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92293 Ergebnisse
Brief history of the insurance obligation and interaction with the EI law -- The insurance obligation: overview -- Insurance obligation : scope (Meaning of 'Permit' 'Cause' 'Motor Vehicle' 'Road or Other Public Place') -- Requirements with respect to the insurance policy : form and scope -- The meaning of "use" of a vehicle -- Civil liability -- Control of policy terms -- Third party victim's right of direct action against insurers -- Credit hire agreements -- Motor insurers' bureau -- Injuries suffered in the EU -- The public policy doctrine -- Insurance of automated vehicles.
In: European actuarial journal
ISSN: 2190-9741
AbstractAdvanced analytics plays a vital role in enhancing various aspects of business operations within the insurance sector by providing valuable insights that drive informed decision-making, primarily through effective database utilization. However, open access databases in the insurance industry are exceedingly rare, as they are the basis of the business, encapsulating all the risk structure of the company. This makes it challenging for researchers and practitioners to access comprehensive insurance datasets for analysis and assessing new approaches. This paper introduces an extensive database specifically tailored for non-life motor insurance, containing 105,555 rows and encompassing a wide array of 30 variables. The dataset comprises important date-related information, such as effective date, date of birth of the insured, and renewal date, essential for policy management and risk assessment. Additionally, it includes relevant economic variables, such as premiums and claim costs, for assessments of products' financial profitability. Moreover, the database features an array of risk-related variables, such as vehicle size, economic value, power, and weight, which significantly contribute to understanding risk dynamics. By leveraging the statistical analysis of this rich database, researchers could identify novel risk profiles, reveal variables that influence insured claims behaviour, and contribute to the advancement of educational and research initiatives in the dynamic fields of economics and actuarial sciences. The availability of this comprehensive database opens new opportunities for research and teaching and empowers insurance professionals to enhance their risk assessment and decision-making processes.
In: Arbeitsbericht 256
Since 1994 the highly regulated German insurance market have been deregulated. Insurers have been allowed to calculate their premiums and to offer contracts without regulation. Especially in the motor vehicle insurance several innovations were introduced: age of car, garage, kilometers per year and so on are decisive to get rebates or additional premiums. According to the traditional literature about adverse selection the paper analyzes whether these tariff items are instruments to select better between low and high risks than before regulation. Age of car and kilometers variables seem to have such selecting effects for one or two years.
This paper discusses the obligation of PT. Asuransi Astra Buana in Motor Vehicle Insurance. The goal is to discover the shape of an obligation of PT. Asuransi Astra Buana for Motor Vehicles and recognize the Insurance Claim Process at PT. Asuransi Astra Buana. Via way of means of studying and decoding library substances that exist withinside the literature, the Legislative Invitations, and provisions regarding coverage agreements. Data used on this examination is secondary data, after which accomplished a qualitative analysis. The effects of this examination are PT. Asuransi Astra Buana needs to be accountable to the insured who has participated in motor car coverage due to the fact it's miles sure via way of means of the agreement, particularly in Article 1 paragraph (1) of Law Number 40 of 2014 regarding Insurance, PT. Asuransi Astra Buana is obliged to offer the obligation to the insured if withinside the implementation of repayment the insurer will remember the top rate this is nevertheless owed for the continuing coverage duration for the car, the insured need to deliver the insurer the possibility to test the harm earlier than repairing or changing the car, the insured need to observe the provisions that are according with the process via the stairs that need to be executed on the time of filling out the shape need to be authentic and sincere due to the fact in case you make the slightest mistake then the declare submission will maximum probably be canceled. The end of this study is PT. Asuransi Astra Buana is obliged to offer repayment withinside the policy.
