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89166 Ergebnisse
In: African political, economic, and security issues series
In: Hunger and Poverty: Causes, Impacts and Eradication
Intro -- Contents -- Preface -- Adolescent Biology, Poverty and Risk -- Abstract -- Introduction -- The Statistics: Diverse Youth = Dramatically Better Youth -- What Lies Behind Youthful Improvements? -- Are Teenagers just "Stupid"? A Dissent -- Biology and Adolescent Development: The Modern Transition -- Juvenile Justice: An Example of Misapplied Developmental Theory -- Is This Science? -- Conclusion -- References -- Biographical Sketches -- Welfare and Change in Consumption Structure -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Theoretical Framework -- 3. Results and Discussion -- 3.1. Food and Tobacco Expenditures -- 3.2. Household Expenditure on Nonfoods -- 3.3. Household Income and Income Elasticity -- Conclusion -- References -- Biographical Sketch -- Transit, Automobile, and Commuting: Do the Relationships Differ across Income Groups? -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Literature Review -- Data and Methodology -- Data -- Conceptual Model -- Transit-Based and Automobile-Based Job Accessibility -- Results -- Conclusion -- References -- Structural Unemployment, Family Structure and Poverty -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Literature on Comparative Poverty -- Measuring Poverty: US vs. Poland -- Characteristics of the Poor - Age Factor -- The Elderly -- Poverty and Education -- Poverty and Disability -- Geographical Clusters of Poverty -- Unique Characteristics of the Poor - Poland vs. US -- Conclusion -- References -- Biographical Sketch -- Income Inequality, Poverty and Economic Reforms in Douala-Cameroon -- Abstract -- Introduction -- The Conceptualisation of Poverty in the City of Douala -- Sampling Procedures -- Method of Analysis -- Results and Discussions -- Income Distribution in the City of Douala -- Income Inequality and Dietary Quantity and Quality -- Income and Domestic Comfort -- Income and Health Seeking Behaviour
This book discusses critical policy issues that need to be addressed if India wishes to achieve the SDG 1 based elusive goal of ending poverty in the country. In its nine chapters, it takes the readers through trends and estimates of poverty in India, explains changes in the way it has been measured over time and the factors that lead to persistence of poverty, draws attention to the fact that hunger is both a cause and an effect of poverty and has gender and age dimensions too. The book revisits strategies that were successful in addressing poverty emanating from situations of conflict, presents a discussion on migration as a critical coping mechanism among poor, analyses the links between ill health and poverty as well as education and poverty to draw attention to the policy imperatives that need attention. India's report card on poverty remains dismal even though there is recognition of the importance of reducing or eliminating or ending it at both national and global levels. Despite rapid economic growth and improvement on a range of development indicators, an unacceptably high proportion of India's population continues to suffer poverty in multiple dimensions. SDG 1 or "ending poverty in all its forms everywhere" cannot be achieved unless policies and poverty alleviation programmes understand and address chronic poverty and its dynamics. This requires that we estimate and understand the extent of poverty, the factors that lead to people getting stuck in it and the ways this can be addressed. It also requires understanding the dynamic nature of poverty or the fact that many of those who are poor are able to move out of poverty as well as the fact that many others who are not poor become impoverished. These are the issues that are comprehensively examined and addressed in this book. In addition to students, teachers and researchers in the areas of development, economic growth, equity and welfare, the book is also of great interest to policy makers, planners and non-government agencies who are concerned with understanding and addressing poverty-related issues in the developing countries.
Este documento é uma tradução do livro publicado em português, "Pobreza e paz nos PALOP", Sextante Editora (2009), ISBN 978-989-676-007-6 ; Summarizing the political and economic evolution of Mozambique since the end of colonialism until the present time and cross-referencing it with narrations of Mozambicans who experienced these distinctive stages of the recent History of their country, this article starts with a reflection on the explanatory factors concerning the absence of historical framing and anthropological approaches in studies of poverty and an interpretation of the theoretical outlooks on which these studies are based. Some of the possible causes for the high rate of poverty registered in this country were examined and given explanation against the existence of direct link between war and poverty. In the end, the post-conflict period and some of features of the pursued policies were analyzed and the author concludes emphasizing the relevance of perceiving poverty in a contextualized manner, inserting it into the set of economic and social relations from which it is , globally and locally, a fundamental part.
