Households Attitudes Towards Marine Resource Conservation
In: Marine Resource Conservation and Poverty Reduction Strategies in Tanzania; Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs, S. 77-98
391922 Ergebnisse
In: Marine Resource Conservation and Poverty Reduction Strategies in Tanzania; Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs, S. 77-98
In: Hamburg studies on maritime affairs 8
Indonesia as the largest archipelagic state has a wealth of marine ecosystem and biodiversity. Besides its ecological function, the potential marine resource is an important factor in improving the indigenous economy in the fishing communities, and even it could be used as a source of the future welfare of people. The Indonesian government has committed to establishing marine conservation areas, each of which has an important role in supporting local sustainable fishery management and human resources having the local wisdom. To study such issues and their concerns demonstrate that some activities for the marine resource conservation management are major parts of the fishermen's strategy for the poverty reduction at the coastal communities. This ethnographical dissertation mainly treats the village of South Tiku, Tanjung Mutiara District, Agam Regency, the Province of West Sumatra in Indonesia, which was researched by the anthropological fieldwork along the Tiku coast. 4 aspects could be observed at the village of South Tiku, viz. spiritual wisdom, environmental sustainability wisdom, cultural tradition wisdom, and economic wisdom. The dissertation describe that the existence of the traditions from the local wisdom such as cultural ceremony or fishermen's party is indispensable for the marine resource conservation, which comprise controlling fishing gears, using no harmful gears, catching and killing no sea turtles, or throwing no rubbish into the sea, managed by the controlling sector and seeding and planting mangroves or coral reefs along the shore, managed by the resource sector. At the village of South Tiku, the various forms of activities concerning marine and coastal resource conservation are carried out by local fishermen, whose behaviors are always based on the value and culture of their local wisdom. This dissertation would predict the further necessity of future marine resource conservation along the Tiku coast, which could improve the balance between marine resource conservation goals and poverty ...
In: Marine policy, Band 60, S. 338-344
ISSN: 0308-597X
In: Marine policy: the international journal of ocean affairs
ISSN: 0308-597X
1. Introduction : why marine conservation is necessary : significance, threats and management of the oceans and biodiversity -- 2. The marine environment : physicochemical characteristics : structures and processes : enduring and recurrent factors -- 3. The marine environment : ecology and biology : pelagic and benthic realms and coastal fringing communities -- 4. Approaches to marine conservation : traditional strategies and ecological frameworks -- 5. Representative areas : global to ecoregional : marine conservation at the ecosystem/habitat level -- 6. Habitats and communities : ecoregional to local : reality, variability and scales of relationships -- 7. Distinctive areas : species and ecosystem processes : ecosystem processes : ergoclines and hotspots -- 8. Patterns of biodiversity : species diversity : theories and relationships : global, regional, local -- 9. Species and focal species : keystones, umbrellas, flagships, indicators and others -- 10. Genetic diversity : significance of genetics : from genes to ecosystems -- 11. Coastal zones : components, complexities and classifications -- 12. High seas and deep seas : pelagic and benthic, hydrography and biogeography -- 13. Linking fisheries management with marine conservation objectives through ecosystem approaches : compatibility of exploitation and preservation -- 14. Size and boundaries of protected areas : rationale for function, location, dimensions -- 15. Evaluation of protected areas : the concept of 'value' as applied to marine biodiversity -- 16. Sets of protected areas : integrating distinctive and representative protected areas -- 17. Networks of protected areas : patterns of connectivity in the oceans -- 18. Approaches to the establishment of marine monitoring programmes : stabilizing the baselines -- 19. Remaining problems in marine conservation : present problems, future solutions.
In: Marine policy, Band 101, S. 8-14
ISSN: 0308-597X
In: Marine biology
Not Available ; This case study is about a unique institution called Kadakkody (literally meaning "sea court") prevalent in Kerala, in Malabar coast of India. Its presence as well as the institutional reinvention it has undergone raises interesting questions like (1) how and why this institution has survived? (2) what role does it play in resource management? (3) status and validity of regulations endorsed by the Kadakkody and (4) does it offer any policy insights for resource management in tropical waters? It has been found that its persistence depends on a multiplicity of factors and so defies any bureaucratic duplication in its instifutionalisation. The role of the State should be to enable political contexts that nurture the genesis and co-evolution df people's own resource management initiatives and institutions. What is required is the emergence of a new political ethos built on the foundations of ecology and ethics. ; Not Available
Provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the range of marine resource management issues. Identifies Australian domestic and international law boundaries and zones of maritime jurisdiction. Explains the legal framework of rights and obligations for the conduct of activities in each legal zone -- Back cover
Front Cover -- Plastic Pollution and Marine Conservation -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of contributors -- Preface -- 1 Marine plastics: what's wrong with them? -- References -- 2 Microplastics in seawater and sediments-distribution and transport -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Microplastics distribution in seawater of the Mediterranean Sea -- 2.2.1 The Western and Central Mediterranean Sea -- 2.2.2 The Northern Mediterranean Sea -- 2.2.3 The Eastern Mediterranean Sea -- 2.2.4 The Southern Mediterranean Sea -- 2.3 Microplastic distribution in subtidal sediments of the Mediterranean Sea -- 2.3.1 The Western and Central Mediterranean Sea -- 2.3.2 The Northern Mediterranean Sea -- 2.3.3 The Eastern Mediterranean Sea -- 2.3.4 The Southern Mediterranean Sea -- 2.4 Types of microplastics in seawater and sediments of the Mediterranean Sea -- 2.4.1 Size of microplastics -- 2.4.2 Shape of microplastics -- 2.4.3 Microplastic material -- 2.5 Transport of microplastics in marine environment -- 2.5.1 Photodegradation, biofouling, and sinking of microplastics -- 2.5.2 Transport of microplastics in the water column -- 2.5.3 Plastic accumulations in the Mediterranean Sea -- 2.5.4 Transport of microplastic by marine biota -- 2.6 Conclusions and perspectives -- Acknowledgments -- References -- 3 Fate, transport, and impact of microplastics on planktonic organisms -- References -- 4 Plastic impact on marine benthic organisms and food webs -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Current knowledge on plastic pollution on marine benthic organisms -- 4.2.1 Presence and impacts of plastic on seagrasses and macroalgae -- 4.2.2 Presence of plastic in macroinvertebrates and fish -- 4.2.3 Ecotoxicological effects -- 4.2.4 Impacts of plastics on benthic communities -- 4.2.5 Impact of plastics on food webs -- 4.3 Knowledge gaps and conclusions -- Acknowledgments -- References.
In: Coastal research library Volume8
In: Developments in environmental economics 6
In: Earth's natural biomes
"This fascinating book gives readers core information about marine biomes on coasts, in coral reefs, frozen oceans, and in the deepest depths of the ocean. Find out where each kind is found, how animals and plants have adapted to life underwater, who lives in these environments, and how humans impact life there."--