Darbā tiek apskatīta apdrošināšanas būtība, ka arī tiek pētīta risku analīze, risku analīze brīvprātīgā sauszemes transportlīdzekļu apdrošināšana un tās nozīme Lavijas tirgus apstākļos. Lai labāk izprastu sauszemes transporta līdzekļu brīvprātīgo apdrošināšanu (auto KASKO), tiek analizēts Latvijas apdrošināšanas tirgus kopumā, galveno vērību pievēršot transporta līdzekļu brīvprātīgas apdrošināšanas procesam. Sīkāk tiek apskatīta apdrošināšanas risku analīze – Risku jēdziens, tā klasifikācija, vadība un analīze. Kā darba pamatuzdevums tiek pētīta risku analīzes nozīme un īpatnības Brīvprātīgā sauszemes transportlīdzekļu apdrošināšanā. Darbā tiek izklāstīta pārapdrošināšanas nozīme apdrošināšanas sabiedrību finansiālās stabilitātes nodrošināšanā. Autors izvērtē FKTK (Finansu un kapitāla tirgus uzraudzības komisijas ) nepieciešamību apdrošināšanas sabiedrību darbības regulēšanā, kā arī apraksta galvenos apdrošināšanas sabiedrību finansiālās stabilitātes rādītājus – paša līdzekļus, rezerves kapitālu, ieguldījumus un tehniskās rezerves. Darba struktūra veidota tā, lai lasītājam rastos priekšstats par apdrošināšanu kopumā, dziļāka izpratne par brīvprātīgo transporta līdzekļu apdrošināšanu ( auto KASKO ), iepazīstoties ar riska analīzi, tās elementiem. Darba beigās tiek izdarīti secinājumi par pašreizējo apdrošināšanas tirgus stāvokli Latvijā un tās izaugsmes prognozēm, ka arī izvērtēta risku analīzes nozīme brīvprātīgajā sauszemes transportlīdzekļu apdrošināšanā un problēmas, ar kādām saskaras Latvijas apdrošinātāji šajā sektorā. Tiek izteikti priekšlikumi apdrošināšanas tirgus straujākai attīstībai un cīņai ar esošajām problēmām brīvprātīgajā sauszemes transportlīdzekļu apdrošināšanā. Maģistra darba struktūra ir izveidota atbilstoši darba mērķim. Darbā izmantotas analītiskās, grafiskās un statistiskās pētīšanas metodes. Darba izstrādē tika izmantoti dažāda veida 30 bibliogrāfijas avoti, tai skaitā LR likumi, grāmatas, statistikas dati, mācību līdzekļi, kā arī Interneta mājas lapas. Maģistra darbs satur 76 lapas,13 attēlus, 9 tabulas un 8 formulas. ; The Paper considers essential features of the insurance, as well as it investigates the risk analyses as a phenomenon, the voluntary Land Motor Vehicle insurance risk analyses and its importance under conditions of contemporary Latvian market. In order to comprehend the voluntary Land Motor Vehicle insurance (Motor CASCO) therein is being analysed Latvian insurance market as a whole, the main attention being paid to voluntary motor vehicle insurance sector. A detailed survey of insurance risks is being offered, t.i. risks essence, its classification, management and analyses. As a basic task of the Paper, the risk analyses significance and individual features of the voluntary Land Motor Vehicle insurance are being explored by the author. The Paper considers a role of reinsurance in securing financial stability of insurance companies. Author reviews the necessity for Insurance Supervising Body in regulation of insurance companies' activities, as well as describes the more essential indices of financial stability of insurance companies – own funds, capital reserves, investments and technical reserves. Paper structure is built in such a way that a reader could gain the idea on insurance in general, more deeper understanding of voluntary motor vehicle insurance (Motor CASCO), at the same time getting acquainted with risk assessment principles and elements. At the end of Paper, a summary of nowadays Latvia's insurance market and its growth forecast are given, as well as the significance of risk analyses in voluntary motor vehicle insurance (Motor CASCO) and problems, facing latvian insurance companies, are being evaluated. Besides, author suggests several means to fasten the process of Latvian insurance market development, and to resolve the outstandind problems in voluntary motor vehicle insurance sector. The Paper structure is worked out in accordance with its purpose. The following methods are being used in the given research work: analytical, graphical and statistical. During this research work's elaboration 30 bibliographical sources have been used, Latvian Republic legislative acts, books, statistical data, study aids and Internet home pages among them. The present Paper consists of 76 pages. The material is illustrated by 9 tables and 13 graphic drawings.
