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2940 Ergebnisse
Intro -- List of Abbreviations -- Foreword -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Civil Society and Human Rights Defenders: Concepts and Categories -- 2.1 Civil Society and its Role in Shaping International Human Rights Law -- 2.1.1 Civil Society in Europe -- 2.1.2 The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights -- 2.2 Non-Governmental Organizations -- 2.2.1 Non-Governmental Organizations and their legal Status -- 2.2.2 Legal Status of Non-Governmental Organizations in Europe -- 2.3 Definition of Human Rights Defenders -- 3 Identification of the Existing Legal Framework to Protect Human Rights Defenders -- 3.1 International Legal Framework -- 3.2 Regional Legal Framework -- 3.2.1 Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean -- 3.2.2 European Protection Mechanisms -- European Union Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders -- OSCE Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders -- Protection Under the European Convention on Human Rights -- Non-Governmental Organizations as Litigator Before the European Court of Human Rights -- 4 Shrinking Space -- 4.1 States Crack-Down on Civil Society and Human Rights Defenders Within Europe -- 4.1.1 Threats to Physical Integrity -- 4.1.2 Restrictions on Freedom of Association and Funding -- 4.1.3 Restrictions on Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Peaceful Assembly -- 4.2 Recapitulation of Shortcomings and how to Confront them -- 5 Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Books & -- Commentaries -- Journals & -- Articles -- Official & -- Legal Documents and Policy Papers -- Internet Sources -- Table of Cases.
In: Creativity studies, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 108-124
ISSN: 2345-0487
The spatiality of the Internet is a complex phenomenon presupposing a wide range of ideas: that there are different environments which can be characterized, that there are subjects moving within them, that these spaces are being employed for certain ends by their users, and much more. However, various spatial descriptions of the Internet most of the time observe it as a part of a larger spatial architecture, not as a spatial architecture itself. This paper employs radical concept creation machinery conceptualized by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in What Is Philosophy? (first published in 1991), principles of paralogistic thinking proposed by Jean-François Lyotard and divergent thinking methods, finally arriving at a new conceptualization of the Internet space as the meteorological pressure system. This is an invitation to see the Internet and movements occurring within it from a new perspective: where temperatures rise and drop, winds blow and dissipate, fogs come and go; where limits of spatial characteristics are forming different climates; where each part affects the whole, and can potentially bring out various chain reactions. Such a conceptual system opens up the possibility to see the Internet as a coherent spatial structure, filled with becomings and intricate relationships.
In: Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, Band 49, Heft 2
In: Organization studies: an international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of organizations, organizing, and the organized in and between societies, Band 38, Heft 11, S. 1529-1551
ISSN: 1741-3044
The literature on organizational responses to institutional pressures describes responses ranging from compliance to resistance via different modes of decoupling. However, although these studies provide a greater understanding of the phenomenon, they tend to consider the different elements separately. Through a comparative case study of six research teams in the area of nanosciences and nanotechnologies, we offer three contributions. Our first contribution is to the decoupling literature by way of a complementary and cohesive framework, which shows that organizations vary in their responses by reconfiguring their physical (policy and materiality), mental (meaning) and social (identity) spaces, and that each space can be reconfigured at the core or periphery, or not be reconfigured. Our second and third contributions are through descriptions of two modes of organizational responses to institutional pressures and two factors explaining the variety of responses.
In: Business and politics: B&P, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 225-250
ISSN: 1469-3569
The examination of the U.S.—Japan conflicts from the mid-1980s to early 1990s over the space industry sheds light on our understanding of the Japanese political economy. The Japanese response to U.S. pressure was not so strategic as conventional wisdom suggests. Under U.S. pressure, Japan shifted to international cooperation, abandoning the autonomous development policy it had sought for four decades. This unexpected policy change primarily resulted from the lack of clear jurisdictional authority among the government actors over the rapidly changing space industry. This study's findings will apply to other high technology industries such as telecommunications and information technology, where bureaucratic boundaries are ambiguous and technological change is rapid.
In: Business and politics, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 225-250
ISSN: 1369-5258
In: Cultural studies - critical methodologies, Band 17, Heft 4, S. 308-315
ISSN: 1552-356X
In this autoethnography, I write my way through the contours of scrutiny, measurement, and control across the span of my life, and (eventually) write my way into a solution, of sorts, to the conundrum of a knowledgeable agent living in a neoliberal world. In my story, life-space in the academy has just been one of the many locales subjected to the corporate colonization of the lifeworld. Autoethnography emerges as a channel of resistance against neoliberal forces.
In: HELIYON-D-22-16897
In: International Space Station: The Next Space Marketplace; Space Studies, S. 251-253
As interest in supersonic overland flight intensifies, new ways to meet government restrictions on sonic boom loudness must be implemented. Low-fidelity aerodynamic tools, such as PANAIR, can estimate the near-field pressure signature that ultimately determines the loudness of the sonic boom at the ground. These tools can greatly benefit the exploration of large design spaces due to their computational efficiency. One of the limitations of low-fidelity tools is the accuracy of the solution produced, which is dependent on the fundamental physical assumptions made in the development of the governing equations. If flow patterns are produced that severely violate these fundamental assumptions, the validity of the near-field pressure signature is compromised. A method is proposed that splices together near-field pressure signatures from a low-fidelity and a higher-fidelity tool by cutting each pressure signature at a critical point and then blending the low-fidelity signature into the higher-fidelity signature. By splicing the signatures together, sections of the low-fidelity signature that represent fundamental violations of the governing equation are removed. This method allows for the exploration of the design space corresponding to areas on the geometry that produce accurate results in a low-fidelity signature. The method is tested on the JAXA Wing Body geometry from the Second AIAA Sonic Boom Prediction Workshop and shows that perturbations to this geometry can produce loudness results that match the high-fidelity results to within 0.4 PLdB.
In: Soundings: a journal of politics and culture, Heft 16, S. 96-112
ISSN: 1362-6620
In: Materials and design, Band 91, S. 193-200
ISSN: 1873-4197
In: Space and Culture, Band 27, Heft 4, S. 556-568
ISSN: 1552-8308
This article addresses access to basic health care facilities in Morocco, by emphasizing the issue of accommodation (Penchansky & Thomas, 1981). This article is based on data collected over three years spent in Rabat, Morocco, for fieldwork. The first year focused on hypertension. Research authorization was required for this research, which was obtained from the Ministry of Health. Research tools consisted of observations, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. I argue that waiting is not a passive experience or state. It is experienced with and through a mindful body (Scheper-Hughes & Lock, 1987), as an active and dynamic process that happens in a waiting room. The waiting room is conceptualized as a sphere of coexisting heterogeneity (Massey, 2005), allowing the concomitant presence of the body-self, social body, and the body politic, equivalent to body-inside and body-outside, respectively. By relating multiplicity and heterogeneity to time—biomedicine's time, different from patients' time, but also from the body's time or somatic time (Limor Meoded, 2018)—, I argue that the space of the waiting room brings these various temporalities together, commanding new configurations and processes (Massey, 2005). The dynamic process of waiting is embodied; it can burst out in the form of tension, when the concomitant presence of distinct trajectories, bodies, and temporalities inside the waiting room, sometimes generate violence (verbal and symbolic). Allowing this heterogeneity to coexist smoothly is the challenge of hospital architecture and its analysis from a phenomenological perspective will bring rich data to explore and extend the project of an anthropogeography of emotions and perception.
In: Astropolitics: the international journal of space politics & policy, Band 1, Heft 2, S. 26-49
ISSN: 1557-2943