Geological disasters in mines, ecological environment and geology and geomorphology are closely bound up with each other. To reduce or avoid economic loss and to decrease the threat degree of geological disasters to life safety, the protection of geological environment are formulated in this study. Specifically, this includes taking mines that are dominated by thin bedded carbonate as the research objects. The goals of this study include prevention and control of geological disasters and protection of geological environment. The data are based on characteristics of geological strata in mines collected by the exploration, and combined with the characteristics of geomorphic environment, relevant rules aiming at the prevention and control of geological disasters. Then, pursuant to the selection of indicators, an evaluation system is constructed to verify the effectiveness of measures and strategies proposed, in which the score value is converted into the corresponding level to test the implementation effect of the measures and strategies proposed. Through comparing the changes of the utility levels before and after the implementation of measures and strategies proposed, it can be seen that the geological disaster levels of the five mining areas in the study region are respectively improved from the non-ideal levels V, IV, V, V, IV to II, I, I, II, II, with the tailings pond leakage times less than 4 times and collapse volume less than 5m3. And, the levels of geological environment are upgraded from levels IV, IV, IV, V, V to ideal levels II, II, II, I, II, accomplished by the vegetation coverage rate of the mine reaching more than 35%, as well as the recovery rate of exploitation and utilization rate of tailings both exceeding 85%, which indicates that the protection strategy proposed in this paper has good practicality and feasibility.
Guatemala City is racked by the practice of extortion: the act of obtaining goods and/or money through the threat of force. Transportation workers are a particularly vulnerable population, with a homicide rate four times the national average. While social scientists, policy experts, and asylum advocates rightly observe that extortionists control territory, lost in this literature is an appreciation for how these violent actors also govern victims' experience of time and velocity. This article, in response, develops ethnographically the concept of terminal velocity to assess how the violent extraction of payments from transportation workers routinely presses these drivers up against the practical limits of Guatemala City. This includes the downward pull of extortion, which compels them to drive at ever-increasing speeds, and the upward drag of road congestion, poor infrastructure, and human fatigue that inevitably caps their acceleration.
The book deals with the various aspects of the demand for and use of currency and its role in a world of changing payment patterns. A comprehensive introductory survey outlines the evolution of the relevant money demand theory in the last four decades and the empirical findings. The theories are tested and analysed for the Netherlands, using specially designed surveys, paying particular attention to the influence of cash dispensers and plastic money, providing new measurement methodology. The demand for currency and its components is also analysed on a multinational level for 15 countries, using unique data sets on payment systems obtained from the central banks and from a variety of publications. Thus the book is an unprecedented source of theoretical and practical information for all those involved in the use of banknotes and coins, cash dispenders and alternative payments media, such as checks, credit cards and point of sale terminals
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The purpose of this study was to determine the terminal retribution collection system in Jepara district, the efforts of the transportation service in increasing Jepara city terminal retribution collection and the inhibiting and supporting factors in carrying out Jepara city terminal retribution collection. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted by means of interviews, documentation and observation with interactive model data analysis. The results of the study can be seen that the terminal retribution collection system is carried out by two retribution collectors who stand in front of the entrance and exit of the terminal, by pulling each transport that enters the terminal according to the rates listed on the ticket and is given a TPR (sign of payment of retribution) or in accordance with the SOP for withdrawal of terminal retribution. The inhibiting and supporting factors in the implementation of the Jepara city terminal levy collection are the reduced number of vehicles, declining public transport service users, government regulations on mass transportation that have not been implemented properly, the ease with which people get / have two-wheeled transportation and private cars, community human resources who are low. The supporting factors are terminal human resources/terminal officers and the collection is carried out based on regional regulation number 22 of 2011.
