The beginning and the first years of teaching can be viewed in various ways. For example, the image of a triangle with the person's teaching in one of its vertices. As a person, the novice teacher has a particular vision of his work and a sense of mission or task. The beginning teacher feels more capable in some areas than others and with a confidence variable with respect to its initial preparation (although this perception may change with the first experiments). From the other sides of the triangle together towards this new professional messages that come from the context of work and messages of social and political context relating to education, quality or otherwise of their initial preparation and what they should or should not make teachers. In their place of work, in concrete form, is facing demands or conflicts, receives support, and asks questions that do not always have the answer. The beginning teacher welcomes, rejected, interpreted and reinterpreted these experiences as a sort of re-shaping the professional identity that maybe he thought he had acquired in their initial training. In this, no different from other professionals faced with his first work experiences, but those living in more complex by the interweaving of relationships that will demand accountability with students, parents, peers, authorities and his own social environment of friends, and possible by the diversity of expectations regarding their work, both personal and from others.
Dentro de la reforma educativa argentina, el 3° ciclo de la Educación General Básica (EGB) constituye un aspecto central, ya que plantea importantes quiebres con respecto a la estructura anterior. Este ciclo está integrado por los antiguos 7° grado de la escuela primaria y 1° y 2° año de la secundaria, por lo que implica la convivencia de dos culturas profesionales diferentes: la de los maestros y la de los profesores. A esto se suma la reformulación del rol docente que impulsa la reforma. En este trabajo, se analiza la incidencia de estos procesos en la constitución de la identidad profesional de los docentes del 3° ciclo en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Esto supone una indagación en diversos planos: a) las interpelaciones acerca de la identidad docente presentes en los discursos y lineamientos acerca de la implementación del 3º ciclo de la EGB en dicha provincia; b) los significados y representaciones identitarias que se van constituyendo en las interacciones cotidianas en las escuelas; c) las maneras en que son recibidas y procesadas estas interpelaciones y representaciones por los docentes del 3º ciclo, en un trabajo interpretativo que supone también resistencias y reformulaciones. Este planteo supone un contrapunto entre lo macro -abordado a través del análisis de contenido de ciertos discursos públicos- y lo micro -examinado a través de un estudio de casos múltiples en diversas escuelas bonaerenses-. ; Within Argentine educational reform, the 3rd stage of General Basic Education (EGB) is a central aspect, since it involves important differences with regard to the former educative system structure. This stage is composed by the former primary school 7th grade and secondary school 1st and 2nd year. Therefore, it involves the daily interaction of two distinct professional cultures: that of primary and secondary school teachers. In addition, the reform policy promotes a redefinition of teachers' roles. The paper analyses the impact of this process on the construction of 3rd stage teachers' professional identity in the Argentine Buenos Aires province. It encompasses different levels of research: a) the interpellations about teaches' identity found in discourses and political measures regarding the 3rd stage implementation; b) the meanings and representations as to identity constructed during daily interactions in schools; c) the diverse ways these interpellations and representations are received, interpreted and processed by 3rd stage teachers. This approach attempts to explore the macro level through content analysis of public discourses and the micro level through a multiple case study in schools. It also attempts to relate both levels. ; Fil: Freytes Frey, Ada Cora. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales; Argentina
In: Bildungswissenschaften und akademisches Selbstverständnis in einer globalisierten Welt- Education and Academic Self-Concept in the Globalized World
This study presents a bibliometric review of teacher professional identity (TPI) research from 2004 to 2023. 4,066 SSCI-indexed papers retrieved from the Web of Science database were identified for analysis using CiteSpace. The major findings are: (1) The publications have increased significantly from 2004 to 2021, there is a slight decline in recent 2 years. (2) Top contributing country, institution, and journal are the US, University of London, Teaching and Teacher Education respectively. (3) The top productive authors are Yuan Rui, Trent John, and Nazari Mostafa respectively, the top cited authors are Beijaard D, Gee JP, and Lave J. (4) TPI research has evolved in terms of multiple theoretical lens, diversity of discipline and participants, and methodological shift. (5) Emerging trends include teacher agency, positioning theory, and English-medium instruction (EMI) policy. This study has implications for future researchers.
