The American Metropolitan System: Present and Future
In: Regional studies, Band 16, Heft 3
ISSN: 0034-3404
2346 Ergebnisse
In: Regional studies, Band 16, Heft 3
ISSN: 0034-3404
In: Urban affairs quarterly, Band 18, Heft 2, S. 187-206
This article confronts three persistent problems in the analysis of the U.S. urban system by (a) employing a continuous, rather than a discrete, classification scheme that (b) has been replicated successfully for three time periods to (c) describe regional variations and changes in the U.S. metropolitan system from 1950 to 1970. Two fundamental dimensions describe the system in 1950, 1960, and 1970; an industry structure (manufacturing-service) continuum and a financial-commercial hierarchy. Familiar regional variations in the structure of metropolitan areas are summarized by these dimensions. Unique to this analysis is a description of clear regional changes in the metropolitan system from 1950 to 1970. Northeastern SMSAs became more service oriented, North Central SMSAs became more manufacturing oriented and less financially dominant, and Southern SMSAs increased dramatically in their degree of financial-commercial dominance. Theoretical interpretations of these regional shifts are discussed.
In: Social science quarterly, Band 49, Heft 2, S. 237-252
ISSN: 0038-4941
Does a relationship exist between a student's chances of dropping out of Sch & the SE composition of the student body in his Sch? Is this relationship independent of fam SES, S's intelligence & reading skill & motivation? The design of the study involved premeasuring the total/sum S's' ages & over (N= 6,779) enrolled in secondary Sch's of Davidson County, Tenn, & then observing all dropouts from this pop during the next sch yr. SES composition of Sch is measured by overrepresentation of some occup'al strata relative to overall distribution of occup's represented in all county Sch's. A questionaire was used to obtain occup of father (or main breadwinner) & S's motivation as measured by 'quit Sch scale.' S's intelligence is measured by the KuhlmanAnderson Test & his skill is measured by Stanford Achievement Reading Test. Multiple classification is used to adjust dropout rates by SES composition of Sch & other controls. There is some diff in dropout chances by Sch context which is independent of fam SES, individual intelligence, skill, & motivation as these are measured in this study. Some interaction between Sch context (esp for Negro Sch's) & other variables (particularly ability) is observed. AA.
The thesis seeks to demonstrate that during the period between 1986 and 2006, some of the principal cities of the Spanish metropolitan system1, have undergone significant change in terms of their European competitiveness. It is suggested that in the case of Madrid and Barcelona in particular this change has been of such a magnitude to proportion them a much more important place within the European spatial configuration than that which they occupied in the mid-1980s. Empirical evidence is offered to support this conjecture. The thesis lies wholly within the framework of spatial planning at the European territorial scale. It charts the comparative ascent of the Spanish cities from the moment of Spain's entry into the European Union (EU) in 1986 against the background of the development of European spatial policy, increased economic integration across Europe, the increased importance of the 'territorial' dimension of EU cohesion policy and an eventual waning of the applicability of the terminology of 'core' and 'periphery' to describe European geographical location. Part One (Chapter 1) addresses the processes of urbanisation in general from a global perspective and then focuses on metropolitan growth in a number of different historical contexts from the start of the 19th Century. Parts Two (Chapters 2-5) and Three (Chapters 6-9) of the thesis carry out analyses at two contrasting but complementary spatial scales. Part Two examines the metropolitan growth processes in Spain, in the period since 1857, detecting the historical moments in which there were surges in the metropolitan populations of the seven cities of the metropolitan system. The dimensions of the spatial units of analysis corresponding to the seven Spanish metropolitan urban regions are described, based upon a methodology first developed by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in the context of a transnational spatial planning project of the INTERREG community initiative2. These seven spatial units form the basis for a socio-economic analysis ...
