Conflict Prevention
In: SIPRI yearbook: armaments, disarmament and international security, S. 97-150
ISSN: 0953-0282, 0579-5508, 0347-2205
Conflict prevention was high on the agendas of both the EU & the UN in 2001, resulting in the release of major reports & ensuing high-level debates. The reports document the efforts of the EU & the UN to practically implement their new commitment to conflict prevention. Both the EU & the UN have emphasized long-term preventive efforts focused on the root causes of armed conflicts. This calls for an integrated approach & improved coordination among actors. In practice, however, this is difficult as preventive efforts in West Africa & Zimbabwe illustrate. The annex lists figures for current multilateral peace operations in 2001. For the first time since 1996 no new UN peace operation was launched. The limited size & scope of the five new multilateral missions meanwhile illustrate the increasing caution of the international states & organizations toward new operations as the costs of such commitments are realized. 1 Figure, 1 Appendix. Adapted from the source document.