Monetary Policy, Macroprudential Policy and Banking Stability: Evidence from the Euro Area
In: ECB Working Paper No. 1560
792980 Ergebnisse
In: ECB Working Paper No. 1560
Working paper
This paper reexamines from a theoretical perspective the role of monetary and macroprudential policies in addressing the build-up of risks in the financial system. We construct a stylized general equilibrium model in which the key friction comes from a moral hazard problem in firms' financing that banks' equity capital serves to ameliorate. Tight monetary policy is introduced by open market sales of government debt, and tight macroprudential policy by an increase in capital requirements. We show that both policies are useful, but macroprudential policy is more effective in fostering financial stability and leads to higher social welfare.
In: BIS Paper No. 94z
Working paper
Working paper
In: ECB Working Paper No. 2022/2647
In: Journal of international economics, Band 122, S. 103259
ISSN: 0022-1996
In this paper, an index of domestic macroprudential policy tools is constructed and the effectiveness of these tools in controlling credit growth is studied using a dynamic panel data model for the period between 2000 and 2017. The empirical analysis includes two panels namely an EU panel of 27 countries and a Latin American panel of 7 countries, and the paper also looks at a case study of Chile, Colombia, Japan, Portugal and the UK. Our main results find that the cumulative index of macroprudential policy tools does not have a statistically significant impact on credit growth when considering a panel of 27 EU countries. When considering the case of Japan, a tighter capital conservation buffer leads to a decrease in the credit supply. When looking at a panel of 7 Latin American countries, our main results show that a tightening of the capital conservation buffer results in an increase in the credit supply. A tightening of the loan-to-value ratio results in a decrease in the credit supply in the panel of 7 Latin American countries. Lastly, a tightening in the overall macroprudential policy tool stance results in a decrease in credit supply in Japan and an increase in credit supply in Portugal. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the conduct of macroprudential policies in an heterogenous monetary union, such as the Eurozone, by borrowing on the very recent theoretical and empirical developments of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models and Bayesian econometrics. We account for two main patterns of the Eurosystem: the business cycles divergence between core and peripheral countries and the globalization of banking and its spillovers when implementing macroprudential policies. As a main result, the implementation of macroprudential policy measures improves welfare at the global level. The highest welfare gains are observed when countries use multiple instruments and when macroprudential policy is implemented in a granular fashion. However, the conduct of macroprudential policy is not a free lunch for participating countries: in most situations, peripheral countries are winners while core countries record either smaller welfare gains or even welfare losses. In many policy experiments, we find that there exists an equilibrium that combines welfare increases at both the global and national levels for all participants but its enforceability requires a federal action, thus justifying the existence of a coordination mechanism such as the ESRB in the Eurozone. Finally, the possibility of banks to engage in cross border lending introduces an important spillover channel that tends to increase the welfare gains associated to macroprudential measures. Ignoring this phenomenon may lead to fallacious results in terms of the welfare ranking of alternative implementation schemes. ; L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer la conduite des politiques macroprudentielles dans une union monétaire hétérogène, comme la zone euro, en s'appuyant sur les très récents développements théoriques et empiriques des modèles en équilibre général dynamique stochastique (DSGE) et de l'économétrie Bayésienne. Dans notre analyse, nous considérons deux faits majeurs caractérisant l'Eurosystème: la divergence des cycles ...
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the conduct of macroprudential policies in an heterogenous monetary union, such as the Eurozone, by borrowing on the very recent theoretical and empirical developments of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models and Bayesian econometrics. We account for two main patterns of the Eurosystem: the business cycles divergence between core and peripheral countries and the globalization of banking and its spillovers when implementing macroprudential policies. As a main result, the implementation of macroprudential policy measures improves welfare at the global level. The highest welfare gains are observed when countries use multiple instruments and when macroprudential policy is implemented in a granular fashion. However, the conduct of macroprudential policy is not a free lunch for participating countries: in most situations, peripheral countries are winners while core countries record either smaller welfare gains or even welfare losses. In many policy experiments, we find that there exists an equilibrium that combines welfare increases at both the global and national levels for all participants but its enforceability requires a federal action, thus justifying the existence of a coordination mechanism such as the ESRB in the Eurozone. Finally, the possibility of banks to engage in cross border lending introduces an important spillover channel that tends to increase the welfare gains associated to macroprudential measures. Ignoring this phenomenon may lead to fallacious results in terms of the welfare ranking of alternative implementation schemes. ; L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer la conduite des politiques macroprudentielles dans une union monétaire hétérogène, comme la zone euro, en s'appuyant sur les très récents développements théoriques et empiriques des modèles en équilibre général dynamique stochastique (DSGE) et de l'économétrie Bayésienne. Dans notre analyse, nous considérons deux faits majeurs caractérisant l'Eurosystème: la divergence des cycles économiques entre le cœur et la périphérie de la zone et l'intégration bancaire à l'origine de spillovers lors de la mise en œuvre de politiques macroprudentielles. Voici les résultats que nous tirons de nos expérimentations. D'abord, la mise en œuvre des mesures de politique macroprudentielle améliore le bien-être au niveau de l'union. Les gains de bien-être plus élevés sont observés lorsque les pays utilisent plusieurs instruments et lorsque la politique macroprudentielle est mise en œuvre de manière granulaire. Cependant, la conduite de la politique macroprudentielle n'est pas forcément bénéfique pour tous les pays participants: dans la plupart des cas, les pays périphériques sont gagnants tandis que les pays du cœur enregistrent des faibles gains de bien-être voire parfois des pertes. Dans nos simulations, nous constatons qu'il existe un équilibre favorisant le bien-être à la fois aux niveaux mondial et national pour tous les participants mais sa réalisation nécessite une intervention d'une autorité fédérale telle l'ESRB. Enfin, l'introduction de prêts transfrontaliers ouvre un nouveau canal de transmission international important qui tend à augmenter les gains de bien-être associées à des mesures macroprudentielles. Ignorer ces prêts bancaires transfrontaliers peut conduire à des résultats fallacieux dans le classement des différents plans d'instauration de la politique macroprudentielle.