In: TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
The thesis seeks to demonstrate that during the period between 1986 and 2006, some of the principal cities of the Spanish metropolitan system1, have undergone significant change in terms of their European competitiveness. It is suggested that in the case of Madrid and Barcelona in particular this change has been of such a magnitude to proportion them a much more important place within the European spatial configuration than that which they occupied in the mid-1980s. Empirical evidence is offered to support this conjecture. The thesis lies wholly within the framework of spatial planning at the European territorial scale. It charts the comparative ascent of the Spanish cities from the moment of Spain's entry into the European Union (EU) in 1986 against the background of the development of European spatial policy, increased economic integration across Europe, the increased importance of the 'territorial' dimension of EU cohesion policy and an eventual waning of the applicability of the terminology of 'core' and 'periphery' to describe European geographical location. Part One (Chapter 1) addresses the processes of urbanisation in general from a global perspective and then focuses on metropolitan growth in a number of different historical contexts from the start of the 19th Century. Parts Two (Chapters 2-5) and Three (Chapters 6-9) of the thesis carry out analyses at two contrasting but complementary spatial scales. Part Two examines the metropolitan growth processes in Spain, in the period since 1857, detecting the historical moments in which there were surges in the metropolitan populations of the seven cities of the metropolitan system. The dimensions of the spatial units of analysis corresponding to the seven Spanish metropolitan urban regions are described, based upon a methodology first developed by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in the context of a transnational spatial planning project of the INTERREG community initiative2. These seven spatial units form the basis for a socio-economic analysis of the structure of the metropolitan system, drawing upon data principally from the 2001 Census. If by 1930 one of the key characteristics of Spain's urban system was having not just one but two cities (Madrid and Barcelona) belonging to the group of 27 cities across the world with populations in excess of 1 million inhabitants3, this same differentiation between the country's two largest cities and the remainder of the urban system is equally valid today. Spain's urban system remains clearly bicephalous in being dominated by these same two cities in terms of demographic and economic strength. Part Three begins by examining the evolution of European spatial policy against the background of an ever-enlarging European Union and changes with regard to the notion of cohesion - from a concept understood in terms of economic and social factors, to one in which the territorial dimension has become increasingly important. The European urban system is then critically examined through a number of key and influential studies, with particular regard to the rankings and hierarchies of metropolitan urban regions deriving there from and the changes in the placing of the Spanish metropolitan urban regions therein. Taking inspiration from the seminal contribution of Manuel Castells4 in the context of the structural changes resulting from the informational and technological revolution, the thesis seeks to replicate the concept of a 'space of flows'. This is carried out through a 'network analysis' approach drawing upon air passenger flows between some 28 European metropolitan urban regions of the EU15+2 group of countries, enabling the analysis of the interaction between these 28 cities. This methodology enables arriving at a number of descriptive indicators which in turn, through the application of a multi-dimensional scaling mathematical technique, permits comparing the functional and physical distances of each of the metropolitan urban regions from the centre of the 'conceptual space of air passenger flows' and the centre of gravity. The resulting map of the functional positioning of the cities offers a spatial vision of metropolitan Europe quite different to that based upon Cartesian coordinates. Such an approach enables demonstrating that cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Helsinki, Lisbon and Athens, traditionally considered as physically peripheral to the European core area, appear to be more favourably positioned in functional terms. Furthermore