German National Research Centers under political pressure: interference between different levels of actors
In: Coping with trouble: how science reacts to political disturbances of research conditions, S. 233-252
396 Ergebnisse
In: Coping with trouble: how science reacts to political disturbances of research conditions, S. 233-252
In: HELIYON-D-24-53736
Keat Chhon: Flexible engagement vs. non-interference. Cambodia's official position. - S. 11-16. Ali, M.: Reaffirming ASEAN's Foundations. A view of Singapore. - S. 17-20. Hofmann, N. von: The importance of regional groupings in a globalizing world. - S. 21-31. Rajaretnam, M.: Principles in Crisis. - S. 33-50. Kao Kim Hourn: Flexible engagement vs. non-interference. ASEAN and Cambodia. - S. 51-80. Hang Chuon Naron: The Asian economic crisis. - S. 81-93. Bunn Nagara: Shifting the terms of engagement. An ASEAN view of Cambodia. - S. 95-108. Tan Nady: Cambodia in ASEAN. - S. 109-113
World Affairs Online
In: CARBON-D-22-00083
Autonomiaa pidetään modernin länsimaisen journalismin kulmakivenä ja edellytyksenä sille, että journalismi voi menestyksekkäästi toteuttaa demokraattista tehtäväänsä yhteiskunnassa. Vakaissa demokratioissa ammattimaisella journalismilla on tyypillisesti ollut vakiintunut yhteiskunnallinen asema, ja tätä asemaa sekä journalistien mahdollisuutta tehdä työtänsä ilman pelkoa vakavista uhista on totuttu pitämään itsestäänselvyytenä. Yhteiskunnalliset, poliittiset, taloudelliset, kulttuuriset ja teknologiset kehityskulut vaikuttavat kuitenkin jatkuvasti journalismin toimintaympäristöön ja tätä asemaa tukeviin tekijöihin. Siirtymä analogisesta joukkoviestintäympäristöstä nykyiseen hybridiin mediamaisemaan on tuonut mukanaan uusia uhkatekijöitä, ja nykypäivän mediaympäristössä journalisteihin ja heidän työhönsä kohdistuu vaikutusyrityksiä ja uhkaa lukuisissa eri muodoissa. Nämä vaihtelevat poliittisesta ja taloudellisesta painostuksesta aina verkkohäirintään ja lisääntyvään journalisteihin kohdistuvaan vihamielisyyteen. Väitöskirjassani tarkastelen ulkopuolisten toimijoiden journalismiin kohdistamia vaikutuspyrkimyksiä sekä niiden vaikutuksia ammattijournalisteihin ja heidän työhönsä Suomessa. Kenttäteoriasta lainaten hahmotan ammattimaisen journalismin kenttänä, joka pyrkii suojelemaan kentän autonomiaa ja sen toimintaa ohjaavia periaatteita, käytäntöjä ja normeja ulkopuolisten toimijoiden suoralta puuttumiselta. Käsitteellistän ja operationalisoin tämän puuttumisen ulkoisen vaikuttamisen käsitteen avulla. Ulkoinen vaikuttaminen kattaa laajasti kaikki sellaiset aktiiviset ja/tai invasiiviset menetelmät, joiden avulla toimitusorganisaation ulkopuolinen taho pyrkii oikeudetta vaikuttamaan journalistiseen prosessiin ja/tai journalisteihin ja tätä kautta journalismin sisältöön ja autonomiaan. Tämän käsitesateenvarjon alla on mahdollista tarkastella samanaikaisesti useita erilaisia ja intensiteetiltään vaihtelevia vaikuttamisen menetelmiä aina sanallisesta painostamisesta uhkailuun ja henkiseen ja fyysiseen väkivaltaan. ...