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the conduct of macroprudential policies in an heterogenous monetary union, such as the Eurozone, by borrowing on the very recent theoretical and empirical developments of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models and Bayesian econometrics. We account for two main patterns of the Eurosystem: the business cycles divergence between core and peripheral countries and the globalization of banking and its spillovers when implementing macroprudential policies. As a main result, the implementation of macroprudential policy measures improves welfare at the global level. The highest welfare gains are observed when countries use multiple instruments and when macroprudential policy is implemented in a granular fashion. However, the conduct of macroprudential policy is not a free lunch for participating countries: in most situations, peripheral countries are winners while core countries record either smaller welfare gains or even welfare losses. In many policy experiments, we find that there exists an equilibrium that combines welfare increases at both the global and national levels for all participants but its enforceability requires a federal action, thus justifying the existence of a coordination mechanism such as the ESRB in the Eurozone. Finally, the possibility of banks to engage in cross border lending introduces an important spillover channel that tends to increase the welfare gains associated to macroprudential measures. Ignoring this phenomenon may lead to fallacious results in terms of the welfare ranking of alternative implementation schemes. ; L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer la conduite des politiques macroprudentielles dans une union monétaire hétérogène, comme la zone euro, en s'appuyant sur les très récents développements théoriques et empiriques des modèles en équilibre général dynamique stochastique (DSGE) et de l'économétrie Bayésienne. Dans notre analyse, nous considérons deux faits majeurs caractérisant l'Eurosystème: la divergence des cycles économiques entre le cœur et la périphérie de la zone et l'intégration bancaire à l'origine de spillovers lors de la mise en œuvre de politiques macroprudentielles. Voici les résultats que nous tirons de nos expérimentations. D'abord, la mise en œuvre des mesures de politique macroprudentielle améliore le bien-être au niveau de l'union. Les gains de bien-être plus élevés sont observés lorsque les pays utilisent plusieurs instruments et lorsque la politique macroprudentielle est mise en œuvre de manière granulaire. Cependant, la conduite de la politique macroprudentielle n'est pas forcément bénéfique pour tous les pays participants: dans la plupart des cas, les pays périphériques sont gagnants tandis que les pays du cœur enregistrent des faibles gains de bien-être voire parfois des pertes. Dans nos simulations, nous constatons qu'il existe un équilibre favorisant le bien-être à la fois aux niveaux mondial et national pour tous les participants mais sa réalisation nécessite une intervention d'une autorité fédérale telle l'ESRB. Enfin, l'introduction de prêts transfrontaliers ouvre un nouveau canal de transmission international important qui tend à augmenter les gains de bien-être associées à des mesures macroprudentielles. Ignorer ces prêts bancaires transfrontaliers peut conduire à des résultats fallacieux dans le classement des différents plans d'instauration de la politique macroprudentielle.
In: IMF Working Paper No. 16/98
Working paper
In: FRL-D-24-00830
In: Economica, Band 90, Heft 359, S. 1003-1040
ISSN: 1468-0335
AbstractThe transmission of financial shocks and the gains from international macroprudential policy coordination are studied in a two‐region, core–periphery model with a global bank, a two‐level financial structure and imperfect financial integration. The model replicates the stylized facts associated with global banking shocks, with respect to output, credit, house prices and real exchange rate fluctuations in recipient countries, as documented empirically. Numerical experiments, based on a parametrized version of the model, show that the gains from coordination increase with the degree of financial integration, which raises the scope for spillback effects from the periphery to the core, through trade and private capital flows. However, even when coordination is Pareto‐improving, the resulting gains may be highly asymmetric across regions.
Working paper
In: Bank of England Working Paper No. 734
Working paper