in the case of Spain the results indicate that Barcelona lies closer to the centre of the conceptual 'space of air passenger flows' than Madrid. In light of this empirical evidence, together with the signs of increased economic integration across some parts of Spain, the prospects of Spain forming part of a wider European territorial concentration of flows and activities, and the recognition of the territorial capital of Madrid and Barcelona within recent EU spatial policy declarations, the thesis concludes in Part Four that these two metropolitan regions have undergone a clear consolidation and (re)positioning within the European metropolitan hierarchy. ; La tesis trata de demostrar que durante el período entre 1986 y 2006, unas de las principales ciudades del sistema metropolitano español, han experimentado un cambio significativo en términos de su competitividad europea. Es sugerido que en el caso de Madrid y Barcelona en particular este cambio ha sido de tal magnitud para proporcionarlas un lugar mucho más importante dentro de la configuración territorial espacial europea que dichas ciudades ocuparon en el mediado de los años 80. Se ofrece evidencia empírica para sostener esta conjetura. La tesis se sitúa dentro demarco de la ordenación territorial a la escala europea. Traza la subida relativa de las ciudades españolas desde el momento de la entrada de España en la Unión Europea(UE) en 1986, contra el fondo del desarrollo de la política territorial europea, la integración económica aumentada a través de Europa, la importancia aumentada de la dimensión "territorial" de la política de la cohesión de UE y una eventual disminución de la aplicabilidad de la terminología del "centro" y la "periferia" para describir la ubicación geográfica europea. La Primera Parte (Capítulo 1) está dirigida a evaluar los procesos de la urbanización en general, desde una perspectiva global, y después se centra en examinar el crecimiento metropolitano en varios contextos históricos, a partir del comienzo del siglo XIX. La Segunda (Capítulos 2-5) y Tercera Partes (Capítulos 6-9) de la tesis llevan a cabo unos análisis en dos escalas territoriales contrastantes pero complementarias. La Segunda Parte examina los procesos del crecimiento metropolitano en España, a partir de 1857, discerniendo los momentos históricos en los que había oleadas en las poblaciones 'metropolitanas' de las siete ciudades del sistema metropolitano. Se describe las dimensiones de las unidades espaciales de análisis que corresponden a las siete regiones urbanas metropolitanas españolas, basadas en una metodología desarrollado por el Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) en el contexto de un proyecto trasnacional de ordenación territorial de la iniciativa comunitaria INTERREG. Estas siete unidades espaciales forman la base para un análisis socioeconómico de la estructura del sistema metropolitano, utilizando datos principalmente del 2001 Censo. Si en el año 1930 una de las características claves del sistema urbano de España era de tener no sólo una, pero dos ciudades (Madrid y Barcelona) perteneciendo al grupo de 27 ciudades a través del mundo con poblaciones por encima de 1 millón de habitantes, esta misma diferenciación entre las dos ciudades más grandes del país y el resto del sistema urbano es hoy igualmente válida. El sistema urbano de España se queda claramente bicéfalo en ser dominado por estas mismas dos ciudades en términos de fuerza demográfica y económica. La Tercera Parte comienza examinando la evolución de la política territorial europea contra el fondo de una Unión Europea cada vez más grande y los cambios con respecto a la noción de la cohesión – de un concepto entendido en términos de factores económicos y sociales, a uno en que la dimensión territorial ha llegado a ser cada vez más importante. A continuación, se examina de manera crítica el sistema urbano europeo mediante algunos estudios influyentes, con la consideración particular a las clasificaciones y las jerarquías de las regiones urbanas metropolitanas que derivan de estos estudios, y a los cambios en la colocación de las regiones urbanas metropolitanas españolas en dichos estudios. Tomando inspiración de la contribución seminal de Manuel Castells en el contexto de los cambios estructurales que resultan de la revolución de información y tecnológica, la tesis trata de replicar el concepto de un 'espacio de flujos'. Esto es llevado a cabo por un enfoque de "network analysis" que utiliza los flujos de pasajeros aéreos entre unas 28 regiones urbanas metropolitanas europeas del grupo de EU15+2 