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Officers for the regular army
In: The army quarterly and defence journal, Band 51, S. 278-285
ISSN: 0004-2552
Infantry, Pt. 1, Regular army
In: Army lineage series
Armor-Cavalry: Regular Army and Army Reserve
In: Military Affairs, Band 34, Heft 1, S. 28
Sports Injuries in the Australian Regular Army
Sports participation in the military is important for physical fitness and building morale and camaraderie. However, injuries caused by sports are detrimental to military capability. The purpose of this study was to investigate patterns of injury from sports participation in Australian Regular Army personnel. Injury data spanning a two-year period were obtained from the Department of Defence Workplace Health, Safety, Compensation, and Reporting (WHSCAR) database. Data were extracted for the top five sporting activities causing injuries. The most common body sites, natures, and mechanisms of injuries across these five sports were then determined. Sports participation accounted for 11% (n = 1092) of reported injuries (n = 9828). Soccer presented with the greatest number of injuries (23.3%), followed by rugby union/league (22.9%), touch football (18.6%), Australian rules football (12.0%), and basketball/netball (11.9%). The ankle, knee, and shoulder were the most injured body sites (21.9% ; 17.2% ; 11.6% respectively) across these five sports, with soft tissue injury, dislocation, and fractures being the most common natures of injury (55.1% ; 12.7% ; 11.9% respectively). The most common mechanisms of injuries were contact with objects (35.1%) and falls (27.4%). The current injury rates, locations, and mechanisms are similar to historical rates suggesting little impact by injury mitigation strategies.
The development of regular army officers
In: Militaire spectator: MS ; maanblad ; waarin opgen. de officie͏̈le mededelingen van de Koninkl. Landmacht en de Koninkl. Luchtmacht, Band 170, Heft 6, S. 333-339
ISSN: 0026-3869
The Infantry of the Regular Army
In: Military Affairs, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 103
The Birth of the Regular Army
In: Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Band 72, Heft 485, S. 42-46
ISSN: 1744-0378
The Army Cadet Force and the Regular Army
In: Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Band 91, Heft 562, S. 274-280
ISSN: 1744-0378
‘A Good Employer’? The All‐Regular Army
In: Army, Empire, and Cold War, S. 172-197
How the Regular Army can Help the Territorial Army
In: Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Band 78, Heft 509, S. 121-126
ISSN: 1744-0378
Distribution of Regular Army Troops Before the Civil War
In: Military Affairs, Band 16, Heft 4, S. 169