Do coordination failures constrain financial technology adoption? Exploiting the Mexican government's rollout of 1 million debit cards to poor households from 2009 to 2012, I examine responses on both sides of the market and find important spillovers and distributional impacts. On the supply side, small retail firms adopted point-of-sale terminals to accept card payments. On the demand side, this led to a 21 percent increase in other consumers' card adoption. The supply-side technology adoption response had positive effects on both richer consumers and small retail firms: richer consumers shifted 13 percent of their supermarket consumption to small retailers, whose sales and profits increased. (JEL E42, L25, L81, O14, O33)
The article summarizes the role of innovations in cashless payment market of Ukraine. According to the analysis of recent research and publications the main trends that are characteristic for the development of the world cashless payments market are highlighted. The basic generations of development of cashless payments have been displayed and the key characteristics corresponding to them have been defined. The main trends in the development of payment instruments and payment infrastructure in the domestic market during recent years are identified on the basis of statistics. Attention is paid to the number of payment terminals, active payment cards and contactless payment cards. The total share of cashless payments in the sphere of settlements is presented as well as the forecasts for the development of the Ukrainian market of electronic payments for the coming years based on the data of international statistical platform. The article provides the general overview of e-commerce sphere and payments through mobile POS-terminals. The key players of the domestic FinTech ecosystem have been identified and the introduction of innovative payment products that are developed by these players and international FinTech corporations has been analyzed. This products include such ones as: mWallet, mReward, eWallet, mGift, mRetail that are provided by Wallet Factory and MOSST Cash, MOSST Reader that are developed by MOSST company. The results of introduction of innovative product – NFC Donation Box by FinTech company Agency 21 were given as confirmation of the effectiveness of innovative technologies in cashless payments. The research describes the peculiarities of introduction of Google Pay and Apple Pay on the financial market of Ukraine. The basic problems that are inherent in the domestic sphere of cashless payments are investigated and the possible ways of their solution are suggested. During investigation amid of all problems, the attention was focused on the three major: security of payments, level of development of payment infrastructure and government support of innovative product developers. Moreover, the investigation of Visa company that describes the world problems of implementation of cashless payments in national economies are analyzed with appropriate ways of resolving these obstacles. The role of the three major economic entities such as national governments, local governments and innovative product developers in resolving problems has been carefully described and active steps that can reduce the impact of these problems in the process of building of cashless economies were highlighted.Keywords: cashless payments, payment infrastructure, innovative payment technologies, payment instruments, e-commerce, payment cards.
Важливим елементом ринку електронних платіжних карток є забезпечення ринку сучасними, ефективними електронними платіжними пристроями, від розвитку яких в значній мірі залежить стан розвитку ринку платіжних карток. Крім того, переваги та зручності, які забезпечують використання електронних платіжних пристроїв, а саме, зниження вартості їх використання, безпека проведення операцій з їх застосуванням, збільшення продуктивності та зручності їх використання, в кінцевому порядку приводять до підвищення ефективності взаємовідносин між постачальниками товарів та послуг і їх споживачами, збільшення обсягів реалізації товарів та послуг, зменшення витрат на їх проведення, зниження обсягів тіньової економіки, що в результаті забезпечує зростання виробництва внутрішнього валового продукту в країні.Аналіз статистичних даних Національного банку України показує, що незважаючи на негаразди в економічній та політичній ситуації в Україні, які привели до зменшення кількості як учасників карткових платіжних систем, так і кількості банківських пристроїв самообслуговування, ринок електронних платіжних пристрої мав стійку позитивну динаміку. При цьому споживачі електронних платіжних послуг віддавали перевагу більш технологічним та функціонально насиченим депозитним банкоматам та програмно-технічним комплексам самообслуговування, на противагу звичайним банкоматам для отримання готівки.