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17574 Ergebnisse
In: ECE Environmental Performance Reviews Series; Environmental Performance reviews: Albania, S. 33-48
In: Public administration review: PAR, Band 32, S. 670
ISSN: 1540-6210
This research deeply discusses about implementation of community participation in the education management in Primary Shool (SD) and Islamic Primary Shool (MI) in Sidoarjo District, in East Java especially related to the participation processes, forms or models, levels or strata and functions, the obstacles or problems and the supports factors, and how to overcome all problems, and to find alternative participation implementation models. Moreover, this research follows Moeover, this research infolved School Commite, Head Master, and Community leader in 18 Sub Distrcts in Sidoarjo District of East Java Indonesia. The conclusion and suggestions, of the research can be seen as follow : Community Participation in Edication Management has functions as : (1) Community fund rising; (2) the improvement of community attention and commitment; (3) the improvement of parent and community participation to make a better quality of education; and (4) the evaluation and supervision of education policy and the product of education. The opstacles of the community participation in education management are : (1) In Planning; (2) In Organizing and implementing; and (3) In monitoring and evaluation. The supporting factors are : (1) In planning and monitoring by using School Website; (2) BOS/BOSDA (School Operatinal Fund) very helpful for the poor parents to reduce the school payment; (3) Teacher Sertification Programe give positif impact to increase the spirit of teaching and learning process in the shool. Suggestions/Recommendations are : (1) School Commity needs reposition; (2) School need democracy improvement; (3) School needs improvement of tranparancy, acuntability, and responsiveness; (4) School needs improvement of cooperation with Higher Education; (5) District Government should give Recommendation Easily for the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programe; (6) School Commity needs  support from everybody to the positif effort for better quality of education; (7) To know deeper about the positive impacts of Website or the development of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) in Education Management, needs further and deeper research mus be done. Key words : "Community Participationâ€.
In: Environmental performance reviews: Tajikistan; ECE Environmental Performance Reviews Series, S. 41-50
In: ECE Environmental Performance Reviews Series; Environmental Performance Review: Romania, S. 45-56
In: Palgrave Studies in Educational Media Series
Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- List of Figures -- Chapter 1: Postdigital Participation in Education: An Introduction -- Setting the Stage -- Mapping Postdigital Participation in Education -- Structure of the Book -- References -- Part I: Mapping the Postdigital Condition in Education -- Chapter 2: Participation as a Key Principle of Education for Sustainable Development in the Postdigital Era -- Introduction -- Digital-Capitalist Structures and Sustainability -- Participation for Sustainable Development in the Postdigital Era? -- Conclusion: More Questions Than Answers -- References -- Chapter 3: Social Participation in a Postdigital-Biodigital Age -- Introduction -- Biodigital (in)Equality and Communication -- Biopolitics and Social Participation -- Postdigital-Biodigital Policymaking -- The Problem of Control -- New Understandings of (Education) Politics -- The Infopolitics-Biopolitics Continuum -- Infopolitics and Biopolitics in Education -- Conclusion -- Who Participates in Education? -- What Is to Be Done? -- When? -- Where? -- Why? Postscript -- References -- Chapter 4: Postdigital Bildung as a Guiding Principle to Foster Inclusion in Educational Media -- Introduction -- Learning Materials in the Postdigital Condition -- New Paths for Teaching and Learning (Materials) in the Postdigital Condition -- Contesting Openness: Potentials and Limitations of OER with Regards to Participation and Inclusion -- Postdigital Bildung in the Context of Educational Media: Project "Inclusive Teaching Material (ITM)" -- Inclusive Teaching Material (ITM) Project: Approaches and Methods -- ITM Results: Criteria for Inclusive Teaching and Learning Material -- Concluding Reflections -- References.
In: Environmental Performance Review: Turkmenistan; ECE Environmental Performance Reviews Series, S. 65-77
In today's rapidly changing labour markets and societies, people need to develop their knowledge, skills and competences continuously.
In: Teaching Political Science, Band 5, Heft 3, S. 307-317
Communities are strategic in a variety of ways towards the provision and management of education as well as teaching, learning and enforcement processes. However, communities play a variety of roles in the enhancement of democratic practice and stability. This paper discusses how communities can be involved in the promotion and management of education as well as the development of the capacity of communities to assume increased role in handling the entire education environments towards enhanced funding, management and monitoring under democratic settings. Method used in this study is the content analysis of community and democratic participation in various forms and dimensions in order to show the challenges and prospects in the Nigerian setting. Results in the study indicate that community participation in education and democratic participation must be inherently connected to each other for stable polity and good governance, as well as expansion of educational and other services. It is recommended that partnership and interaction between community and government in education must be built to provide initiative, responsibility, sensitivity for participation in education and governance designed to prevent break in communication and breakdown of law and order.
In: JeDEM: eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 136-150
ISSN: 2075-9517
In the 1920s, Otto Neurath proposed a method for pictorial statistics called "Isotype". The Isotype pictorial statistics were intended to educate the broad public and enable them to participate in society. This method is reviewed with respect to its relevance and potential for information visualization nowadays. Though some aspects are outdated, the basic approach has still potential for information visualization and civic education. Possible new media applications are presented and their impact for civic education and participation is discussed.
In development policy, community participation has increasingly come to be seen as a way to encourage community interest, involvement, ownership and ultimately, sustainability of projects. Education has also been affected by this discourse. The following paper examines two countries affected by conflict (Pakistan and Yemen), asking what type of community participation is possible in areas with complex conflict situations, since 'community participation' demands some form of 'democracy'. The conflict scenario and the locus of control and power in these countries is analysed in two rural areas, the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan and Marib Govemate of Yemen. Finally, the paper questions what type and degree of community participation is possible in education and whether it can become a catalyst for peace, or an indirect mechanism for power elites to control decision-making.
In: Journal of voluntary action research, Band 15, Heft 3, S. 7-23
This article examines the extent to which consumers in the U.S. are prepared to make informed decisions in a decentralized society. The events surrounding the breakup of the Bell System and AT& T required a number of decisions by individual consumers and provided a unique opportunity to observe decision-making in a recently decentralized environment. Consumer education and decision-making in four specific areas are examined followed by analysis of levels of sophistication as related to social background charactertstics. Then, the General Activity Model of human discretionary behavior is used to examine the extent to which specific decisions and levels of consumer education are related to a "general activity syn drome" wherein education, participation and awareness are highly interrelated across all areas of behavior. The analysis and discussions are informative regarding the prerequisites for prosuming in American society, suggestive as to whether edu cational or protective policies are needed, and instructive regarding the existence of a general model of participation. The article presents a challenge to those interested in values of equity and democracy, and it identifies tasks for the self-help movement and the nonprofit sector in raising the functional competence of citizens.