In: European Journal of Law and Economics, Band 49, Heft 455-472
Insurers use actuarial statistics as rating variables to differentiate and distinguish for the purposes of risk classification. They justify their use of actuarial statistics due to its accuracy as a predictor of risk. South African motor-vehicle insurers use gender, inter alia, as a rating variable to classify risks into certain classes and to determine insurance premiums. Depending upon whether the insured is male or female, it could have a significant impact on the cost of his or her premium. Women drivers pay less for motor-vehicle insurance because actuarial statistics indicate that women are more careful drivers and are involved in 20 per cent fewer accidents than men. Men pay higher premiums because the statistics indicate that they are less responsible drivers than women. Should a South African court decide that the use of gender as a motor-vehicle insurance rating variable is unfair discrimination, this would benefit male drivers, as it would lower their premium. Women, on the other hand, would be disadvantaged as they would be required to pay higher premiums to subsidise men. The article examines the impact that the removal of gender as a rating variable in motor-vehicle insurance would have on women, and asks if the effects thereof would influence a South African Court's decision in determining if the use of gender as a rating variable amounts to unfair discrimination. The article first considers the findings of American and Canadian Courts in determining this same issue and then considers South African equality legislation, particularly the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000 ("the Equality Act"). Thereafter, the article provides recommendations for a South African Court. As the Equality Act indicates that the discriminatory insurance practice of placing a disadvantage or advantage on persons based inter alia on their gender may possibly be unfair, it is suggested that South African insurers would have to consider alternative methods of risk assessment. In the light of the American and the Canadian case law, the article suggests that there should be a change of approach to insurance risk assessment. Rather than using gender as a rating variable the insurer could assess the risk of the individual insured, using appropriate, neutral rating variables suited to the particular circumstances of the insured. This would require a much more intensive and individualised risk evaluation and would require the insurer to "tailor-make" insurance for each individual. It is submitted that such an approach would give effect to the right to equality by disallowing the use of gender as a rating variable without producing the undesirable consequence that women drivers would have to subsidise men.
Insurers use actuarial statistics as rating variables to differentiate and distinguish for the purposes of risk classification. They justify their use of actuarial statistics due to its accuracy as a predictor of risk. South African motor-vehicle insurers use gender, inter alia, as a rating variable to classify risks into certain classes and to determine insurance premiums. Depending upon whether the insured is male or female, it could have a significant impact on the cost of his or her premium. Women drivers pay less for motor-vehicle insurance because actuarial statistics indicate that women are more careful drivers and are involved in 20 per cent fewer accidents than men. Men pay higher premiums because the statistics indicate that they are less responsible drivers than women. Should a South African court decide that the use of gender as a motor-vehicle insurance rating variable is unfair discrimination, this would benefit male drivers, as it would lower their premium. Women, on the other hand, would be disadvantaged as they would be required to pay higher premiums to subsidise men. The article examines the impact that the removal of gender as a rating variable in motor-vehicle insurance would have on women, and asks if the effects thereof would influence a South African Court's decision in determining if the use of gender as a rating variable amounts to unfair discrimination. The article first considers the findings of American and Canadian Courts in determining this same issue and then considers South African equality legislation, particularly the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000 ("the Equality Act"). Thereafter, the article provides recommendations for a South African Court. As the Equality Act indicates that the discriminatory insurance practice of placing a disadvantage or advantage on persons based inter alia on their gender may possibly be unfair, it is suggested that South African insurers would have to consider alternative methods of risk assessment. In the light of the American and the Canadian case law, the article suggests that there should be a change of approach to insurance risk assessment. Rather than using gender as a rating variable the insurer could assess the risk of the individual insured, using appropriate, neutral rating variables suited to the particular circumstances of the insured. This would require a much more intensive and individualised risk evaluation and would require the insurer to "tailor-make" insurance for each individual. It is submitted that such an approach would give effect to the right to equality by disallowing the use of gender as a rating variable without producing the undesirable consequence that women drivers would have to subsidise men.
Examines Motor Insurers' Bureau v Lewis (CA) on the compatibility of the duties imposed by EU law under the motor vehicle insurance regime and the national legislation transposing them into UK law. Reviews the facts of Lewis, involving injuries caused by an uninsured vehicle on private land, and the significance of the court's confirmation of the Motor Insurers' Bureau as an emanation of the state. Considers how Brexit will change the situation.
World Affairs Online
In: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/uiug.30112087723646
"Legislative Research Unit research response." ; Caption title. ; "February 20, 1987." ; Includes bibliographical references. ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: Regulation: the Cato review of business and government, Band 6, S. 37-42
ISSN: 0147-0590
In: The Geneva papers on risk and insurance - issues and practice, Band 39, Heft 3, S. 569-584
ISSN: 1468-0440
In: Popular government, Band 44, S. 12-17
ISSN: 0032-4515