Classical sociology beyond methodological nationalism
In: International studies in sociology and social anthropology v. 123
Preliminary Material /Massimo Pendenza -- Introduction: Is Classical Sociology Still in Vogue? A Controversial Legacy /Massimo Pendenza -- Simmel on Global Society /Vittorio Cotesta -- Tönnies Today: A Living Legacy in the Sociology of Globalization and Globality /David Inglis -- Vilfredo Pareto's Contribution to a Sociology of Globalization /Emanuela Susca -- Understanding the Social: Cosmopolitanism and Gabriel Tarde's Cosmopolitics /Michael Schillmeier -- The "Social" as Reciprocity: Marcel Mauss and the Idea of Nation /Dario Verderame -- "Merging the National with the Human Ideal": Émile Durkheim on Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism /Massimo Pendenza -- Ubi Bene, Ibi Patria: Patriotism, Nationalism and Internationalism in Robert Michels' Reflection /Federico Trocini -- Beyond Methodological Nationalism? Concepts of Nationhood in German Liberal Social Thought of the Weimar Years /Austin Harrington -- Index of Names /Massimo Pendenza.