Teacher resilience is a construct that is relative, developmental and dynamic; it is socially constructed and depends on personal and professional dispositions. Issues of commitment, professionalism, and professional identity, for instance, need to be taken into account if teacher resilience is to be fully understood. In this chapter I draw upon a larger piece of research aimed at investigating teachers' work and lives in challenging circumstances. Data were collected through a national survey (n=2702 teachers), focus group (n=99 teachers) and interviews to 11 school principals. Findings suggest the connection between teacher commitment and resilience which are associated with issues of school culture and leadership, a sense of vocation, and teachers' beliefs and professional values. Factors and sources of teacher motivation and resilience are also identified within a context marked by teacher intensification, lack of trust, worsening of teaching conditions, lower social and economic status and legislative "tsunami". The chapter ends with the discussion of the importance of relationships in the teaching profession and issues of motivation and professionalism which entails given ways of being and feeling as a teacher. ; Financial Support by CIEC (Research Centre on Child Studies, IE, UMinho; FCT R&D unit 317, Portugal) by the Strategic Project UID/CED/00317/2013, with financial support of National Funds through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) and co-financed by European Regional Development Funds (FEDER) through the COMPETE 2020 - Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI) with the reference ...
The roles of teachers in the classroom include ensuring that learning objectives are met when teaching and learning activities are implemented. Technology allows teachers to achieve their teaching goals, as well as support and enable students to engage in any teacher-planned activity actively. Many studies have identified factors that influence teachers to integrate technology into the classroom. Therefore, this study reviewed the literature on factors that influence the formation of teacher professional identity in integrating technology into teaching and learning. Several databases were searched to find relevant, accessible literature published between 2016 and 2019. The study found that internal and external factors, specifically, individual, technology and environmental factors, do influence the formation of teacher professional identity. This study also discusses the challenges faced by teachers in using technology in the classroom. It is hoped that this study will help researchers understand the factors that influence the formation of professional identity and the challenges encountered by teachers. These factors must be identified to ensure that technology integration can be effectively implemented for students in pursuing education in the 21st century.
El comienzo y los primeros años de trabajo de un docente se pueden visualizar de diversos modos. Por ejemplo, mediante la imagen de un triángulo con la persona del docente en uno de sus vértices. Como persona, el docente novel cuenta con una visión particular de su trabajo y un sentido de misión o tarea. Se siente más capacitado en unas áreas que en otras, y con una confianza variable respecto a su preparación inicial (aunque esta percepción puede cambiar con las primeras experiencias). Desde los otros vértices del triángulo confluyen hacia este nuevo profesional mensajes que provienen del contexto de trabajo y mensajes del contexto social y político referidos a la enseñanza, a la calidad o no de su preparación inicial y a lo que deben o no deben hacer los docentes. En su lugar de trabajo, en forma concreta, enfrenta demandas o conflictos, recibe apoyos, y formula preguntas que no siempre tienen respuesta. El docente novel acoge, rechaza, interpreta y reinterpreta estas experiencias como en una suerte de reconfiguración de la identidad profesional que tal vez pensó que había adquirido en su formación inicial. En esto, no difiere de otros profesionales enfrentados a sus primeras experiencias de trabajo, pero las vive en condiciones más complejas por el entretejido de relaciones que le demandan la responsabilidad con alumnos, padres, colegas, autoridades y su propio entorno social de amistades; y por la diversidad posible de las expectativas respecto a su trabajo, tanto personales como de otros. ; The beginning and the first years of teaching can be viewed in various ways. For example, the image of a triangle with the person's teaching in one of its vertices. As a person, the novice teacher has a particular vision of his work and a sense of mission or task. The beginning teacher feels more capable in some areas than others and with a confidence variable with respect to its initial preparation (although this perception may change with the first experiments). From the other sides of the triangle together towards this new professional messages that come from the context of work and messages of social and political context relating to education, quality or otherwise of their initial preparation and what they should or should not make teachers. In their place of work, in concrete form, is facing demands or conflicts, receives support, and asks questions that do not always have the answer. The beginning teacher welcomes, rejected, interpreted and reinterpreted these experiences as a sort of re-shaping the professional identity that maybe he thought he had acquired in their initial training. In this, no different from other professionals faced with his first work experiences, but those living in more complex by the interweaving of relationships that will demand accountability with students, parents, peers, authorities and his own social environment of friends, and possible by the diversity of expectations regarding their work, both personal and from others. ; Grupo FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granada
While recent years have seen a research interest in the concept of teacher identity, still less is known about the interplay between teacher-researcher identity. This issue is important for the fields of applied linguistics and teacher education because it sheds light on teacher-scholars' identity realizations. In this study, I examine the interrelations of teacher and researcher identity across different contexts and spaces. Namely, I analyze the trajectories of one teacher as he moved through countries and educational experiences. Data sources included semi-structured interviews, artifacts, and email correspondence. Beginning with the assumption that identity is a complex, dynamic, multidimensional, negotiated, and co-constructed process, I generated and analyzed data through holistic coding (Saldaña, 2016). I found that the participant demonstrated perception of his professional identity as a teacher in terms of duty. I discuss the points of transition, where the participant's identities were re-shaped. My findings contribute to the conversation about the dichotomous view of teaching and researching.
