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1362 Ergebnisse
ENGINEERS IN ACTION - Greening Military Installations
In: The military engineer: TME, Band 103, Heft 671, S. 106-108
ISSN: 0026-3982, 0462-4890
Sustainable cities and military installations
In: NATO science for peace and security series
In: C, environmental security
Concealed Carry Aboard Military Installations
In: Marine corps gazette: the Marine Corps Association newsletter, Band 99, Heft 10, S. 72
ISSN: 0025-3170
World Affairs Online
Thermal vulnerability of military installations
"Technical Objective AW-7." ; "Physics." ; "11 August 1955." ; "NS 083-001." ; "Research and Development Technical Report." ; Includes bibliographical references (pages 81-82). ; Mode of access: Internet.
Evaluation of noise around military installations
Noise is one of the most common adverse environmental factors. Military bases and airports and the areas surrounding them are affected by acoustic impact. The problem of military noise is researched in this article. Since 2004 Šiauliai Airport has been the site of NATO forces' base in the Baltic States for the protection of the region's airspace. Military aircraft are used for the mission. The Kairiai military grounds on the Curonian Lagoon is the only site in Lithuania where all kinds of military forces may arrange their training. Measurement of the level of noise caused by Šiauliai Airport in residential and public areas of the surrounding areas and by the Kairiai military grounds was carried out using a Nor121 digital sound analyser. It was found that the maximum noise level (Lmax) in the surroundings of Šiauliai Airport sometimes exceeds the permissible maximum noise level specified in HN 33:2007. Exceeding of Lmaxon aircraft flights was short (up to 5 minutes). The calculated level of noise Ldenand Lnightat all points of measurement within the territories surrounding Šiauliai Airport does not exceed the limit values and causes no damage to the health of the population in Šiauliai. The noise generated by shooting at Kairiai military grounds causes no damage to the health of residents. Triukšmo karinėse teritorijose įvertinimas Santrauka.Vienas iš plačiausiai paplitusių kenksmingų aplinkos veiksnių yra triukšmas. Akustinį poveikį patiria karinių poligonų ir aerodromų aplinka. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama karinio triukšmo problema. Nuo 2004 m. Šiaulių oro uostas tapo Baltijos šalių NATO pajėgų dislokacijos vieta, iš kurios vykdoma Baltijos šalių oro apsauga. Šiai apsaugai atlikti naudojami kariniai lėktuvai. Prie Kuršių marių įsikūręs Kairių poligonas yra vienintelis Lietuvoje, kuriame gali treniruotis visų rūšių karinės pajėgos. Šiaulių oro uosto triukšmo matavimai aplinkinių teritorijų gyvenamojoje ir viešosios paskirties aplinkoje bei Kairių poligone atlikti skaitmeniniu garso analizatoriumi Nr. 121. Nustatyta, kad maksimalus triukšmo lygis (Lmax) Šiaulių oro uosto aplinkoje kartais viršija leistinąjį maksimalų triukšmo lygį pagal HN 33:2007.Lmaxviršijimai, siejami su orlaivių skrydžiais, buvo trumpalaikiai (iki 5 min.). Apskaičiuoti dienos, vakaro, nakties triukšmo lygisLdvnir nakties triukšmo rodiklisLnaktiesneviršija ribinių triukšmo dydžių, Šiaulių miesto gyventojų sveikatai grėsmės nekelia. Kairių poligone šaudymo pratybų keliamas triukšmas gyventojų sveikatai grėsmės nekelia. Reikšminiai žodžiai:triukšmo lygis,lauko pratybos,karinės teritorijos,poveikis aplinkai. First published online: 24 May 2011
Organizing small medical libraries in military installations
Prepared by M. Ruth MacDonald. ; Caption title. ; Mode of access: Internet.
World Affairs Online
Water planning tools for fixed military installations
In: Federal facilities environmental journal, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 101-113
ISSN: 1520-6513
AbstractThe Installation Water Resources Analysis and Planning System (IWRAPS©), developed initially for the Army, provides installation water engineers and planners with a tool that defensibly provides water requirement forecasts and conservation analysis. IWRAPS© models have also been developed for the Air Force (IWRAPS©‐AF) and the Navy and Marine Corps (IWRAPS©‐NAV). The models are automated for use within PC‐based software systems and forecast seasonally disaggregated water requirements into 21 water‐use sectors. Water conservation analysis algorithms in IWRAPS© facilitate the analysis of water conservation efforts associated with various end uses to estimate overall program efficiency. Mobilization water requirements planning can also be accomplished with IWRAPS©. The models developed for the military service branches improve estimating water requirements from conventional per capita extrapolation to a statistical water use method for predicting past and future water needs.
World Affairs Online
Assessing Ecosystem Service Benefits from Military Installations
Military bases provide substantial ecosystem services to local communities and other members of the public. This project conceptualizes and quantifies ecosystem services provided by U.S. military bases developing an integrated modeling platform called MoTIVES (Model-based Tracking and Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services). MoTIVES manages probabilistic simulations of biophysical and economic models for relevant ecosystem services provided by alternative base management scenarios, and then assigns values where valuation is possible. The project demonstrated a proof of concept at Eglin Air Force Base, showing that current management provides approximately $110 million in ecosystem services per year, $40 million more than a scenario where no base was present, and $90 million more than a scenario where no base management was occurring. ; Published (Publication status)
U.S. military installations in NATO's southern region : report
Item 1017-A, 1017-B (microfiche) ; "October 7, 1986." ; Shipping list no.: 86-853-P. ; Distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche. ; At head of title: 99th Congress, 2d session. Committee print. ; Includes bibliographical references. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Military Installations, Structures, and Devices on the Seabed
In: American journal of international law: AJIL, Band 74, Heft 4, S. 808-857
ISSN: 2161-7953
The legal regulation of military objects on the seabed and in general of military uses of the seabed seems to have ceased to attract the attention of the international community since the conclusion in 1971 of the Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seabed and Ocean Floor (the Seabed Treaty). Attention now seems to be concentrated on other military uses of the sea, especially those concerning the mobility of naval fleets. This shift in focus is particularly noticeable if one considers the work of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.