A Discussion of Some Recent Methodological Developments in the Osteoarchaeology of Childhood
In: Childhood in the past: an international journal, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 4-21
ISSN: 2040-8528
12 Ergebnisse
In: Childhood in the past: an international journal, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 4-21
ISSN: 2040-8528
This document is the fourth in a series of guides aimed at promoting best practice in different aspects of archaeological science, produced by members of the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC) of The Cyprus Institute. The current document was largely developed in the context of two projects: People in Motion and Promised. The implementation of People in Motion involved the laboratory study of a large commingled and partially burned skeletal assemblage from Byzantine Amathus, Cyprus, which came to light in the context of excavations led by the Cypriot Department of Antiquities. Osteological work on this assemblage was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation (EXCELLENCE/1216/0023). In addition, Promised aims at promoting archaeological sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean, with funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 811068. The study of burned skeletal remains is particularly challenging due to the extensive alteration of the bones, manifesting as warping, discoloration, shrinkage, and fracturing. These macroscopic changes express underlying structural and chemical alterations. As a result, the application of traditional osteological methods (morphological, metric, chemical, molecular, histological and others) is largely inhibited or should be extremely cautious. Nonetheless, the study of burned skeletal assemblages can offer unique insights to funerary practices and technologies, as well as the manipulation of dead bodies. In line with the above, the aim of this guide is to cover various aspects of the study of burned skeletal assemblages. It should be seen as a supplement to the 'Basic guidelines for the excavation and study of human skeletal remains; STARC Guide no. 1 ' and the 'Excavation and study of commingled human skeletal remains; STARC Guide no. 2'. The current guide is meant to serve only as a general outline and ...
This document is the first in a series of guides aimed at promoting best practice in different aspects of archaeological science, produced by members of the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Centre (STARC) of The Cyprus Institute. The current document was largely developed in the context of two projects: People in Motion and Promised. The implementation of People in Motion involved the study of large skeletal assemblages from Byzantine sites across the Mediterranean. Osteological work on these assemblages was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation (Project: EXCELLENCE/1216/ 0023). In addition, Promised aims at promoting archaeological sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean, with funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 811068. The aim of this guide is to cover the main aspects of the excavation and macroscopic study of human skeletal remains. The focus is on bioarchaeological/human osteoarchaeological assemblages, rather than forensic anthropological material, though many of the practices described are shared between these disciplines. It cannot be overemphasized that each skeletal assemblage will pose different challenges and any approach to field recovery and laboratory procedures will have to be adapted to these. Therefore, the current guide is meant to serve only as a general outline of best practices and the described field and lab-based methods should be modified depending on individual circumstances, such as the sample size, preservation of the material, research questions and other parameters. References are given throughout the document, but our aim is by no means to provide an exhaustive account of the literature. This document is an open resource and it is anticipated to be updated at regular intervals. We would greatly appreciate any feedback and recommendations for future improvement. ; Work on this guide was also funded by ...
This document is the first in a series of guides aimed at promoting best practice in different aspects of archaeological science, produced by members of the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Centre (STARC) of The Cyprus Institute. The current document was largely developed in the context of two projects: People in Motion and Promised. The implementation of People in Motion involved the study of large skeletal assemblages from Byzantine sites across the Mediterranean. Osteological work on these assemblages was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation (Project: EXCELLENCE/1216/ 0023). In addition, Promised aims at promoting archaeological sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean, with funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 811068. The aim of this guide is to cover the main aspects of the excavation and macroscopic study of human skeletal remains. The focus is on bioarchaeological/human osteoarchaeological assemblages, rather than forensic anthropological material, though many of the practices described are shared between these disciplines. It cannot be overemphasized that each skeletal assemblage will pose different challenges and any approach to field recovery and laboratory procedures will have to be adapted to these. Therefore, the current guide is meant to serve only as a general outline of best practices and the described field and lab-based methods should be modified depending on individual circumstances, such as the sample size, preservation of the material, research questions and other parameters. References are given throughout the document, but our aim is by no means to provide an exhaustive account of the literature. This document is an open resource and it is anticipated to be updated at regular intervals. We would greatly appreciate any feedback and recommendations for future improvement. ; Work on this guide was also funded by ...