Drawing on extensive ethnographic research in disadvantaged communities, the paper describes the effects of 30 years of neoliberal education policy on the teaching profession. I describe the type of teacher identity that is promoted by neoliberal discourse, and which is doing damage to countless young people, as 'technical-managerial'. Teachers are expected to be effective instructors but educational ideas and democratic values are largely missing from this view of teaching, which is strongly aligned with individual, institutional and national economic competition. I distinguish this restricted perspective from a more engaged, relational type that I describe as 'participative-professional'. Within this latter perspective, teachers would be engaged, critically reflective practitioners - active participants in educational and organizational politics and policy and well as pedagogy. I conclude that teachers must strive to assert participative-professional teacher identities in order to restore notions of social justice to the moral purpose of education. DOI:10.5901/jesr.2013.v3n7p170
Within the European debate on quality education for all, and along with the willingness to implement the Rights of Children, the paper will examine how diversities – which may relate to immigration status, disability, ethnicity, culture and social class – can challenge teachers' identity and class context in order to enhance the diversity of each student as a resource. The paper will analyse data gathered during an action-research project, which has been developed in so-called high-complexity classrooms in Primary schools, with the aim of investigating the process of implementing teaching strategies for inclusive pedagogy. It will discuss how this process engages teachers in a dynamics between pitfalls and creativity as well as between school cultural barriers and educational opportunities. This leads to transform their professional identity, by developing a deep reflexivity in their own contexts of practice and strengthening their competence to support democracy and inclusive classrooms.
This study has been carried out using the qualitative method and conversation analysis approach to explore the discourse construction of the democratic and authoritarian status of English teachers in domestic high schools. Under the guidance of theoretical framework proposed by Chen Xingren (2013), two high school English classes from Teaching Video Network are analyzed in terms of question types, lexical characteristics, turn-takings and feedbacks. The results of this study show that in the classroom interactions,Teacher A builds up his democratic identity characteristics, while Teacher B turns up to behave authoritarian identity characteristics. This study analyzes two teachers' conversational strategies in order to yield implications for teacher development as well as help them further understand the way of using conversational strategies to mobilize students' initiative.