países, permitiendo el análisis de la interacción entre estas 28 ciudades. Esta metodología permite desarrollar varios indicadores descriptivos que permiten, a su vez, por la aplicación de una técnica matemática de escalamiento multi-dimensional, comparar las distancias funcionales y físicas de cada una de las regiones urbanas metropolitanas del centro del 'espacio conceptual de flujos de pasajeros aéreos' y el centro de la gravedad. El mapa resultante del posicionamiento funcional de las ciudades ofrece una visión espacial de Europa metropolitana bastante diferente a la que se base en los coordinados cartesianos. Tal enfoque permite demostrar que ciudades como Barcelona, Madrid, Helsinki, Lisboa y Atenas, consideradas tradicionalmente como físicamente periféricas al área central de europea, parecen ser posicionadas más favorablemente en términos funcionales. Además, en el caso de España, los resultados indican que Barcelona queda más cerca al centro del conceptual 'espacio de flujos de pasajero aéreos' que Madrid. A la luz de esta evidencia empírica, junto con los signos de la integración económica aumentada a través de algunas partes de España, las perspectivas de que España formará parte una más amplia concentración territorial europea de flujos y actividades y del reconocimiento de la capital territorial de Madrid y Barcelona dentro de las recientes las declaraciones de política territorial de la UE, la tesis concluye, en la Cuarta Parte que estas dos regiones metropolitanas han experimentado una clara consolidación y (re)posicionamiento dentro de la jerarquía metropolitana europea. ; Postprint (published version)
The thesis seeks to demonstrate that during the period between 1986 and 2006, some of the principal cities of the Spanish metropolitan system1, have undergone significant change in terms of their European competitiveness. It is suggested that in the case of Madrid and Barcelona in particular this change has been of such a magnitude to proportion them a much more important place within the European spatial configuration than that which they occupied in the mid-1980s. Empirical evidence is offered to support this conjecture. The thesis lies wholly within the framework of spatial planning at the European territorial scale. It charts the comparative ascent of the Spanish cities from the moment of Spain's entry into the European Union (EU) in 1986 against the background of the development of European spatial policy, increased economic integration across Europe, the increased importance of the 'territorial' dimension of EU cohesion policy and an eventual waning of the applicability of the terminology of 'core' and 'periphery' to describe European geographical location. Part One (Chapter 1) addresses the processes of urbanisation in general from a global perspective and then focuses on metropolitan growth in a number of different historical contexts from the start of the 19th Century. Parts Two (Chapters 2-5) and Three (Chapters 6-9) of the thesis carry out analyses at two contrasting but complementary spatial scales. Part Two examines the metropolitan growth processes in Spain, in the period since 1857, detecting the historical moments in which there were surges in the metropolitan populations of the seven cities of the metropolitan system. The dimensions of the spatial units of analysis corresponding to the seven Spanish metropolitan urban regions are described, based upon a methodology first developed by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in the context of a transnational spatial planning project of the INTERREG community initiative2. These seven spatial units form the basis for a socio-economic analysis of the structure of the metropolitan system, drawing upon data principally from the 2001 Census. If by 1930 one of the key characteristics of Spain's urban system was having not just one but two cities (Madrid and Barcelona) belonging to the group of 27 cities across the world with populations in excess of 1 million inhabitants3, this same differentiation between the country's two largest cities and the remainder of the urban system is equally valid today. Spain's urban system remains clearly bicephalous in being dominated by these same two cities in terms of demographic and economic strength. Part Three begins by examining the evolution of European spatial policy against the background of an ever-enlarging European Union and changes with regard to the notion of cohesion - from a concept understood in terms of economic and social factors, to one in which the territorial dimension has become increasingly