This document is the second in a series of guides aimed at promoting best practice in different aspects of archaeological science, produced principally by members of the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC) of The Cyprus Institute. The current document was largely developed in the context of two projects: People in Motion and Promised. The implementation of People in Motion involved the laboratory study of a large commingled skeletal assemblage from Byzantine Amathus, Cyprus, which came to light in the context of excavations led by the Cypriot Department of Antiquities. Osteological work on this assemblage was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation (Project: EXCELLENCE/1216/0023). In addition, Promised aims at promoting archaeological sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean, with funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 811068. Commingled assemblages pose special challenges in their study, nonetheless such a study can reveal key information on the osteobiography of those comprising the assemblage and the funerary practices. In addition, since commingling is both a natural and cultural process, it should be viewed not strictly as an impediment to study (though admittedly methodology has to be adapted and 'traditional' bioarchaeological conclusions are often limited), but as a kind of 'life history' of a skeletal assemblage. In line with the above, the aim of this guide is to cover various aspects of the study of a commingled skeletal assemblage. It should be seen as a supplement to the 'BASIC GUIDELINES FOR THE EXCAVATION AND STUDY OF HUMAN SKELETAL REMAINS; STARC Guide No. 1', which outlines the key general methods for human skeletal excavation and analysis. As the first protocol, it focuses on the excavation and study of bioarchaeological assemblages, rather than forensic anthropological material, though many of the practices ...
This document is the second in a series of guides aimed at promoting best practice in different aspects of archaeological science, produced principally by members of the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC) of The Cyprus Institute. The current document was largely developed in the context of two projects: People in Motion and Promised. The implementation of People in Motion involved the laboratory study of a large commingled skeletal assemblage from Byzantine Amathus, Cyprus, which came to light in the context of excavations led by the Cypriot Department of Antiquities. Osteological work on this assemblage was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation (Project: EXCELLENCE/1216/0023). In addition, Promised aims at promoting archaeological sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean, with funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 811068. Commingled assemblages pose special challenges in their study, nonetheless such a study can reveal key information on the osteobiography of those comprising the assemblage and the funerary practices. In addition, since commingling is both a natural and cultural process, it should be viewed not strictly as an impediment to study (though admittedly methodology has to be adapted and 'traditional' bioarchaeological conclusions are often limited), but as a kind of 'life history' of a skeletal assemblage. In line with the above, the aim of this guide is to cover various aspects of the study of a commingled skeletal assemblage. It should be seen as a supplement to the 'BASIC GUIDELINES FOR THE EXCAVATION AND STUDY OF HUMAN SKELETAL REMAINS; STARC Guide No. 1', which outlines the key general methods for human skeletal excavation and analysis. As the first protocol, it focuses on the excavation and study of bioarchaeological assemblages, rather than forensic anthropological material, though many of the practices ...
Cover -- Table of Contents -- Acarology -- Apidology -- Applied Pyrolysis -- Archeobotany -- Autophagy -- Bioactive and Compatible Polymers -- Biosocial Science -- Carbohydrate Research -- Chronobiology -- Cladistics -- Cretaceous Research -- Developmental Biology -- Diatom Research -- Evolution -- Evolutionary Biology -- Extremophiles -- Geoarchaeology -- Horticultural Science -- Ichthyology -- Ichthyology and Herpetology -- Integrative Biology -- Macromolecular Research -- Malacology -- Micropaleontology -- Molecular Biology and Translational Science -- Molecular Evolution -- Morphology -- Natural History -- Natural Science -- Oleo Science -- Osteoarchaeology -- Paleobiology -- Paleobotany -- Paleolimnology -- Paleontology -- Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines -- Precambrian Research -- Quaternary Geochronology -- Quaternary Science -- Radiocarbons -- Systematic Palaeontology -- Theriogenology -- Trace Element Research -- Vegetation Science -- Vertebrate Paleontology -- Additional Research -- Index.
In: Journal of ecohumanism, Band 3, Heft 3, S. 128-140
ISSN: 2752-6801
The bibliometric analysis sought to evaluate the scientific production related to the Chachapoyas culture and to provide a systematic and quantitative understanding of the current state of research in this field. Comprehensive searches were conducted in the Scopus database using the defined search criteria limiting the search to scientific articles published in scientific journals until September 2023. The results were exported in a format that allowed subsequent analysis. Relevant bibliographic data were extracted from the search results, including article title, authors, year of publication, abstract and citations. A number of bibliometric metrics were calculated, such as number of publications per year totaling 40, the number of citations per article totaling 354, and the most frequent keyword was Peru with 17 occurrences. The author with the highest number of publications was Toyne J.M. with 9 papers and the journal with the most publications was the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology with 4. The bibliometric analysis shows a constant production in the research of the Chachapoyas Culture, with international collaboration and influential studies. However, there is still much to study and discover about this important pre-Columbian culture.
