Coastal Marine Spatial Planning
NPS NRP Executive Summary ; Report Type: Final Report ; Project Summary: The primary goal of this project was to develop data sets and tools to facilitate coastal marine spatial planning (CMSP) for the U.S. Pacific islands. We have identified and collected over 200 datasets into a comprehensive data portal organized into the sub-regions of American Samoa, Guam, Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands, and Hawaii, and further organized by data categories. We have also developed several types of geographic information systems (GIS) mapping applications in order to help government agencies, stakeholders, and the general public visualize and use the data. We have also documented and organized the datasets in order to facilitate a smooth transition to a final hosting and managing site. We have coordinated and collaborated with the Pacific Islands Regional Planning Body to help in their efforts in CMSP. ; MARFORPAC ; NPS-18-M261-A ; Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.