Крім того, проведені розрахунки показують, що електронні платіжні пристрої змінюють своє місце розташування із банківських установ, на торгівельні. Така динаміка в першу чергу пов'язана із стрімким зростанням кількості суб'єктів господарювання, які приймають електронні платіжні засоби. При цьому, зменшення кількості торгівельних терміналів на 1 підприємство, яке використовує електронні засоби платежу показує, що торгівельні платіжні термінали набувають все більшої популярності не тільки у великих супермаркетах, а і у окремих невеликих торгівельних точках, в тому числі і на організованих ринках.Проведене дослідження показує, що ринок електронних платіжних пристроїв в Україні стрімко розвивається. Така динаміка та структурні зміни на ринку електронних платіжних пристроїв в значній мірі пов'язані із значними перевагами, які мають платіжні пристрої порівняно із використанням готівки.Ключові слова: платіжні картки, електронні платіжні пристрої, банкомати, платіжні термінали, депозитні банкомати ; An important element of the electronic payment card market is to provide the market with modern, efficient electronic payment devices, the development of which largely depends on the state of development of the payment card market. In addition, the benefits and conveniences that provide the use of electronic payment devices, namely reducing the cost of their use, security of operations with their use, increasing productivity and ease of use, ultimately lead to more efficient relationships between suppliers of goods and services and their consumers, increasing sales of goods and services, reducing the cost of their implementation, reducing the shadow economy, which in turn ensures the growth of gross domestic product in the country.Analysis of statistical data of the National Bank of Ukraine shows that despite the troubles in the economic and political situation in Ukraine, which led to a decrease in the number of participants in card payment systems and the number of self-service banking devices, the market of self-service banking devices had a stable positive dynamics. At the same time, consumers of electronic payment services preferred more technological and functionally rich ATMs and self-service software and hardware, as opposed to conventional ATMs for receiving cash.In addition, the calculations show that electronic payment devices change their location from banking to commercial. This trend is primarily due to the rapid growth in the number of businesses that accept electronic means of payment. At the same time, the decrease in the number of trade terminals per 1 enterprise that uses electronic means of payment shows that trade payment terminals are becoming increasingly popular not only in large supermarkets, but also in some small outlets, including organized markets.Keywords: payment cards, electronic payment devices, ATMs, payment terminals, deposit ATM
In: Wiadomości statystyczne / Glówny Urza̜d Statystyczny, Polskie Towarzystwo Statystyczne: czasopismo Głównego Urze̜du Statystycznego i Polskiego Towarzystwa = The Polish statistician, Band 63, Heft 1, S. 77-95
The aim of this article is to identify and project trends in the development of the non-cash payment market in Poland in terms of the payment cards use. The study was carried out on the basis of data from the European Central Bank (ECB) for EU countries for the years 2000—2014. The space-time analogy method was used. In Poland, the dynamics of payments by card at POS terminals (in commercial outlets) is higher than the EU average. However, in terms of such measures as the number of payment cards per capita as well as the number of POS terminals and ATMs per 1 million inhabitants, the gap between Poland and the EU average is over 10 years. In Poland, market was similar to 20 EU countries and will maintain development trends at least until 2020.
ABSTRACTThe terminal is a place for stopping public transportation, both city and intercity, where potential passengers meet. with an angkot that takes him to his destination. People tend to choose urban and inter-city transportation as a means of transportation to the target area. To review retribution at the Landungsari terminal in Malang City as a service to use a parking space for transportation vehicles while waiting for departure, amidst the Corona Covid-19 virus epidemic. The fact is that public transportation drivers accept the application of terminal fees imposed by the Malang City government, the stipulation is Rp. 1,000 (one thousand rupiah). During the Corona Covid-19 Pandemic, the activities of the drivers were disturbed so that the income level decreased due to the absence of passengers. The government implements terminal fees in order to expect remuneration for the location of the