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World Affairs Online
Crowdsourcing the Policy Cycle
Crowdsourcing is beginning to be used for policymaking. The "wisdom of crowds" [Surowiecki 2005], and crowdsourcing [Brabham 2008], are seen as new avenues that can shape all kinds of policy, from transportation policy [Nash 2009] to urban planning [Seltzer and Mahmoudi 2013], to climate policy ( In general, many have high expectations for positive outcomes with crowdsourcing, and based on both anecdotal and empirical evidence, some of these expectations seem justified [Majchrzak and Malhotra 2013]. Yet, to our knowledge, research has yet to emerge that unpacks the different forms of crowdsourcing in light of each stage of the well established policy cycle. This work addresses this research gap, and in doing so brings increased nuance to the application of crowdsourcing techniques for policymaking.
Prpić, J., Taeihagh, A., & Melton, J. (2014). Crowdsourcing the Policy Cycle. Collective Intelligence 2014, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence.
Crowdsourcing the Policy Cycle
In: Prpić, J., Taeihagh, A., & Melton, J. (2014). Crowdsourcing the Policy Cycle. Collective Intelligence 2014, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence.
Phasenmodelle und Politikprozesse: Der Policy Cycle
In: Lehrbuch der Politikfeldanalyse 2.0, S. 75-113
Die Betrachtung von Politik als eine sequenzielle Abfolge von Phasen des politischen Prozesses ist eine wichtige Grundlage der aktuellen politischen, politik- und verwaltungswissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Auf der einen Seite ist diese Phaseneinteilung Grundlage einer Vielzahl empirischer Studien, weil sie hilft, politische Prozesse besser zu verstehen, auf der anderen Seite ist sie seit Jahren heftiger Kritik ausgesetzt. Die Verfasser skizzieren zunächst die Bedeutung dieses Konzepts für die Politikwissenschaft und zeichnen Quellen und Entwicklung des Phasenkonzepts des Policy Making nach. Sie stellen dann klassische Studien und die wichtigsten Ergebnisse empirischer Forschung zu den einzelnen Phasen vor und erläutern die grundsätzliche Kritik an dieser Sichtweise. Der Beitrag schließt mit einer Bewertung des Nutzens und der Probleme dieses Ansatzes. (ICE2)
Die Hartz-Kommission im “Policy Cycle”
In: Die Arbeit und die Entscheidungsprozesse der Hartz-Kommission, S. 41-78
Phasenmodelle und Politikprozesse: der policy-cycle
In: Lehrbuch der Politikfeldanalyse, S. 97-132
Policy Cycles in Mexican Presidential Politics
In: Latin American research review, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 139-161
ISSN: 1542-4278
Several aspects of presidential politics in Mexico have become well-established traditions. The president of Mexico is constitutionally limited to a single term of six years. Also, the president is always a member of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI). Although the details of the selection process are not well known, the PRI presidential candidate for the next election is hand-picked by the sitting president. Despite an assured victory for the PRI candidate, the nominee always mounts a barnstorming campaign covering all of Mexico, a procedure that helps to legitimize the domination of the PRI. All of these factors are the "givens" in the equation explaining presidential successions in Mexico. But at least one phenomenon—that of policy changes associated with presidential successions—has been much discussed but never critically tested. Briefly stated, various hypotheses suggest that new presidents significantly alter the policies of their predecessor, that predictable shifts from one side of the ideological spectrum to the other occur as presidents succeed one another, and that even certain patterns in policy innovation are evident within six-year presidential terms in Mexico. All of these hypotheses assume that policy decisions and outcomes are greatly affected by the politics of presidential transitions. The purpose of this article is to initiate a process of examining more rigorously the various propositions relating to policy cycles in Mexican politics.
Theoretischer Rahmen: Politikberatung im Policy Cycle
In: Expertenkommissionen im politischen Prozess, S. 90-116
In: Economic and industrial democracy: EID ; an international journal, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 139-162
ISSN: 0143-831X
Fiscal policy, cycles and growth
In: CEPAL review, Band 1998, Heft 64, S. 75-92
ISSN: 1684-0348
Policy cycles in Mexican presidential politics
In: Latin American research review: LARR ; the journal of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Band 20, Heft 3, S. 139-161
ISSN: 0023-8791
World Affairs Online