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Doe, Danielle M., et al. "Puberty in the Bronze Age: First application of a puberty estimation method to a prehistoric population". International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 29.6 (2019): 1091-1099, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/oa.2822. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions ; Puberty and adolescence represent a significant period of physical growth and maturation and a critical life stage in which children transition into adults within their societies. Numerous studies have observed a secular trend and have determined that puberty is now occurring earlier than in the past. This investigation represents the first application of a methodology for assessing the pubertal status of osteological remains to a prehistoric skeletal sample. Six Bronze Age adolescent skeletons from the Cerro de La Encantada archaeological site (Ciudad Real, Spain) were analysed. Prepubescence was observed at age 9 and the transition phase of the pubertal growth spurt at 15 years of age. These results were similar to those obtained from medieval, Industrial Revolution, and modern populations, both within and outside of the Iberian Peninsula. The similarity in the development of the Bronze Age adolescents to that of other past and contemporary populations suggests that the pubertal process has remained essentially unchanged across millennia until recent times. However, other interpretations, including the influence of a subpar developmental environment and potential methodological artefacts, are possible. Nevertheless, studies of this type provide important information about a crucial transitory period in human development ; The Laboratorio de Poblaciones del Pasado (LAPP) has been supported by Projects HAR2016‐78036‐P, HAR2016‐74846‐P, HAR2017‐82755‐P, and HAR2017‐83004‐P (Spanish Government) and a grant (Ref. 38360) from the Leakey Foundation
In: SpringerBriefs in Archaeology
Archaeological evidence - i.e. presence of exogenous, foreign material objects (pottery, obsidian and so on) - is used to make inferences on ancient trade, while population movement can only be assessed when the biological component of an ancient community is analyzed (i.e. the human skeletal remains). But the exchange of goods or the presence of foreign architectural patterns does not necessarily imply genetic admixture between groups, while at the same time humans can migrate for reasons that may not be related only to trading. The Prehispanic Maya were a complex, highly stratified society. During the Classic period, city-states governed over large regions, establishing complex ties of alliance and commerce with the region's minor centers and their allies, against other city-states within and outside the Maya realm. The fall of the political system during the Classic period (the Maya collapse) led to hypothetical invasions of leading groups from the Gulf of Mexico into the northern Maya lowland at the onset of the Postclassic. However, it is still unclear whether this collapse was already underway when this movement of people started. The whole picture of population dynamics in Maya Prehispanic times, during the Classic and the Postclassic, can slowly emerge only when all the pieces of the puzzle are put together in a holistic and multidisciplinary fashion. The contributions of this volume bring together contributions from archaeology, archaeometry, paleodemography and bioarchaeology. They provide an initial account of the dynamic qualities behind large-scale ancient population dynamics, and at the same time represent novel multidisciplinary points of departure towards an integrated reconstruction and understanding of Prehispanic population dynamics in the Maya region. Andrea CucinaDoctorate degree in Paleopathology (1998), Catholic University of Rome, School of Medicine, Italy. Laurea(honoris) in Biological Sciences with a major in Physical anthropology, University of Rome La Sapienza. Currently, Full Professor at the School of Anthropological Sciences, Autonomous University of Yucatán in Merida, (Mexico). Member of the National System of Investigators Level II (Mexico). He has carried out field and lab research in Italy, Dominican Republic República, Pakistan, Florida, México and Guatemala. His main interest is in dental anthropology of extant and recent populations. Currently, it focuses on paleodiet, paleopathology, developmental stress and population dynamics of the ancient Mayas (though not exclusively), and the early colonizers on the New World, as well as on biodistance studies of pre- and proto-historic populations in Europe and South America. He is Book Review Editor of HOMO, Journal of Comparative Human Biology, and member of several academic international associations. He has authored or co-authored more than eighty scientific papers in international journals (American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Journal of Archaeological Sciences, Latin American Antiquity, NATURE, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, HOMO and more), chapter in edited volumes, and has edited six books.