important. The European urban system is then critically examined through a number of key and influential studies, with particular regard to the rankings and hierarchies of metropolitan urban regions deriving there from and the changes in the placing of the Spanish metropolitan urban regions therein. Taking inspiration from the seminal contribution of Manuel Castells4 in the context of the structural changes resulting from the informational and technological revolution, the thesis seeks to replicate the concept of a 'space of flows'. This is carried out through a 'network analysis' approach drawing upon air passenger flows between some 28 European metropolitan urban regions of the EU15+2 group of countries, enabling the analysis of the interaction between these 28 cities. This methodology enables arriving at a number of descriptive indicators which in turn, through the application of a multi-dimensional scaling mathematical technique, permits comparing the functional and physical distances of each of the metropolitan urban regions from the centre of the 'conceptual space of air passenger flows' and the centre of gravity. The resulting map of the functional positioning of the cities offers a spatial vision of metropolitan Europe quite different to that based upon Cartesian coordinates. Such an approach enables demonstrating that cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Helsinki, Lisbon and Athens, traditionally considered as physically peripheral to the European core area, appear to be more favourably positioned in functional terms. Furthermore in the case of Spain the results indicate that Barcelona lies closer to the centre of the conceptual 'space of air passenger flows' than Madrid. In light of this empirical evidence, together with the signs of increased economic integration across some parts of Spain, the prospects of Spain forming part of a wider European territorial concentration of flows and activities, and the recognition of the territorial capital of Madrid and Barcelona within recent EU spatial policy declarations, the thesis concludes in Part Four that these two metropolitan regions have undergone a clear consolidation and (re)positioning within the European metropolitan hierarchy. ; La tesis trata de demostrar que durante el período entre 1986 y 2006, unas de las principales ciudades del sistema metropolitano español, han experimentado un cambio significativo en términos de su competitividad europea. Es sugerido que en el caso de Madrid y Barcelona en particular este cambio ha sido de tal magnitud para proporcionarlas un lugar mucho más importante dentro de la configuración territorial espacial europea que dichas ciudades ocuparon en el mediado de los años 80. Se ofrece evidencia empírica para sostener esta conjetura. La tesis se sitúa dentro demarco de la ordenación territorial a la escala europea. Traza la subida relativa de las ciudades españolas desde el momento de la entrada de España en la Unión Europea(UE) en 1986, contra el fondo del desarrollo de la política territorial europea, la integración económica aumentada a través de Europa, la importancia aumentada de la dimensión "territorial" de la política de la cohesión de UE y una eventual disminución de la aplicabilidad de la terminología del "centro" y la "periferia" para describir la ubicación geográfica europea. La Primera Parte (Capítulo 1) está dirigida a evaluar los procesos de la urbanización en general, desde una perspectiva global, y después se centra en examinar el crecimiento metropolitano en varios contextos históricos, a partir del comienzo del siglo XIX. La Segunda (Capítulos 2-5) y Tercera Partes (Capítulos 6-9) de la tesis llevan a cabo unos análisis en dos escalas territoriales contrastantes pero complementarias. La Segunda Parte examina los procesos del crecimiento metropolitano en España, a partir de 1857, discerniendo los momentos históricos en los que había oleadas en las poblaciones 'metropolitanas' de las siete ciudades del sistema metropolitano. Se describe las dimensiones de las unidades espaciales de análisis que corresponden a las siete regiones urbanas metropolitanas españolas, basadas en una metodología desarrollado por el Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) en el contexto de un proyecto trasnacional de ordenación territorial de la iniciativa comunitaria INTERREG. Estas siete unidades espaciales forman la base para un análisis socioeconómico de la estructura del sistema metropolitano, utilizando datos principalmente del 2001 Censo. Si en el año 1930 una de las características claves del sistema