terminal provided by the government for the community, especially public transportation drivers looking for income. It is recommended for drivers to comply with tax retribution payments in a timely manner so that they can help and participate in increasing regional tax results in the city of Malang in the midst of the Corona Covid-19 pandemic, by following the health protocols of both drivers and public transportation passengers such as washing hands, wearing masks and maintaining distance. Keywords: Public transportaition, corona, retribution, stationABSTRAKTerminal merupakan tempat pemberhentian kendaraan umum, baik kota maupun antarkota, tempat calon penumpang bertemu. dengan angkot yang membawanya ke tempat tujuannya. Masyarakat cenderung memilih transportasi perkotaan dan antar kota sebagai alat transportasi menuju daerah sasaran. Meninjau retribusi di terminal Landungsari Kota Malang sebagai pelayanan penggunaan tempat parkir kendaraan angkut sambil menunggu pemberangkatan, di tengah wabah virus Corona Covid-19. Faktanya, para sopir angkot menerima pemberlakuan retribusi terminal yang diberlakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Malang, ketentuannya Rp. 1.000 (seribu rupiah). Pada saat Pandemi Corona Covid-19, aktivitas para pengemudi terganggu sehingga tingkat pendapatan menurun akibat tidak adanya penumpang. Pemerintah menerapkan biaya terminal dengan harapan adanya remunerasi bagi lokasi terminal yang disediakan oleh pemerintah bagi masyarakat, khususnya para pengemudi angkot yang sedang mencari penghasilan. Disarankan bagi para pengemudi untuk mematuhi pembayaran retribusi pajak secara tepat waktu sehingga dapat membantu dan berpartisipasi dalam meningkatkan hasil pajak daerah di kota Malang di tengah pandemi Corona Covid-19, dengan mengikuti protokol kesehatan keduanya. pengemudi dan penumpang angkot seperti mencuci tangan, memakai masker dan menjaga jarak. Kata kunci: Angkutan umum, korona, retribusi, stasiun
Pelayanan publik merupakan elemen yang sangat penting dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Inovasi yang dibuat oleh Pemkot Surabaya bersama Dishub Kota Surabaya berkaitan dengan sistem parkir online yang disebut Park and Ride TIJ. Inovasi pelayanan ini diciptakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan peningkatan kepemilikan kendaraan di Kota Surabaya yang membuat kebutuhan parkir meningkat, tetapi tidak diikuti dengan penambahan lahan parkir. Parkir di badan jalan mengakibatkan pergerakan lalu lintas terhambat sehingga terjadi kemacetan terutama di pusat keramaian tengah kota seperti Jalan Wonokromo, Jalan Darmo, dan Jalan Setail. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mendeskripsikan Inovasi Pelayanan Publik Park and Ride TIJ Oleh Dishub Kota Surabaya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Fokus penelitian dengan teori milik Yogi Suwarno (2008:19) yaitu aspek-aspek penting yang menunjukkan suatu organisasi telah melakukan inovasi meliputi Pengetahuan Baru, Cara Baru, Objek Baru, Teknologi Baru, dan Penemuan Baru. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan ditarik kesimpulan berdasarkan data yang menjawab rumusan masalah. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah semua fasilitas yang ada di Park and Ride TIJ sudah sangat bagus dan memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. Hanya saja kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk menggunakan fasilitas yang sudah disediakan oleh pemerintah. Setelah didirikan Park and ride pun masih ditemukan masalah yakni banyak masyarakat masih melakukan parkir liar terutama pengunjung Kebun Binatang Surabaya, serta sopir angkot yang "ngetem" di pinggir jalan sehingga menimbulkan kemacetan. Kemudian terkait dengan penerapan e-payment, karena banyak masyarakat masih menggunakan uang tunai untuk pembayaran parkir di Park nad Ride TIJ. Kata Kunci: Pelayanan Publik, Inovasi Pelayanan, Park and Ride Public service is a very important element in government administration. The innovation made by the Surabaya City Government and the Surabaya City Transportation Agency is related to an online parking system called the TIJ Park and Ride. This service innovation was created to solve the problem of increasing vehicle ownership in the city of Surabaya which makes parking needs increase, but not followed by additional parking lots. Parking on the road causes traffic movement to be hampered, resulting in congestion, especially in the downtown area such as Jalan Wonokromo, Jalan Darmo, and Jalan Setail. The purpose of this study was to describe the TIJ Park and Ride Public Service Innovation by the Surabaya City Transportation Agency. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The focus of research with Yogi Suwarno's (2008: 19) theory is important aspects that show an organization has made innovations including New Knowledge, New Methods, New Objects, New Technologies, and New Inventions. