PSYOPS im Kosovo
In: Allgemeine schweizerische Militärzeitschrift: ASMZ, Band 174, Heft 5, S. 22-27
ISSN: 0002-5925
52 Ergebnisse
In: Allgemeine schweizerische Militärzeitschrift: ASMZ, Band 174, Heft 5, S. 22-27
ISSN: 0002-5925
Il presente elaborato, intitolato "PSYOPS e Intelligence", è uno studio di entrambe le branche. PSYOPS è un acronimo che sta per PSYchological OPerationS, include una serie di attività che sfruttano in maniera più o meno evidente i meccanismi di funzionamento della psiche umana, a livello di comprensione e di rielaborazione di un messaggio, allo scopo di poter ottenere da uno o più soggetti, accuratamente selezionati e studiati, dei comportamenti e delle reazioni volute per il conseguimento o per supportare una specifica missione; con tale termine viene incluso anche lo studio dei soggetti destinatari del messaggio. L'intelligence, invece, è il risultato di un processo lungo e complicato in continuo aggiornamento, il quale partendo da alcuni semplici dati e diverse informazioni provenienti dalle più svariate fonti, una volta rielaborati tutti insieme danno luogo al prodotto finale, che è appunto l'intelligence. In definitiva, dopo una esauriente spiegazione dei processi attraverso i quali si sviluppano, le caratteristiche e i principi sui quali si fondano le due branche e aver presentato alcuni esempi storici; l'obiettivo finale sarà quello di comprendere quanto possono essere assimilate l'una all'altra, mettendo in evidenza somiglianze e differenze, e di fornire alcuni suggerimenti per una migliore collaborazione futura.
In: Truppendienst, Heft 6, S. 539
In: Strategic analysis: a monthly journal of the IDSA, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 177-192
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In: Jane's Intelligence review: the magazine of IHS Jane's Military and Security Assessments Intelligence centre, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 52-53
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In: Intelligence and national security, Band 28, Heft 2, S. 252-281
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In: Intelligence and national security, Band 28, Heft 2, S. 252-281
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In: Allgemeine schweizerische Militärzeitschrift: ASMZ, Band 170, Heft 4, S. 40-41
ISSN: 0002-5925
In: Jane's defence weekly: JDW, Band 42, Heft 7, S. 11-12
ISSN: 0265-3818
In: Radical society: review of culture and politics, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 25-30
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In: Jane's defence weekly: JDW, Band 34, Heft 15, S. 11-15
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In: Jane's defence weekly: JDW, Band 31, Heft 17, S. 3-7
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In: Romanian military thinking, Band 2022, Heft 3, S. 74-86
ISSN: 1842-824X
"The psychological operations (PSYOPS) doctrines of many NATO member states, including Romania, do not allow the use of influence activities on internal audiences. While this is an ethical provision, difficulties arise when formulating an adequate counter-propaganda strategy, as domestic groups that are susceptible to influence are targeted by an effective propaganda conducted by the adversary. The 2014 edition of the NATO doctrine on PSYOPS (psychological operations) was ambiguous with regard to this limitation, while the Romanian doctrine from 2016 kept it, in accordance with the older NATO doctrine from 2007. With this limitation PSYOPS risk being ineffective in countering propaganda, their role being restricted to analysing the effects of the propaganda on the audiences and making recommendations to counter it. Without using influence activities, the recommendations would be, based on the scenario, addressing the public or not (choosing "silence") with information activities through the responsible structures. Going further, inform and influence activities (IIA) intertwine, which leads to the need for more clarity in the doctrines that regulate their employment. The propaganda of the Russian Federation in Donbas, that victimised the separatists leading to their support for the invasion of Ukraine is a relevant example for situations when PSYOPS should be allowed to target internal audiences. The present paper does not go into detail on the case of Ukraine but problematises on the above-mentioned ethical limitation that has the advantage of giving the adversary advantages on multiple levels."