Contemporary journalists face a multitude of external pressures and threats, ranging from political and commercial interference to online harassment and increasing anti-press hostility. This empirical article examines how the hybridization of the media environment is reflected in journalists' experiences of external interference. The article also explores the factors in journalists' working environment that support their ability to maintain their external autonomy against interference. The article is based on an applied thematic analysis of 31 semi-structured interviews with Finnish journalists supplemented by 4 background interviews with organizational stakeholders. Four major developments were identified in the analysis: (1) a proliferation of publicity control, (2) an increasingly contested public sphere, (3) societal and political polarization, and (4) the personalization of journalism. The autonomy of journalism was supported by a combination of (1) journalistic professionalism, (2) internal confidence within journalistic organizations, and (3) communication and support measures. The findings suggest that the hybridization of the media environment has intensified the external interference and pressure journalists encounter in their work. These, in turn, increase the workload and mental strain related to journalistic work, having the potential to cause fatigue, chilling effects, and self-censorship in the long run. ; publishedVersion ; Peer reviewed
In: Journal of vocational behavior, Band 64, Heft 1, S. 131-149
ISSN: 1095-9084
In: Journal of Palestine studies, Band 33, Heft 4, S. 53-69
ISSN: 1533-8614
Syria's sharp criticism of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003 opened a particularly tense phase in Syrian-American relations, culminating in the May 2004 imposition of U.S. economic sanctions under the Syria Accountability Act. While accusing Damascus of being on the ""wrong side"" in the wars against terror and Iraq, Washington has raised a number of other issues, including Syria's military presence in Lebanon, its support for Hizballah and various Palestinian factions, its alleged ""interference"" in Iraq, and its possible possession of weapons of mass destruction. This report, based on numerous interviews with government officials, analysts, opposition figures, and ordinary citizens, examines Syria's reactions to these allegations, gradual changes in Syrian political culture, and various domestic developments.
Autonomy is of paramount importance for journalism, but there is little empirically based knowledge of how journalists cope when it is threatened. Using a case study approach, this contribution examines a newsroom conflict that took place in the public service Radio and Television of Slovakia. It started when the new director general, a person believed to have ties to one of the coalition political parties, was elected by the parliament in 2017, and it culminated in layoffs and resignations of more than 30 reporters and editors in 2018. The case study is based on semi-structured interviews (N = 16) with the journalists who decided to quit in protest of what they called "creeping political pressure," those whose contracts were not prolonged, those who decided to stay at their jobs, and the members of the previous and the new management. Building on the interviews and document analysis, the article inductively develops a classification scheme for resistance practices the journalists used to cope with the perceived interference with their professional autonomy that came from within their media organisation. These practices include having internal discussions, voicing concerns during newsroom meetings, writing an internal letter to the management, meeting with the management, establishing a trade union, requesting mediation, writing an open letter to the viewers and listeners, publicly criticising the management in the media, voluntarily asking to be re-assigned to another topic area or position in order to avoid interference, staying at one's job in open opposition to the management, and resigning in protest.
In: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej, Band 201, Heft 2, S. 47-55
This article presents a case study on the limits of the BBC Overseas Service's journalistic independence during World War II. Not only editorial policy but also the personnel hired by the BBC Portuguese Service were subject to pressure from Salazar through the Foreign Office. How the Lisbon government was made aware of the events taking place inside the Portuguese Service and which strategies were used to interfere in its editorial line are discussed. This history presents clear evidence of how the BBC was required to trim its output in order to avoid diplomatic problems arising between the British and the Portuguese governments. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
The article analyses the impact of foreign broadcasts in Portugal during the Second World War as well as the communication strategies adopted by both German and British transmissions in the Portuguese language. After demonstrating that the broadcasts from the Axis powers were mainly composed of blatant propaganda, particular attention is given to the BBC. The British station, which was the most effective in reaching the Portuguese public, promoted itself as a credible source that offered reliable and unbiased news despite the fact that, as the article demonstrates, it trimmed its output to meet considerations imposed by the Foreign Office. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
The article analyses the impact of foreign broadcasts in Portugal during the Second World War as well as the communication strategies adopted by both German and British transmissions in the Portuguese language. After demonstrating that the broadcasts from the Axis powers were mainly composed of blatant propaganda, particular attention is given to the BBC. The British station, which was the most effective in reaching the Portuguese public, promoted itself as a credible source that offered reliable and unbiased news despite the fact that, as the article demonstrates, it trimmed its output to meet considerations imposed by the Foreign Office.
In: Sociology of health & illness: a journal of medical sociology, Band 35, Heft 2, S. 227-240
ISSN: 1467-9566
AbstractAccording to Beck's 'World at Risk' theory, global risks push nations towards a cosmopolitisation of their health policy and open opportunities for a democratic turn. This article provides an empirical analysis of Beck's theory, based on the experience of Vietnamese authorities from 2003 to 2007 in managing the emerging avian flu virus. It shows how Vietnam's framing of avian flu has shifted, under the pressure from international organisations and the US administration, from an epizootic and zoonotic risk (or a classic risk) to a pandemic threat (or a late modern risk). Vietnam's response was part of its overall strategy to join the World Trade Organization and it was limited by Vietnam's defence of its sovereignty. This strategy has been successful for Vietnam but has limited the possibility of cosmopolitan and democratic transformations. The case study highlights the constructed dimension of risks of late modernity and their possible instrumentalisation: it minimises the role of a community of fear relative to a community of trade.