Pedestrian Zone in China's Motown
In: Swiss review of world affairs, Band 46, Heft 9, S. 28-29
135 Ergebnisse
In: Swiss review of world affairs, Band 46, Heft 9, S. 28-29
In: Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Band 53, Heft 3, S. 573-580
ISSN: 2185-0593
In: European journal for security research, Band 2, Heft 2, S. 119-129
ISSN: 2365-1695
Abstract. The article substantiates the need to complete the formation of an integrated network of pedestrian spaces in the historic center of Kiev. Now the historic center covers three hills - the Upper Town, Pechersk and Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. However, the problem of creating an integrated network of pedestrian connections in the historic center of Kyiv has not yet been solved, and its formation is one of the urgent tasks today. After all, the creation of a holistic system of pedestrian ways in the historic city makes it possible to increase its tourist potential and ensure the preservation and development of historical and cultural heritage. The author proposes a method of spatial analysis to assess the state of public spaces in the city. The author's comparative analysis of two cities in the UK confirmed the importance and cost-effectiveness of pedestrian public spaces. It is noted that the existing transport infrastructure of the city of Kyiv does not provide for the formation of new pedestrian zones. The author analyzes the central squares of Kyiv: Independence Square, Troitska, Tolstoy, European, Sofiyska, Mykhailivska, Lvivska and Peremohy Squares in terms of comfortable pedestrian movement and the availability of public places. It turned out that in terms of transport accessibility, they are convenient, but not suitable for pedestrians; by use - have mainly administrative, political functions; sometimes - cultural; by category of comfort - are inconvenient, there are no sanitary conditions, places for sitting, rest, greens; these are mainly transport interchanges; by category of social function - meeting places, commercial spaces; there are no signs of identity. Means of forming a network of pedestrian public spaces and proposals for the design of individual fragments of the city are proposed. The author determines how transit space and stationary spaces are used, whether it is possible to use them as a citywide public space and connect it to the main axis along Volodymyrska and Khreschatyk. ; У статті обґрунтовано необхідність завершення формування інтегрованої мережі пішохідних просторів в історичному центрі Києва. Зараз історичний центр охоплює три пагорби – Верхнє місто, Печерськ і Києво-Печерську Лавру. Проте проблема створення цілісної мережі пішохідних зв'язків в історичному центрі Києва досі не вирішена, і її формування є на сьогодні одним з нагальних завдань. Адже саме створення цілісної системи пішохідних вулиць в історичному місті дає можливість підвищити його туристичний потенціал і забезпечити збереження і розвиток історико-культурної спадщини. Автор пропонує метод просторового аналізу для оцінки стану громадських просторів у місті. Проведений автором порівняльний аналіз двох міст в Великобританії підтвердив важливість та економічну ефективність пішохідних громадських просторів. Зазначається, що існуюча транспортна інфраструктура міста Києва не передбачає формування нових пішохідних зон. Автор аналізує центральні площі Києва: Майдан Незалежності, Троїцьку, Площу Толстого, Європейську, Софійську, Михайлівську, Львівську, Площу Перемоги з точки зору зручності пішохідного руху та наявності громадських місць. Виявилось, що за категорією транспортної доступності вони є зручними, проте не пристосованими для пішоходів; за використанням – мають переважно адміністративні, політичні функції; обмежено – культурні; за категорією комфортності – є незручними, відсутні санітарні умови, місця для сидіння, відпочинку, зелень; переважно – це транспортні розв'язки; за категорією соціальної функції – місце зустрічі, комерційний простір; не вистачає ознак ідентичності. Запропоновано засоби формування мережі пішохідних громадських просторів та пропозиції щодо оформлення окремих фрагментів міста. Автор визначає, як використовується транзитний простір та стаціонарні простори, чи є можливість їх використання як загальноміського громадського простору та підключення його до основної осі вздовж Володимирської та Хрещатика.
In: Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Band 52, Heft 3, S. 277-284
ISSN: 2185-0593
To provide safe and comfortable walking environments on narrow streets without sidewalks, the Seoul city government has implemented the Pedestrian Priority Street (PPS) projects. Based on Monderman&rsquo ; s &ldquo ; shared space&rdquo ; concept, the PPS involves applying diverse paving design techniques, particularly stamped asphalt pavement of various colors and patterns. This study investigated the effectiveness of the PPS for pedestrian safety. Data sources were ; (1) video recordings of the nine concurrent PPS in 2014 before and after the projects were completed ; and (2) a cross-sectional survey at the nine streets. Two groups of multiple regression models analyzed the objective safety, by using the variables, mean vehicle speed and change in mean speed, which were then compared with subjective safety through a questionnaire analysis. The results found that the design strategies reduced the vehicle speed and increased perceptions of pedestrian safety. These suggest that the PPS principles are practical and feasible ways to tackle the safety problems of narrow streets without sidewalks. Further, vehicle speeds increased on streets where the pedestrian zone was clearly distinguishable from the vehicular zone, by applying PPS techniques only at the roadside. Thus, clearly separating pedestrians from vehicular zones, which is neither the original principle, nor the intent of the PPS, should be avoided.
