Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Equilibrium Consumption Taxes in the Presence of Cross-Border Pollution
In: CESifo Working Paper Series No. 4501
294772 Ergebnisse
In: CESifo Working Paper Series No. 4501
Working paper
Linkage of different countries' domestic permit markets for pollution rights into a single international market alters governments' incentives, and may trigger adjustments of the number of allocated permits. First, this work finds that in a non-cooperative equilibrium, international emissions trading is likely to increase the total emissions. Second, although trading will give a more efficient cross-country allocation of emissions, efficiency may nevertheless fall, because an already inefficiently low abatement level is likely to be further reduced. Third, we find that large countries are likely to experience losses from linking their permit markets to the permit markets of smaller countries.
In: CESifo working paper series 4501
In: Public finance
We consider a two small open economies model with cross-border pollution that is generated from consumption. Within this framework we examine i) the non-cooperative equilibrium consumption taxes and compare them to when pollution is only local, ii) the cooperative equilibrium consumption taxes and we compare them to the non-cooperative tax rates, and iii) cases where cooperative taxes are different between countries. In this framework, tax harmonization may not be the optimal policy if, for example, pollution per unit of consumption differ between countries. Many results of the paper depend on the relationship in consumption (i.e., complementarity or substitutability) between pollution and the polluting good.
We propose a theory of the origin of the State as an institution originating from the voluntary interaction among decentralized and fully informed agents.
In: Working paper series Center for Economic Studies ; Ifo Institute ; 476
In: Game Theory and Economics, S. 248-328
In: Journal of economics, Band 114, Heft 1, S. 43-62
ISSN: 1617-7134
In: The B.E. journal of theoretical economics, Band 10, Heft 1
ISSN: 1935-1704
We analyze a game in strategic form, where each player's payoff depends on his action and his social status, which is given by his rank in the actions distribution. Our focus is on the relation between the degree of heterogeneity among status-seeking players and the distribution of their Nash equilibrium actions. We find that if among players intrinsic concerns are sufficiently important relative to status concerns, individual equilibrium actions diverge, but if status concerns are relatively important, individual equilibrium actions are the same. Another key result of the analysis is that, in contrast to what is usually claimed, status seeking need not always be socially inefficient. If players are sufficiently heterogeneous, there exists a Nash equilibrium that is unique, separating, and Pareto efficient.
In: Melo-Becerra, L. A. (2016). Sub-National Fiscal Policy under Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Models. Cuadernos de Economía, 35(67), 253-279. DOI: 10.15446/cuad.econ.v35n67.52743.
This article presents a comparative analysis of the optimal fiscal response to shocks in the sub-national public sector in cooperative and non-cooperative models. The analysis is undertaken by comparing models that assume idiosyncratic demandside shocks and sub-national autonomy to collect taxes, with models that assume that the central government collects the taxes of the whole country and redistributesthem across regions. Results show that under symmetrical conditions, the non-cooperative solution may result in greater stabilization and lower sub-national public expenditure than the cooperative solution. However, if regional asymmetries are introduced into the model, results may be reversed.
Working paper
Groups of people perform acts that are subject to standards of rationality. The book's theory of collective rationality explains how to evaluate collective acts. The people engaged in a game of strategy collectively produce an outcome, and the theory reveals what makes some outcomes solutions
In: Journal of international trade & economic development: an international and comparative review, Band 22, Heft 6, S. 942-958
ISSN: 1469-9559
In: Game Theory and Economics, S. 206-247