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques used data reduction, data presentation and conclusions drawn based on data that answered the problem formulation. The result of this research is that all existing facilities at the TIJ Park and Ride are very good and meet the needs of the community. It's just a lack of public awareness to use the facilities provided by the government. After the establishment of Park and Ride, problems were still found, namely that many people were still parking illegal, especially visitors to the Surabaya Zoo, as well as public transportation drivers who "stuck" on the side of the road, causing congestion. Then related to the application of e-payments, because many people still use cash for parking payments at TIJ Park nad Ride. Keywords: Public Service, Service Innovation, Park and Ride
ABSTRAK Terminal Umbulharjo Yogyakarta pada tahun 2003 sudah kurang memenuhi kegunaan pelayananan sarana transportasi, sehingga dibangun terminal baru di lokasi Gimawang Yogyakarta. Permerintah Daerah Kota Yogyakarta bersama investor akan mewujudkannya, hal tersebut untuk memenuhi kepuasan dan kenyamanan dalam pelayanan publik. Metode dalam menganalisa proyek ini dengan menggunakan analisa-analisa harga dasar, pengeluaran proyek, bunga pinjaman, depresiasi dan pembayaran pokok kredit tahun 2004. Hasil dalam menilai kelayakan proyek terminal Giwangan Yogyakarta menunjukan layak dengan nilai 1,400 > 1 investasi profitabel bagi investor, pendapatan terhadap pengeluaran memiliki nilai 5,096 > 1 tingkat resiko proyek kecil serta dalam mewujudkan faktor pendukung dan penghambat tercapainya BEP memberikan presentasi tingkat Break event occupancy factor sebesar 117,47 % > 85 % . Kata kunci : terminal, investor, kelayakan ABSTRACT The terminal Umbulharjo Yogyakarta in 2003 had less to meet the usability of services transportation, so that the new terminal was built at the site Gimawang Yogyakarta. The Government Region of Yogyakarta with investor will make it happen, it is to meet the satisfaction and comfort in public service. Method in analyzing the project using the basic price analyzes, project expenditures, loan interest, depreciation and principal payments in 2004. Results in assessing the feasibility of the project showed terminal Giwangan Yogyakarta worth to the value of 1.400 > 1 profitable investment for investors, income over expenditure has a value of 5.096 > 1 smaller project and the level of risk in realizing the factors supporting and barrier the achievement of BEP is presenting the event break occupancy factor of 117.47 % > 85 %. Keywords: terminal, investor, the feasibility
Pelayanan publik merupakan elemen yang sangat penting dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Inovasi yang dibuat oleh Pemkot Surabaya bersama Dishub Kota Surabaya berkaitan dengan sistem parkir online yang disebut Park and Ride TIJ. Inovasi pelayanan ini diciptakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan peningkatan kepemilikan kendaraan di Kota Surabaya yang membuat kebutuhan parkir meningkat, tetapi tidak diikuti dengan penambahan lahan parkir. Parkir di badan jalan mengakibatkan pergerakan lalu lintas terhambat sehingga terjadi kemacetan terutama di pusat keramaian tengah kota seperti Jalan Wonokromo, Jalan Darmo, dan Jalan Setail. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mendeskripsikan Inovasi Pelayanan Publik Park and Ride TIJ Oleh Dishub Kota Surabaya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Fokus penelitian dengan teori milik Yogi Suwarno (2008:19) yaitu aspek-aspek penting yang menunjukkan suatu organisasi telah melakukan inovasi meliputi Pengetahuan Baru, Cara Baru, Objek Baru, Teknologi Baru, dan Penemuan Baru. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan ditarik kesimpulan berdasarkan data yang menjawab rumusan masalah. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah semua fasilitas yang ada di Park and Ride TIJ sudah sangat bagus dan memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. Hanya saja kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk menggunakan fasilitas yang sudah disediakan oleh pemerintah. Setelah didirikan Park and ride pun masih ditemukan masalah yakni banyak masyarakat masih melakukan parkir liar terutama pengunjung Kebun Binatang Surabaya, serta sopir angkot yang "ngetem" di pinggir jalan sehingga menimbulkan kemacetan. Kemudian terkait dengan penerapan e-payment, karena banyak masyarakat masih menggunakan uang tunai untuk pembayaran parkir di Park nad Ride TIJ. Kata Kunci: Pelayanan Publik, Inovasi Pelayanan, Park and Ride Public service is a very important element in government administration. The innovation made by ...