars for a precise study of the Scienza nuova, equipping them with the necessary categories and context and familiarizing them with the most important problems in the critical debate on Vico's philosophy. "Vico's New Science of the Intersubjective World delivers a comprehensive treatment of Vico, which is neither too detailed and technical nor too superficial. The book gives a clear picture of what Vico wanted to say, where he might have been wrong or become obsolete, and what his true achievements are for which he still deserves praise."--Peter Konig, University of Heidelberg"--
In: Qualitative research journal, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 26-38
ISSN: 1448-0980
– The purpose of this paper is to introduce a unique approach to accessing, interpreting, and presenting issues concerning the lives of social science research participants. It particularly focuses on accessing those considered to be economically, socially, or politically marginalized and where there is reliance upon intersubjective accounts in two languages.
– The conceptual and empirical material referred to in this paper is drawn from the author's doctoral research of a Fair Trade case study in Malawi. The approach presented is influenced by concepts derived from postcolonial theory, grounded theory, and intersubjectivity.
– For the community empowerment research focus it was important to provide space to capture voices of all participants, accounting for the hierarchical socio-political context in which people were embedded. This required the use of interpreters, introducing challenges related to intersubjectivity such as recognizing and accounting for positionalities and impressions of multiple parties collaborating in the process of collecting and interpreting qualitative research material.
Practical implications
– Investing in trained and engaged interpreters, using pilot interviews, including participants' data in the field research design process, and capturing marginalized voices helps a researcher to mitigate challenges related to bias and power relations.
– Recognizing inherent shortcomings related to interpreter-facilitated research and power relations, the framework presented provides a reflective and practical methodological approach for qualitative researchers.
In: 7th European Workshops in International Studies, Brussels, 1-4 July 2020 'Together We're Stranger': Strange and Familiar in International Relations; Presented during the Online Workshop Sessions on "Multiplicity in International Relations", 9th of June, 2020
Working paper
Integrating customary-religious values of an indigenous tribe "Suku Anak Dalam" (SAD) and state zoning system in Bukit Duabelas National Park (TNBD), Jambi, Indonesia is a configuration of an intersubjective relationship between government ecology and the religion of indigenous SAD in forest conservation that has not been studied by previous researchers. Hence, this article discusses that intersubjective relationship practice in preserving, maintaining, and protecting sustainable forest by assimilating the SAD's customary-religious values and the state zoning system. Moreover, this article also complements the shortcomings of previous researchers who believe that SAD's cosmology is animistic and proves that the TNBD zoning system's implementation as a cause of the SAD conflict. After conducting the interviews and the observations supported by relevant literature sources, this article shows that the SAD believes that the cosmos is not only inhabited by humans, but there are nonhuman beings such as animals and Badewo who are perceived as a human in which they are believed as social actors in forest conservation. SAD and nonhuman beings live together and contribute to each other and have a mutual relationship to life sustainability in the forest or so-called indigenous religion. Besides, the article also found that the TNBD zoning system is not the primary cause of the SAD conflict, rather the dynamics process in integrating state zoning and indigenous custom-religious spaces between the TNBD offices and the SAD.