Organizational and Methodological Foundations
In: Problems of economics, Band 30, Heft 9, S. 53-69
212645 Ergebnisse
In: Problems of economics, Band 30, Heft 9, S. 53-69
In: European research studies, Band XXI, Heft Special Issue 1, S. 371-376
ISSN: 1108-2976
In: Sociology compass, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 208-221
ISSN: 1751-9020
AbstractThis article discusses the challenges and opportunities encountered in interviewing organizational elites. Drawing on a wide range of experiences in elite interviewing, I offer suggestions for gaining access to elites, controlling the interview, obtaining the highest‐quality interview data, and writing effectively about those data. I also discuss the 'dilemma of seduction' that can occur in elite interviewing and suggests ways to both present and critique the worldview of elites when writing about qualitative interviews.
In: The SAGE Handbook of New Approaches in Management and Organization, S. 135-145
In: Voprosy Ekonomiki, Heft 7, S. 150-157
In: Rethinking Public Service Delivery, S. 227-253
In: River Publishers series in social, urban, economic and environmental sustainability
This book stands as the full body of scholarly work on western theories of social sciences. The book contents three chapters. The first part gives the overall scenario of theories, the second part provides the pathway to research destination ⁰́₃ the research method, and the third and final part is the destination of the substantive field of study and the roles of international organizations on social, political, economic, environmental regimes creation as well as to other social and development functions of international organizations. Sociology examines the social actors⁰́₉ activities in society and social problems. Western Scholars have developed many social theories, which address the underlying causes such as social conflicts and inequalities, and many formal and informal social organizations are involved to minimize the challenges of inequalities. The study of social organizations is a relatively new phenomenon in sociology. Broadly its historical root can be traced from Greek civilization (Plato, Aristotle), and it has mostly flourished since the Enlightenment Era. However, empirical studies show that the scientific study of organizations began only from the 19th and 20th century. Among the scholars of these centuries, the contributions of Karl Marx, Ferdinand T©œnnies, ©⁹mile Durkheim, Ludwig Gumplovicz, Vilfredo Pareto, Max Weber, and Talcott Parsons are considered as pillars of sociology. This book intends to answer the broad and major questions of theories, methods, and the international organization studies in social sciences, particularly in sociology and to provide the basic concepts of social theories, application of methods in research (qualitative), and elaborate the factual reality ⁰́₋why study of international organization is also subject of sociological study⁰́₊. The book presents the perspectives of organizational sociology in way that scholarly readers can see the linkages political sciences, sociology and slightly economic in addressing the roles and issues of the international organizations
In: River Publishers series in social, urban, economic and environmental sustainability
This book stands as the full body of scholarly work on western theories of social sciences. The book contents three chapters. The first part gives the overall scenario of theories, the second part provides the pathway to research destination ⁰́₃ the research method, and the third and final part is the destination of the substantive field of study and the roles of international organizations on social, political, economic, environmental regimes creation as well as to other social and development functions of international organizations. Sociology examines the social actors⁰́₉ activities in society and social problems. Western Scholars have developed many social theories, which address the underlying causes such as social conflicts and inequalities, and many formal and informal social organizations are involved to minimize the challenges of inequalities. The study of social organizations is a relatively new phenomenon in sociology. Broadly its historical root can be traced from Greek civilization (Plato, Aristotle), and it has mostly flourished since the Enlightenment Era. However, empirical studies show that the scientific study of organizations began only from the 19th and 20th century. Among the scholars of these centuries, the contributions of Karl Marx, Ferdinand T©œnnies, ©⁹mile Durkheim, Ludwig Gumplovicz, Vilfredo Pareto, Max Weber, and Talcott Parsons are considered as pillars of sociology. This book intends to answer the broad and major questions of theories, methods, and the international organization studies in social sciences, particularly in sociology and to provide the basic concepts of social theories, application of methods in research (qualitative), and elaborate the factual reality ⁰́₋why study of international organization is also subject of sociological study⁰́₊. The book presents the perspectives of organizational sociology in way that scholarly readers can see the linkages political sciences, sociology and slightly economic in addressing the roles and issues of the international organizations.
In: International Journal of Organizational Analysis, DOI/10.1108/IJOA-03-2017-1135, 2017
Working paper
In: Voennaja mysl': voenno-teoretičeskij žurnal ; organ Ministerstva Oborony Rossijskoj Federacii, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 38-53
ISSN: 0236-2058
In: The American journal of sociology, Band 79, Heft 3, S. 686-704
ISSN: 1537-5390
In: The journal of business, Band 54, Heft 3, S. 407
ISSN: 1537-5374
In: International labour review, Band 157, Heft 4, S. 671-698
ISSN: 1564-913X
AbstractThis article puts forward an analytical and methodological framework for examining the effectiveness of labour provisions in trade agreements, illustrated by indicative case studies. Developing the notion of capacity at three levels (state, civil society and firms), the authors differentiate between proximate outcomes (legal, institutional and political) and distant, socio‐economic outcomes (improving labour rights and working conditions). They thus consider labour provisions in trade agreements as a multifaceted "policy mix" to be evaluated through qualitative and/or quantitative methods, depending on the aspect of capacity that is of interest, and on the available data. Some policy recommendations are also provided.
In: Human relations: towards the integration of the social sciences, Band 37, Heft 8, S. 565-588
ISSN: 1573-9716, 1741-282X
Organizational noise concerns the character and consequences of out-of-the-norm events which occur in organizations. The paper defines organizational noise as the unexpected variety which operators of the technical system have to face. The investigation of organizational noise is of twofold importance. First, it helps the analyst to understand how the work organization really functions. Second, it points out the existence of or the possibilities for implementing alternative organizational forms. New organizational forms may emerge from the organized behavior of members facing fluctuations. Two distinctive work-related phenomena are also investigated: self-regulative behavior which absorbs noise and self-organization, for which noise is exploited as a source of new configurations rather then being eliminated. Finally, some implications for methods of organizational analysis are developed.