A considerable part of the poverty that is measured in a single period is transitory rather than persistent. In most countries, only a portion of people who are currently poor are persistently poor. People who are persistently poor or who cycle into and out of poverty should be the main focus of anti-poverty policies. Understanding the characteristics of the persistently poor, and the circumstances and mechanisms associated with entry into and exit from poverty, can help to inform governments about options to reduce persistent poverty. Differences in poverty persistence across countries can shed additional light on possible sources of poverty persistence.
In: Social science quarterly, Band 81, Heft 2, S. 555-570
ISSN: 0038-4941
In an effort to disentangle the theoretical & empirical distinctness of poverty from constructs of extreme concentrated poverty, the differential impact of these measures on black & white homicide rates is assessed. Data are derived from the Urban Underclass Database, & the race-specific homicide rates are computed from information compiled in the Uniform Crime Report. Race-specific measures of poverty & poverty concentration are found to be highly correlated, challenging claims of their empirical distinctness. A closer inspection of the data, however, reveals that while poverty & poverty concentration affect the white homicide rate, only the traditional measure of poverty impacts black homicide. It is concluded that the finding of differential impacts of poverty & poverty concentration on black & white homicide rates is reflective of works by William J. Wilson (eg, 1987), Douglas S. Massey & colleagues (eg, 1994), as well as of criminological writings. Future research is needed to extend the study of poverty concentration in the area of measurement & the potential impact concentrated poverty may have on various types of crime & victimization. 3 Tables, 44 References. Adapted from the source document.
In: Global Viewpoints Ser
Cover Page -- Half Title Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Foreword -- Introduction -- Chapter 1: The Global Issue of Poverty -- 1. The Global Recession Has Caused a Slowdown in Progress Against Poverty -- 2. Global Poverty Has Decreased in Recent Years, Especially in Asia -- 3. Poverty Is Worsening in Many Countries, Especially in Sub-Saharan Africa -- 4. Most of the World's Poor Now Live in Middle-Income Countries -- 5. Income Inequality and Relative Poverty Have Risen in Industrialized Countries -- 6. The Current Measure of Poverty Is Inadequate -- Periodical and Internet Sources Bibliography -- Chapter 2: The Experience of Poverty Around the World -- 1. African Poverty Is Falling . . . Much Faster than You Think -- 2. South Asia Has the Largest Concentration of Poverty in the World -- 3. China Has Made Great Strides in the Elimination of Poverty -- 4. Latin America Has Experienced a Decline in Poverty and Inequality -- 5. Poverty in the Middle East and North Africa Varies Widely -- 6. Poverty in the United States Is Greater than in Other High-Income Countries -- Periodical and Internet Sources Bibliography -- Chapter 3: The Causes of Poverty -- 1. Poverty Around the World Is Caused by Government Intervention -- 2. Poverty Is Alleviated by Active Citizenship and Effective Governments -- 3. High Birth Rates and Population Growth Are Correlated with Poverty -- 4. Population Growth Is Not the Cause of Poverty -- 5. Hunger Is Both a Cause of and a Consequence of Poverty -- 6. Poverty Is Not Clearly Linked with Hunger -- Periodical and Internet Sources Bibliography -- Chapter 4: Efforts to End Poverty -- 1. Foreign Aid in Africa Is Increasing Poverty -- 2. Foreign Aid in Africa Is Helping to Fight Poverty -- 3. Global Redistribution of Incomes Is a Solution to Inequality and Poverty
In: International social science journal: ISSJ, Band 48, S. 161-292
ISSN: 0020-8701
Social, political, and economic factors contributing to poverty; how population control was implemented in China, need for adequate freshwater supplies, and other issues; developing countries, chiefly; 10 articles.
In: The journal of development studies, Band 42, Heft 7, S. 1199-1224
ISSN: 1743-9140
The conventional approach of economists to the measurement of poverty is to use measures of income or consumption. This has been challenged by those who favour broader criteria, such as fulfillment of 'basic needs' and the 'capabilities' to be and to do things of intrinsic worth. This paper asks: to what extent are these different concepts measurable, to what extent are they competing or complementary, and is it possible for them to be accommodated within an encompassing framework? We conclude that it is possible to view subjective well-being as an encompassing concept, which permits us to quantify the relevance and importance of the other approaches and of their component variables. Any attempt to define poverty involves a value judgment as to what constitutes a good quality of life or a bad one. We argue that an approach which examines the individual's own perception of well-being is less imperfect, or more quantifiable, or both, as a guide to forming that value judgement than are the other potential approaches. The argument is illustrated using a South African household survey. Adapted from the source document.