In: MIT Center for Real Estate Research Paper No. 22/05
In: JCIT-D-22-00967
Abstract Background The current political agenda aims to promote active environments and physical activity while commuting to work, but research on it has provided mixed results. This study examines whether the proximity of green space and people's residence in different travel-related urban zones contributes to commuting physical activity. Methods Population-based cross-sectional health examination survey, Health 2011 study, and geographical information system (GIS) data were utilized. The GIS data on green space and travel-related urban zones were linked to the individuals of the Health 2011 study, based on their home geocoordinates. Commuting physical activity was self-reported. Logistic regression models were applied, and age, gender, education, leisure-time and occupational physical activity were adjusted. Analyses were limited to those of working age, living in the core-urban areas of Finland and having completed information on commuting physical activity ( n = 2 098). Results Home location in a pedestrian zone of a main centre (odds ratio = 1.63; 95 % confidence interval = 1.06–2.51) or a pedestrian zone of a sub-centre (2.03; 1.09–3.80) and higher proportion of cycling and pedestrian networks (3.28; 1.71–6.31) contributed to higher levels of commuting physical activity. The contribution remained after adjusting for all the environmental attributes and individuals. Based on interaction analyses, women living in a public transport zone were almost two times more likely to be physically active while commuting compared to men. A high proportion of recreational green space contributed negatively to the levels of commuting physical activity (0.73; 0.57–0.94) after adjusting for several background factors. Based on interaction analyses, individuals aged from 44 to 54 years and living in sub-centres, men living in pedestrian zones of sub-centres, and those individuals who are physically inactive during leisure-time were less likely to be physically active while commuting. Conclusions Good pedestrian and cycling infrastructure may play an important role .
BACKGROUND The current political agenda aims to promote active environments and physical activity while commuting to work, but research on it has provided mixed results. This study examines whether the proximity of green space and people's residence in different travel-related urban zones contributes to commuting physical activity. METHODS Population-based cross-sectional health examination survey, Health 2011 study, and geographical information system (GIS) data were utilized. The GIS data on green space and travel-related urban zones were linked to the individuals of the Health 2011 study, based on their home geocoordinates. Commuting physical activity was self-reported. Logistic regression models were applied, and age, gender, education, leisure-time and occupational physical activity were adjusted. Analyses were limited to those of working age, living in the core-urban areas of Finland and having completed information on commuting physical activity (n = 2 098). RESULTS Home location in a pedestrian zone of a main centre (odds ratio = 1.63; 95 % confidence interval = 1.06-2.51) or a pedestrian zone of a sub-centre (2.03; 1.09-3.80) and higher proportion of cycling and pedestrian networks (3.28; 1.71-6.31) contributed to higher levels of commuting physical activity. The contribution remained after adjusting for all the environmental attributes and individuals. Based on interaction analyses, women living in a public transport zone were almost two times more likely to be physically active while commuting compared to men. A high proportion of recreational green space contributed negatively to the levels of commuting physical activity (0.73; 0.57-0.94) after adjusting for several background factors. Based on interaction analyses, individuals aged from 44 to 54 years and living in sub-centres, men living in pedestrian zones of sub-centres, and those individuals who are physically inactive during leisure-time were less likely to be physically active while commuting. CONCLUSIONS Good pedestrian and cycling infrastructure may play an important role in promoting commuting physical activity among the employed population, regardless of educational background, leisure-time and occupational physical activity. Close proximity to green space and a high proportion of green space near the home may not be sufficient to initiate commuting physical activity in Finland, where homes surrounded by green areas are often situated in car-oriented zones far from work places.
In: PHYSA-212772
In: Environment and planning. B, Urban analytics and city science
ISSN: 2399-8091
The global climate-change crisis, along with public health and economic competitiveness challenges in cities around the world have underscored the need for analytic tools to examine the relationship between city design and sustainable mobility. Car-centered travel demand models and land-use-transportation interaction models have historically analyzed zone-to-zone trips along major roadways, largely omitting pedestrian and bicycle trips and creating a gap in the ability for planners and urban designers to systematically assess non-motorized outcomes of development interventions. We present the Urban Network Analysis tools to address this gap. UNA tools offer an accessibility-based framework for analyzing how built environments influence pedestrian travel in both existing and newly planned built environments. Developed as a free plugin for Rhinoceros 3D since 2015 and applied in several cities and research projects internationally, this paper describes the current Urban Network Analysis modeling framework and discusses the unique contributions the framework offers compared to existing pedestrian modeling approaches. Using Somerville, MA as case example, we demonstrate several commonly used functions for planners: examining pedestrian accessibility over networks; identifying critical walking routes to destinations; estimating foot-traffic on street segments; identifying frustration points for pedestrians; and evaluating how development changes may impact pedestrian activity in their vicinity. Such analyses can provide analytic evidence to pedestrian infrastructure planning and investment, and enable planners, designers, and policy makers to prioritize projects that increase sustainable mobility outcomes.
In: Public administration series : bibliography 185
In: Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Band 48, Heft 3, S. 417-422
ISSN: 2185-0593