The paper features the fi rst general description in the Russian language of two necropolises located in Campochiaro (Campobasso, Italy) – Vicenne and Morrione, dating back to the period from the last third of the 7th – the beginning of the 8th century AD. The cultural content of the necropolises refl ects their strong ties with the population of Central Asian origin. The most important feature of the necropolises are burials with a horse, corresponding to the Eurasian nomadic burial rite. The author supported the conclusions of European researchers according to which it is highly probable that the necropolises were left by the Bolgars of the duke–gashtald Alzeko, originally recorded by Paul the Deacon in the 8th century in the territories of Bojano, Sepino and Isernia. The similarities of the Campochiaro necropolises with the burials of the Avar Khaganate imply the presence of the Bolgars in the Avar society with a similar burial ritual. Out of the thousands of horse burials left by the Avar population, a large portion could have been left by the Bolgars. The Avars and Bolgars constituted the basis and ruling elite of the Khaganate. The Alzeko people were the part of the Bolgars who in 631 AD fought for the Khagan throne, which indicates the high position of the Bolgars and their large number. After the defeat, this group of the Bolgars migrated to Bavaria, Carantania and Italy. Several decades of living in the Venedian, and later in the Lombard and Roman environment resulted in the heterogeneity of the funerary inventory, but did not change the rite itself. The Bolgars of the Lombard kingdom formed a new military layer - professional cavalry, which received land plots. This equestrian squad is an early example of the European feudal military and social class which was later referred to as chivalry. ; Настоящая работа является первым общим описанием на русском языке двух некрополей Кампокиаро (Кампобассо, Италия) – Виченне и Морионе, датируемых последней третью VII в. – началом VIII в. Культурное содержание некрополей показывает прочные связи с населением центральноазиатского происхождения. Важнейшим признаком некрополей являются захоронения с конем, соответствующие евразийскому кочевому погребальному обряду. Автор поддержал выводы европейских исследователей о том, что с большой долей вероятности некрополи оставлены булгарами дукса–гаштальда Алзеко, зафиксированными Павлом Диаконом в VIII в. на территориях Бояно, Сепино и Изернии. Аналогии некрополей Кампокиаро с погребениями Аварского каганата показывают присутствие в аварском обществе булгар со схожим погребальным обрядом. Из тысяч погребений с конем, оставленных аварским населением, булгарам могла принадлежать большая часть. Авары и булгары составляли основу и правящую верхушку каганата. Народ Алзеко являлся той частью булгар, которая в 631 г. боролась за каганский престол, что указывает на высокое положение булгар и их большое количество. После поражения эта группа булгар мигрировала последовательно в Баварию, Карантанию и Италию. Несколько десятков лет проживания в венедской, а затем в лангобардской и романской среде привели к гетерогенности погребального инвентаря, но не изменили сам обряд. Булгары лангобардского королевства составляли новый военный слой, который представлял из себя профессиональную кавалерию, получивший землю. Эта конная дружина является ранним примером европейского феодального воинского и социального сословия, которое станет называться рыцарством. Библиографические ссылки Акимова М.С. Материалы к антропологии ранних болгар // Генинг В.Ф., Халиков А.Х. 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Болгары Алзеко в Баварии, Карантании и Италии как пример автономной части этнокультурной общности // Восточная Европа в древности и средневековье. Античные и средневековые общности: XXIX Чтения памяти члена-корреспондента АН СССР В.Т. Пашуто. Москва, 19–21 апреля 2017 / Отв. Ред. Е. А. Мельникова. М: Институт всеобщей истории РАН, 2017. С. 160–164. Мингазов Ш.Р. Следы взаимовлияния европейской и азиатской социокультурных моделей: булгары в Италии (VI–VIII вв.) // Восточная Европа в древности и средневековье. Сравнительные исследования социокультурных практик: XXXII Чтения памяти члена корреспондента АН СССР В.Т. Пашуто. Москва, 15–17 апреля 2020 / Отв. Ред. Е. А. Мельникова. М.: Институт всеобщей истории РАН, 2020. С. 162–166. Нестеров С.П. Конь в культах тюркоязычных племен Центральной Азии в эпоху средневековья. Новосибирск: Наука. Сиб. отд–ие АН СССР, 1990. 143 с. Павел Диакон. История лангобардов / Пер. с лат., ст. Ю.Б. Циркина. СПб.: Азбука–классика, 2008. 318 с. Решетова И.К. 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