Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- 1 The Study of Motherhood -- 2 Reflections on Motherhood: Theory and Popular Culture -- 3 Paid Employment and the Practice of Motherhood -- 4 Enabling Policies: In Theory and in Practice -- 5 Mothering and Poverty -- 6 Mothers, Mothering, and Mental Health -- 7 "Other" Mothers, "Other" Mothering -- 8 The Future of Motherhood -- References
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Intro -- Copyright Notice -- Title Page -- Dedication -- Table of Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- SECTION ONE THE ART OF MOTHERHOOD -- 1. Visualizing Motherhood -- 2. How to Write Motherhood -- 3. "A Long Private Letter" -- 4. Ekphrastic Mama -- SECTION TWO WHAT THE OTHER BOOKS DON'T TELL US -- 5. Milkmother Memoir -- 6. "Where's the Funeral?" -- 7. Lost and Found -- 8. "Just Another Mother Who Has Lost Her Child" -- SECTION THREE MOTHERS WITHOUT BORDERS -- 9. Transcending the Mind/Body Dichotomy to Save My Own Life -- 10. We Are Family -- 11. Letter to a Young Black Mama on Writing Motherhood Memoir -- 12. In Search of Our Mothers' Memoirs -- Contributor Notes.
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It may take a village to raise a child, but increasingly that means a virtual village. While the media may focus on the so-called "mommy wars" and babyrazzi follow every move of celebrity moms, millions of mothers world-wide are creating online communities. These mommy groups provide an alternative context for understanding how women construct modern motherhood together. Motherhood Online explores the mutifaceted lives that mom live online. Ranging from longitudinal studies, to focused explor
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It has been four decades since the publication of Adrienne Rich's Of Woman Born but her analysis of maternity and the archetypal Mother remains a powerful critique, as relevant today as it was at the time of writing. It was Rich who first defined the term "motherhood" as referent to a patriarchal institution that was male-defined, male controlled, and oppressive to women. To empower women, Rich proposed the use of the word "mothering": a word intended to be female-defined. It is between these two ideas—that of a patriarchal history and a feminist future—that the introductory text, Interrogating Motherhood, begins. Ross explores the topic of mothering from the perspective of Western society and encourages students and readers to identify and critique the historical, social, and political contexts in which mothers are understood. By examining popular culture, employment, public policy, poverty, "other" mothers, and mental health, Interrogating Motherhood describes the fluid and shifting nature of the practice of mothering and the complex realities that definecontemporary women's lives
Existing research assumes that hegemonic mothering ideologies influence U.S. mothers' work and family decisions. These ideologies assume that childrearing is a mother's duty, that mothering occurs within a self‐sufficient nuclear family, and that paid employment conflicts with motherhood. Even when mothers do not conform to these ideologies, scholars find that they continue to influence mothers, as exhibited by mothers' efforts to reframe, redefine, or actively reject the ideal. This study expands on research that challenges the dominant influence of these ideologies on all mothers. Through analyzing the accounts of 24 middle‐ and upper‐middle‐class African American mothers employed in professional careers, three different cultural expectations about motherhood emerged. Participants assumed that they should work outside of the home, be financially self‐reliant, and use kin and community members as child caregivers. Together, these cultural expectations form the basis of an alternative ideology of mothering that the author terms integrated mothering.
Motherhood in Bondage is a collection of confessions from mothers in the bondage of enforced maternity sent to birth control activist, women's rights advocate, sex educator, and nurse Margaret Sanger. The compilation includes confessions from mothers of all walks of life - girl mothers, those in poverty, those unfit to become mothers because of different reasons, and working mothers. The book also includes the confessions of children of these mothers and grandmothers whose daughters have been bound with enforced maternity. The text is for mothers who are also burdened with enforced maternity
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Intro -- Half Title -- Series Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Contents -- Contributors -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction: Resisting Rhetorics of Mothering, Intensive Mothering, and Biological Determinism -- Introduction -- Biological Primacy and Intensive Mothering -- Book Overview -- Part I: Intersections of Motherhood Figures Beyond Biology -- Part II: Refiguring Media Representations of Motherhood Beyond Biology -- Part III: Refiguring the Rhetoric of Motherhood Beyond Biology -- References -- Part I: Intersections of Motherhood Figures Beyond Biology -- 1. Muslim Mothering and Divesting from Whiteness -- Disruptive Mothering -- Security Moms Against Muslims -- The Role of Dogs in U.S. Nationalism -- Islamic Doctrine and Dogs -- Brown Children and Unleashed Dogs -- Disruptive Mothering and Coalition Building -- References -- 2. SBF Seeking Motherhood: An Autoethnographic Journey Toward Pregnancy -- Introduction -- Methodology -- Findings -- Beliefs About the Single Black Mother Trope -- The Unspoken Truth About Black Women's Fertility and Fertility Treatments -- Questioning Decisions of Path to Motherhood -- Conclusion -- References -- 3. Re-Imagining Queer Black Motherhood -- Introduction -- Autoethnography -- Historical Perspective -- Black Motherhood -- Queer Motherhood -- Theoretical Framework -- Black Feminism -- Narratives and Analysis -- Mothers, Daughters, and Socialization for Survival -- Bloodmothers, Othermothers, and Women-Centered Networks -- Bloodmother (Biological Motherhood) -- The Reality of (Queer) Black Motherhood -- Conclusion -- References -- 4. Rhetorically Constructing Motherhood in Pregnancy Loss -- Women's Stories of Pregnancy Loss -- Motherhood as Imagined -- Motherhood as Performative -- Motherhood as Biological -- References.