urbano de España era de tener no sólo una, pero dos ciudades (Madrid y Barcelona) perteneciendo al grupo de 27 ciudades a través del mundo con poblaciones por encima de 1 millón de habitantes, esta misma diferenciación entre las dos ciudades más grandes del país y el resto del sistema urbano es hoy igualmente válida. El sistema urbano de España se queda claramente bicéfalo en ser dominado por estas mismas dos ciudades en términos de fuerza demográfica y económica. La Tercera Parte comienza examinando la evolución de la política territorial europea contra el fondo de una Unión Europea cada vez más grande y los cambios con respecto a la noción de la cohesión – de un concepto entendido en términos de factores económicos y sociales, a uno en que la dimensión territorial ha llegado a ser cada vez más importante. A continuación, se examina de manera crítica el sistema urbano europeo mediante algunos estudios influyentes, con la consideración particular a las clasificaciones y las jerarquías de las regiones urbanas metropolitanas que derivan de estos estudios, y a los cambios en la colocación de las regiones urbanas metropolitanas españolas en dichos estudios. Tomando inspiración de la contribución seminal de Manuel Castells en el contexto de los cambios estructurales que resultan de la revolución de información y tecnológica, la tesis trata de replicar el concepto de un 'espacio de flujos'. Esto es llevado a cabo por un enfoque de "network analysis" que utiliza los flujos de pasajeros aéreos entre unas 28 regiones urbanas metropolitanas europeas del grupo de EU15+2 países, permitiendo el análisis de la interacción entre estas 28 ciudades. Esta metodología permite desarrollar varios indicadores descriptivos que permiten, a su vez, por la aplicación de una técnica matemática de escalamiento multi-dimensional, comparar las distancias funcionales y físicas de cada una de las regiones urbanas metropolitanas del centro del 'espacio conceptual de flujos de pasajeros aéreos' y el centro de la gravedad. El mapa resultante del posicionamiento funcional de las ciudades ofrece una visión espacial de Europa metropolitana bastante diferente a la que se base en los coordinados cartesianos. Tal enfoque permite demostrar que ciudades como Barcelona, Madrid, Helsinki, Lisboa y Atenas, consideradas tradicionalmente como físicamente periféricas al área central de europea, parecen ser posicionadas más favorablemente en términos funcionales. Además, en el caso de España, los resultados indican que Barcelona queda más cerca al centro del conceptual 'espacio de flujos de pasajero aéreos' que Madrid. A la luz de esta evidencia empírica, junto con los signos de la integración económica aumentada a través de algunas partes de España, las perspectivas de que España formará parte una más amplia concentración territorial europea de flujos y actividades y del reconocimiento de la capital territorial de Madrid y Barcelona dentro de las recientes las declaraciones de política territorial de la UE, la tesis concluye, en la Cuarta Parte que estas dos regiones metropolitanas han experimentado una clara consolidación y (re)posicionamiento dentro de la jerarquía metropolitana europea. ; Postprint (published version)
A partire dal 1960, in Spagna sono stati registrati numerosi e importanti cambiamenti politici, sociali e territoriali, parallelamente a un forte processo di sviluppo urbano. In questo lavoro, in particolare, viene fornito un quadro delle trasformazioni rilevate nella rete infrastrutturale e dei trasporti, in relazione alle esigenze delle realtà urbane. Inoltre, l'analisi considera le politiche che hanno portato a tali modifiche, soprattutto nel corso del periodo 1981-2010. Tra i principali obiettivi, vi è quello di evidenziare la necessità di organici modelli progettuali e di apposite linee guida, al fine di garantire un'oculata e proficua gestione dei fondi.A partir des années 60, en Espagne on constate un certain nombre d'importants changements politiques, sociaux et territoriaux, qui vont de pair avec un développement urbain de grande envergure. Dans cet article, en l'occurrence, on présente un tableau des transformations du réseau infra-structural et des transports, relativement aux exigences de la réalité urbaine. Par ailleurs, l'analyse prend en considération les politiques qui ont mené à de telles modifications, en particulier durant les années 1981-2010. Parmi les objectifs principaux, il faut mentionner celui qui concerne la nécessité d'avoir des modélisations holistiques des projets, afin de promouvoir une gestion attentive et productive des fonds.