Введение. Автор статьи исследует внутренние и внешние факторы, влияющие на формирование профессиональной идентичности учителя в современных условиях. В статье представлен анализ личностных качеств и ценностей, мотивационных аспектов, опыта работы и профессиональной среды педагогической деятельности, а также их влияния на развитие педагогической идентичности. Автор представил обзор отечественной и зарубежной научной литературы по проблеме исследования. Материалы и методы. В целях получения количественной и качественной информации о профессиональной идентичности учителя проведена «Методика исследования профессиональной идентичности», построенная на принципах прямого и цепного ассоциативного теста (Л. Б. Шнейдер). Для изучения уровня профессиональной идентичности испытуемым предлагалось среди слов ассоциативного ряда выбрать те слова, которые, на их взгляд, имели отношение к их профессиональной жизни. Результаты. В результате опроса мы выявили, что из выборки преждевременная идентичность свойственна 8 % студентов 5 курса факультета подготовки учителей начальных классов ФГБОУ ВО «Южно-Уральского государственного гуманитарно-педагогического университета», в диффузном статусе идентичности находится 18% студентов факультета, мораторий идентичности выявлен у 29 % респондентов, псевдоидентичность определена у 11% испытуемых, уровень достигнутой идентичности выявлен у 34% опрошенных студентов факультета подготовки учителей начальных классов. Обсуждение. Статья призвана понять важность осознания и понимания факторов, влияющих на идентичность учителя, для достижения успеха в профессиональной деятельности. Работа по повышению уровня осведомленности о разнообразных аспектах идентичности должна заключаться в разработке обучающих программ и тренингов, направленных на применение методов активного социально-психологического обучения, способствующие процессу личностного развития и профессионального самоопределения. Заключение. Отмечается, что стабильность педагогической идентичности является важным фактором успешного обучения и развития обучающихся, поэтому необходимы дополнительные меры поддержки и развития профессиональной идентичности учителей. К основным факторам профессиональной идентичности современного учителя можно отнести как внутренние, так и внешние аспекты. Ключевые слова: профессиональная идентичность; внутренние факторы; внешние факторы; преждевременная идентичность; мораторий; достигнутая идентичность; размытая идентичность; учитель. Основные положения: – описаны внутренние и внешние факторы, оказывающие влияние на процесс профессионального самоопределения учителя; – подчеркнута значимость установления взаимосвязи между личностным развитием учителя и его профессиональной деятельностью. Introduction. The author of the article examines the internal and external factors that influence the formation of a teacher's professional identity in modern conditions. The article presents an analysis of personal qualities and values, motivational aspects, work experience and the professional environment of pedagogical activity, as well as their influence on the development of pedagogical identity. The author presented a review of domestic and foreign scientific literature on the research problem. Materials and methods. In order to obtain quantitative and qualitative information about the professional identity of a teacher, a "Methodology for studying professional identity" was conducted, based on the principles of a direct and chain associative test (L. B. Schneider). To study the level of professional identity, subjects were asked to select from among the words of an associative series those words that, in their opinion, were related to their professional life. Results. As a result of the survey, we found that premature identity is characteristic of 8% of the 5th-year students of the Faculty of Primary School Teacher Training of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University" in the sample; 18% of the students of the faculty are in a diffuse identity status; a moratorium on identity was identified in 29% of respondents; pseudo-identity was determined in 11 % of the subjects; the level of achieved identity was identified in 34 % of the surveyed students of the Faculty of Primary School Teacher Training Discussion. The article aims to understand the importance of awareness and understanding of the factors influencing teacher identity in order to achieve success in professional activities. Work to increase awareness of the various aspects of identity should consist of developing training programs and trainings aimed at the use of active social and psychological learning methods that contribute to the process of personal development and professional self-determination. Conclusion. It is noted that the stability of pedagogical identity is an important factor in the successful learning and development of students, therefore additional measures to support and develop the professional identity of teachers are needed. The main factors of the professional identity of a modern teacher include both internal and external aspects. Keywords: Professional identity; Internal factors; External factors; Premature identity; Moratorium; Achieved identity; Blurred identity; Teacher. Highlights: Describes internal and external factors that influence the process of professional self-determination of a teacher; Tthe importance of establishing the relationship between the personal development of a teacher and his professional activities is emphasized.
This paper reports, through a longitudinal case inquiry, on the trajectory of one novice teacher's professional identity development after completing his pre-service education to become an English teacher in Turkey. He was assigned to a school in the south-east of the country, which has been experiencing worsening civil conflict between regional militants and the national government, characterised by long-lasting curfews and the destruction of buildings and homes. This study provides insights into the formation of a new teacher's professional identity when working within a conflict region. Written narratives, informal interviews, observation notes, university supervisor observations and a teaching diary were used to examine the developing professional identity. The findings suggest that, in extreme circumstances, individuals may adapt and find ways to mitigate the effects of a challenging community and other disadvantages. Imagined identity can play a powerful role in mediating external difficulties encountered in identity development.