In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 224, S. 112661
Large-scale RNAseq has substantially changed the transcriptomics field, as it enables an unprecedented amount of high resolution data to be acquired. However, the analysis of these data still poses a challenge to the research community. Many tools have been developed to overcome this problem, and to facilitate the study of miRNA expression profiles and those of their target genes. While a few of these enable both kinds of analysis to be performed, they also present certain limitations in terms of their requirements and/or the restrictions on data uploading. To avoid these restraints, we have developed a suite that offers the identification of miRNA, mRNA and circRNAs that can be applied to any sequenced organism. Additionally, it enables differential expression, miRNA-mRNA target prediction and/or functional analysis. The miARma-Seq pipeline is presented as a stand-alone tool that is both easy to install and flexible in terms of its use, and that brings together well-established software in a single bundle. Our suite can analyze a large number of samples due to its multithread design. By testing miARma-Seq in validated datasets, we demonstrate here the benefits that can be gained from this tool by making it readily accessible to the research community. ; E.A.-L. was funded by the European Union grant FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1. ; Peer reviewed
MOTIVATION: The avalanche of data arriving since the development of NGS technologies have prompted the need for developing fast, accurate and easily automated bioinformatic tools capable of dealing with massive datasets. Among the most productive applications of NGS technologies is the sequencing of cellular RNA, known as RNA-Seq. Although RNA-Seq provides similar or superior dynamic range than microarrays at similar or lower cost, the lack of standard and user-friendly pipelines is a bottleneck preventing RNA-Seq from becoming the standard for transcriptome analysis. RESULTS: In this work we present a pipeline for processing and analyzing RNA-Seq data, that we have named Grape (Grape RNA-Seq Analysis Pipeline Environment). Grape supports raw sequencing reads produced by a variety of technologies, either in FASTA or FASTQ format, or as prealigned reads in SAM/BAM format. A minimal Grape configuration consists of the file location of the raw sequencing reads, the genome of the species and the corresponding gene and transcript annotation. Grape first runs a set of quality control steps, and then aligns the reads to the genome, a step that is omitted for prealigned read formats. Grape next estimates gene and transcript expression levels, calculates exon inclusion levels and identifies novel transcripts. Grape can be run on a single computer or in parallel on a computer cluster. It is distributed with specific mapping and quantification tools, but given its modular design, any tool supporting popular data interchange formats can be integrated. AVAILABILITY: Grape can be obtained from the Bioinformatics and Genomics website at: ; The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 282510. This work has been carried under grants BIO2011-26205 from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) and INB GNV-1 and RETICS RD07/0067/0012 from PN de I+D+i, ISCIII—Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación—(Spain) and cofunded by FEDER
The scope and scale of biological data are increasing at an exponential rate, as technologies like next-generation sequencing are becoming radically cheaper and more prevalent. Over the last two decades, the cost of sequencing a genome has dropped from $100 million to nearly $100—a factor of over 10(6)—and the amount of data to be analyzed has increased proportionally. Yet, as Moore's Law continues to slow, computational biologists can no longer rely on computing hardware to compensate for the ever-increasing size of biological datasets. In a field where many researchers are primarily focused on biological analysis over computational optimization, the unfortunate solution to this problem is often to simply buy larger and faster machines. Here, we introduce Seq, the first language tailored specifically to bioinformatics, which marries the ease and productivity of Python with C-like performance. Seq starts with a subset of Python—and is in many cases a drop-in replacement—yet also incorporates novel bioinformatics- and computational genomics-oriented data types, language constructs and optimizations. Seq enables users to write high-level, Pythonic code without having to worry about low-level or domain-specific optimizations, and allows for the seamless expression of the algorithms, idioms and patterns found in many genomics or bioinformatics applications. We evaluated Seq on several standard computational genomics tasks like reverse complementation, k-mer manipulation, sequence pattern matching and large genomic index queries. On equivalent CPython code, Seq attains a performance improvement of up to two orders of magnitude, and a 160× improvement once domain-specific language features and optimizations are used. With parallelism, we demonstrate up to a 650× improvement. Compared to optimized C++ code, which is already difficult for most biologists to produce, Seq frequently attains up to a 2× improvement, and with shorter, cleaner code. Thus, Seq opens the door to an age of democratization of highly-optimized ...
In: Schweizerische Ärztezeitung: SÄZ ; offizielles Organ der FMH und der FMH Services = Bulletin des médecins suisses : BMS = Bollettino dei medici svizzeri
In: Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation: official publication of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 149A-149A