In: Chinese journal of population, resources and environment, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 78-86
ISSN: 2325-4262
In: SPP Research Paper No. Volume 9 • Issue 18 • May 2016
Urban mobility is a key issue in sustainable urban development policies. However, in the latest decades, the rise of urban traffic has aggravated environmental quality, spatial fragmentation, and social cohesion in metropolitan areas. Meeting commuter's needs should not be contrary to improving the quality of the environment. Public politics based on an integrated spatial planning of urban mobility and the urban fabric, following environmental principles, would contribute to make an accessible system of public spaces. The main goal of this research is to assess how a mass transport network could become the backbone of a metropolitan public space system. Integrated planning of public transport and open space system could contribute to improve indicators related to urban mobility, environmental quality and social inclusion, in unstructured environments and socially vulnerable communities. This scientific-analytic research is focused on three variables: urban mobility, urban morphology and social inclusion, and their quantitative and qualitative indicators (traffic flows, land-use patterns, air pollution, socioeconomic status, public space area per capita, etc.). These indicators are tested in Metro Line 2 of Lima, nowadays under construction. Lima Metropolitana is one of the largest Latin-American conurbations with a population of just over 9,5M and 22M daily commutes. Moreover, traffic congestion is considered by residents as the city's second most important problem in spite that 75% of daily trips take place in public transport. An urban model based on unbalanced urban densities and no mixed land-use patterns, and informal transport services undermines the creation of a metropolitan open space system. An integrated spatial planning based on mobility and public space improving the future exchange nodes of Metro Line from a spatial and social point of view could contribute to reduce the impacts of urban flows, such as spatial fragmentation, social inequality and environmental pollution. ; This research has received financial support from the Annual Research Incentive Competition convened by the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Peru), through the project "Mass public transport network as a backbone element of the metropolitan open space system, the Lima Metro as a case study" led by Professor Susana López; Ii has also obtained the Ibero-America Santander Research Scholarship 2019 for the project "The public transport network as a backbone element of the system of environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive urban spaces: the case of Lima Metro, Peru", with Professor Joan Moreno as grantee. Likewise, we would like to especially thank the student of Geography and Environment, Carlos Guardia Brown, for his contribution to the analysis of cartographic data and graphic expression of the figures included in the document. ; Peer Reviewed ; Postprint (published version)
In: The bulletin of the atomic scientists: a magazine of science and public affairs, Band 10, S. 378-383
ISSN: 0096-3402, 0096-5243, 0742-3829
En uno de los puntos fronterizos más vivos de Latinoamerica, aquel que se encuentra en el área comprendida entre el Estado Táchira, en Venezuela y el Departamento Norte de Santander, en Colombia, se dan flujos muy intensos de vehículos, personas, bienes y servicios; decenas de miles de vehículos y miles de toneladas de bienes, cruzan diariamente el límite político territorial. Allí hay todo un mercado de trabajo que alcanza a decenas de miles de personas. Se ha llegado a formar una mancha urbana con territorio de los dos países, una ciudad binacional y, más todavía, un Sistema Metropolitano Binacional, integrado por unos cuantos centros urbanos pertenecientes a Venezuela y a Colombia. Este trabajo plantea los aspectos y características más relevantes que justifican el desarrollo de un estudio de tal naturaleza orientado propiciar el desarrollo conjunto y compartido de dicho espacio urbano. ; In one of the most vivid borderland in Latinamerica, it is located in the area between Táchira State in Venezuela and North Santander Department, in Colombia, there are very strong flows of vehicles, people, goods and services; tens of thousands of vehicles and tons of goods daily cross their political international borderline. There's an entire labor market that reaches tens of thousands of people in there. The area has come to form an urban area that includes territory of both countries, a binational city, and even more a Binational Metropolitan System, composed of a few urban centers belonging to Venezuela and Colombia. This paper outlines the most important aspects and features that justify the development of such study aimed to foster the development of the joint and shared urban space. ; 19-29 ; ; semestral
In: National municipal review, Band 19, Heft 10, S. 704-709
AbstractCleveland's 9,031 acres of park lands were enjoyed by more than 1,500,000 persons last year. More than four million dollrs has already been spent on them.
In: National municipal review, Band 19, S. 704-709
ISSN: 0190-3799
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 35, Heft 2, S. 64-70
ISSN: 1552-3349