Competence and Discipline in Professional Formation
In: The British journal of social work
ISSN: 1468-263X
7971 Ergebnisse
In: The British journal of social work
ISSN: 1468-263X
In: Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: naučnyj žurnal = Lomonosov philosphy journal. Serija 7, Filosofija, Band 2016, Heft 3, S. 16-24
In: New directions for student leadership, Band 2021, Heft 172, S. 89-98
ISSN: 2373-3357
AbstractEquipping leadership educators and students to navigate complex challenges requires new ways of thinking about and engaging in professional development. Using the framework of professional formation, we propose an approach to development leveraging complexity science and generative leadership.
In: Publične upravlinnja ta rehionalʹnyj rozvytok: Public administration and regional development, Heft 23, S. 107-122
ISSN: 2707-9597
The article substantiates the need to analyze the challenges of the present in order to determine the directions of improving the professional formation of public authorities. Attention is drawn to the need to master new areas of work in local governments. It is proposed to pay attention to the patriotic component in teaching different disciplines in higher education institutions, giving heroic examples to resist the Russian invaders. It is emphasized on the need to use the social capital of internally displaced persons, involve them in joint activities in territorial communities, in which they are forced to stay in these difficult times for each person. It is noted that the increase in social and human capital is extremely important, both for everyone and for the formation of a successful civil society as a whole. It is proved that the study of the components of social capital of internally displaced persons and ways of its implementation in the new conditions is also a challenge and a topical problem of the present. It is noted that the study of the nature of conflict, its functions and consequences in the public administration and administration system is especially relevant. Therefore, the problems of conflict and managing them in territorial communities, especially in the military and post -war period, remains urgent, and the training of officials (employees) of public authorities of efficient communication, forming a culture of effective interaction, understanding and dialogue comes to the fore. It is stated that the value-legal aspects of the activity of public authorities should provide an understanding of legal phenomena in public servants through a system of scientific knowledge and ideological concepts that objectively reflect the legal reality in service in local self-government bodies.
In: Vestnik Južno-Uralʹskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta: Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Serija "Socialʹno-gumanitarnye nauki" = Series "Social sciences and the humanities", Band 19, Heft 1, S. 101-104
ISSN: 2413-1024
In: Tennessee Law Review, Band 83, Heft 3
In: Herald of Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University: humanities and social sciences, Heft 4, S. 146-153
In: Creighton Law Review, Forthcoming
This article was intended to summon a reflection focused on the importance that knowledge about the transformations on childhood conceptions has for the understanding of the sociabilities and subjectivities that settle on the scholar institution. Some results are presented gathered from a study which aimed to know and understand the childhood conceptions that are expressed at, or related with, first basic course teachers' initial formation, in Portugal since April 1974, endured in the scope of a PhD thesis in Educational Sciences, presented in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto. The teachers' initial formation was considered in the study as the most determinant modern institution, both socially and historically, for the spreading out of the childhood conceptions included in the scientific, pedagogic and educational speeches. In this text study methodology and problematic are concisely presented, and results are shown with respect: to the identification of narratives about childhood and their articulation with narratives about scholar education and the professional component of teaching; to the social mapping of these narratives; and to the implications of childhood dimension on the construction of the professional component of teaching. Concluding remarks are that the negotiation between different types of knowledge about childhood and children, and between microactors and macroactors responsible for their scholar education becomes unavoidable. Moreover, the reflection about the impact that scholar education has on children's life and the place that teachers' initial formation occupies there reveals itself as an ethical imperative.
In: Ethics and social welfare, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 115-130
ISSN: 1749-6543
In: Professions and professionalism: P&P, Band 9, Heft 2
ISSN: 1893-1049
This paper outlines a neo-Weberian approach to state-sponsored social closure in professional formation. Despite its advantages, state decision-making is not typically well-defined or examined in neo-Weberian analyses. Neo-Weberianism is differentiated from Max Weber's own work on social action and rationality, which generally provides a more subtle interpretation of state socio-political processes. The paper explores how policy formation can be more incisively analyzed inside the black box of state decision-making from a Weberian perspective. This is exemplified by the passage of the 1858 Medical Act in the United Kingdom establishing the state-supported medical profession. While further work is necessary in filling in the black box, this paper charts an important future path for neo-Weberian analyses of professions, and their relationship with the state.