Ross explores the topic of mothering from the perspective of Western society and encourages students and readers to identify and critique the historical, social, and political contexts in which mothers are understood.
This volume examines the role of feminism within motherhood and offers insight into the core questions of motherhood: what it means to be a good mother, what role mothers play in the family and in society, and how motherhood has been redefined throughout time. The author speculates on the future directions of feminism -- focusing on the expansion of contemporary mother activism that has occurred in the last 15 years, and emphasizing the need for that expansion to continue -- and examines how the changing world of motherhood fits into feminist activism
Normal.dotm0012861750SIU Press288212112.00false18 pt18 pt00falsefalsefalse Becoming a mother profoundly alters one's perception of the world, as Lindal Buchanan learned firsthand when she gave birth. Suddenly attentive to representations of mothers and mothering in advertisements, fiction, film, art, education, and politics, she became intrigued by the persuasive force of the concept of motherhood, an interest that unleashed a host of questions: How is the construct defined? How are maternal appeals crafted, presented, and performed? What do they communicate about gender and power? How do they affect women? Her quest for answers has produced Rhetorics of Motherhood, the first book-length consideration of the topic through a feminist rhetorical lens. Although both male and female rhetors employ motherhood to promote themselves and their agendas, Buchanan argues it is particularly slippery terrain for women-on the one hand, affording them authority and credibility but, on the other, positioning them disadvantageously within the gendered status quo. Rhetorics of Motherhood investigates that paradox by detailing the cultural construction and performance of the Mother in American public discourse, tracing its use and impact in three case studies, and by theorizing how, when, and why maternal discourses work to women's benefit or detriment. In the process, the reader encounters a fascinating array of issues-including birth control, civil rights, and abortion-and rhetors, ranging from Diane Nash and Margaret Sanger to Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama. As Buchanan makes clear, motherhood is a rich site for investigating the interrelationships among gender, power, and public discourse. Her latest book contributes to the discipline of rhetoric by attending to and making a convincing case for the significance of this understudied subject. With its
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Dedication -- Preface -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Part 1: Surrogate Motherhood in Historical, Theoretical, Research and Organisational Contexts -- References -- 1: Introduction to Surrogacy: Historical and Present Day Context -- Background -- Historical Perspective -- Surrogacy -- Gestational Surrogacy -- Genetic Surrogacy -- Commissioning Parents -- Surrogate Mothers -- Altruistic Surrogacy -- Commercial Surrogacy -- Global Surrogacy -- Incidence and Practice Perspectives -- Procreation and the Family -- Reasons Why People Use Surrogacy -- Reasons Why Women Become Surrogates -- Effects on Others in the Network -- Social Support in Surrogacy Arrangements -- The Benefits of Personal Contact -- Surrogate Motherhood Arrangements -- Summary -- References -- 2: Theoretical Perspectives and the Social Context -- Theories -- Traditional Family Theory -- Political Feminist Models -- Feminist Theories -- Geographical Theories -- The Social Context -- Perceived Acceptability of Surrogacy -- Attitudes Towards Surrogacy -- Media Framing -- Summary -- References -- 3: The Process of Surrogacy -- Commissioning and Facilitating Family Building -- Organisations Involved with Surrogacy Arrangements -- Extreme Surrogacy -- Counselling -- Summary -- References -- Part 2: Research on Surrogate Mothers, Commissioning Parents, Parenting and the Surrogate Offspring -- References -- 4: Surrogate Mothers -- Suitability Assessment in Surrogate Motherhood -- Effects of Differences in Surrogate Motherhood -- Contracting a Pregnancy with a Surrogate Mother -- Informed Consent -- Characteristics of a Surrogate Mother -- Personality Profile -- Motivations to Become a Surrogate Mother -- Empowerment and Knowledge -- The Surrogate Mother/Commissioning Parent Relationship -- The Psychosocial Context of Surrogate Motherhood
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Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Acknowledgments -- Dedication -- Table of Contents -- Introduction -- 1. Mama, Your Bruise Is a Beautiful Colour -- 2. On the Future: A Harsh Climate for Motherhood -- 3. A 6(2) Mother Predicts Death¹ -- 4. Using Contemplation and Motherhood to Reframe Faculty Mentoring in the Professoriate during Challenging Times -- 5. Sophie Needle Exchange Office -- 6. Invisible Disability -- 7. Fridays -- 8. "Look How Strong He Is:" Social Media Messages and the Communal Mothering of Kodi Gaines -- 9. Shoes -- 10. Parenting in the Sexual Borderlands: Thriving despite Invisibility -- 11. Long Lines to Stave Off Suicide -- 12. Mothering through Generations -- 13. This Night -- 14. Perceptions of Mothers' Talks and Actions with Children During and Following Periods of Civil and Social Unrest in the United States, 2016-2017: Identifying Social Support Structures -- 15. Non-objective Poem -- 16. Othermothering: A Tradition of African American College Student Support -- 17. After an Election -- 18. Long Walk, Painful Path, Joyful Nevertheless: Palestinian Mothers Representing a Promising Model -- Notes on Contributors.
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