In: The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, Band 16, Heft 3, S. 38-58
ISSN: 1759-5150
This paper follows 3 cohorts of students 2012 -2015 and maps their perceptions of professional development using Action Learning sets as a pedagogical tool . It looks at learning immediately after the Sets have taken place and builds on this up to 3 years after graduating. The research found that Action Learning Sets as a pedagogical tool make a valuable contribution to professional formation of youth and community workers by enabling participants to:Consolidate learning from the courseBecome more confident and assertive about their professionalizationReflect together on practice as a learning community and learn about themselves within the group process Understand how and when to use appropriate questions to enable reflection by othersUnderstand different ways people perceive issues, their different thought processesCritically understand the importance and benefits of opening up people's thinking/gaining new perspectivesBe open and willing to listen, best for developing relationships Learn to listen in order to understand others and in so doing developing self-knowledge and problem solving skills.Practise some educator / facilitator skills Action Learning Sets outcomes appears especially important where they helped students develop confidence in their professional identity and in their ability to challenge to achieve recognition and change. However some participants discussed how an organisational culture that is not based on critically reflecting or even discussing professional approaches has impacted negatively on them as developing youth work professionals, echoing Stark's (2006) similar findings from research on the impact of Sets used with nurses and educators. Many students commented that there was no supervision in the workplace and no mechanism for group reflective learning so individuals were left to self-reflect without the benefit of alternative perspectives which they had come to value as a result of taking part within the Sets. This implied a desire on the graduates' part for continuing professional development . Further research into critically reflective practice using action learning sets in the workplace could be explored within organisations and any demand developed within HE programmes .
In: University of St. Thomas Law Journal, Band 14, Heft 2
Working paper
In: Visnyk Kyïvsʹkoho Nacionalʹnoho Universytetu imeni Tarasa Ševčenka. Serija, Ukraïnoznavstvo, Heft 1 (11), S. 43-46
In the article are represented results of empirical research of anxiety features and life goals of personality in professional development crisis. Our sample included 80 persons in the age 17-35 years. It was divided on two groups: first group consisted of 34 people, students of 1-3 courses, the second group consisted of 46 people that were changing their profession and are actually practicing new trade. We used anxiety test of Spilberger-Hanin to explore level of individual and situational anxiety. In addition, we used "Life goals of personality" method that was developed by laboratory of social psychology ISPP NASU led by T. M. Tytarenko. With the help of this method, we explored characteristics of life goals of our sample. It was found that there is a significant difference by Rs criterion on the level p ≤ 0,05 between two groups on a scale "Operational characteristics of life goals". Among working people prevail doubts that they can cope with difficulties, thoughts that success is just an accident, orientation on "need", but not "want". In students group we can see lack of stability and flexibility in solving life tasks. There is straight correlation between motivational directions level and individual anxiety level on the group of working people (p < 0,01). It means growing of inside tension in the presence of motivational directions number increasing. We can assume that motivational direction is some sort of coping-strategy that is using by anxious individuals to put their lives in order. In that way they try to create "image of desired life", that combines expectations, demands and intentions, determining choice of life-realization strategy. In both groups was identified inverse correlation between attitude to the future and individual anxiety (P < 0,01). Operational characteristics of life goals inversely proportional to anxiety level in both groups. That means, that recognition of self-meaning in life-realization, orientation on own plans and needs and ability to take responsibility are low anxiety level related factors. This results gives us an opportunity to say that higher identity, own life goals realization, sense of resilience, life integrity, using of flexibility and activity strategies helps to cope with anxiety during professional crisis.
IntroductionThe structure and capacity of the health workforce to address changing patterns of disease and emerging global health risks has become a significant policy issue within Australia and internationally. It has been argued within this environment it is now critical to rethink the way public health professionals are educated and developed, including the fostering of senior roles within the workforce to not only use, but generate, service-based research. Despite this, the potential role of professional doctorates to strengthen public health leadership to connect policy, practice and research has had scant attention in Australia.This paper reports on a longitudinal research study tracing the profile and experiences of doctoral candidates in one work-based professional doctorate offered through an Australian university. Begun in 2009 as an innovative collaboration between a government health system and the university, the Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH) was designed to foster a cadre of senior public health leaders who could generate applied research to provide evidence-informed population health practices for the state. In 2013 the DrPH was opened to attract emerging health leaders more broadly, shifting the program to partnerships with a diversity of health services. It is within this evolving landscape of the program that the perspectives and formation of the doctoral candidates as public health leaders is considered.AimsThis research aims to illuminate the subjective experiences and outcomes of participating in a professional doctorate within the broader context of the field of public health within Australia. In particular it seeks to trace the ways in which the doctorate configures professional formation and capacities for taking up leadership roles within the workforce and the implications for health system strengthening and practice.MethodsThis study is being conducted as a longitudinal study tracing the learning and career trajectories of forty-five practitioners who have completed or are currently participating in the DrPH program. The research commenced in 2009 and to date has been conducted through an iterative series of in-depth interviews, focus groups and desktop methods on the practitioners' subjective experiences, career trajectories and outcomes. Systematic cross case analysis that draws on qualitative longitudinal research methods and life course approaches have been used to distil patterns of continuity and change from the individual to the collective on trajectories and outcomes to date.Findings and ConclusionIt has been found that a golden thread weaves across the findings of the individual and collective learning and career trajectories attesting to the central role of embedded workplace research in this professional doctorate for becoming, and being seen to be, a public health practitioner-researcher and leader. Giving voice to and tracing the trajectories of forty-five professional doctoral students and alumni in a study spanning a decade has proven a demanding yet highly valuable endeavor. The methodological decision to undertake longitudinal iterative research has afforded rich insights on the role of the professional doctorate in shaping the emergence and outcomes for taking up leadership roles within the public health workforce.