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216 Ergebnisse
In: Environment and planning. B, Urban analytics and city science, Band 50, Heft 1, S. 268-280
ISSN: 2399-8091
In the late 1930s, an agency of the United States government called the "Home Owners' Loan Corporation" (HOLC) graded thousands of urban neighborhoods on the perceived risk they posed to property owners. To make these determinations, HOLC field agents collected vast amounts of socioeconomic, demographic, and housing data about these places and presented their findings in an impressive set of maps. While these "redlining" maps have received considerable academic and media attention, the neighborhood-level race, housing, and socioeconomic data used to assign risk grades—available for most cities in their "area description" sheets—remain virtually unusable. Correcting this issue, I convert eight of the most consequential variables from 129 cities into an accessible and analyzable tabular format. These include the Black population percentage, "foreign-born" population percentage and group, family income, occupation class, average building age, home repair status, and mortgage availability. This data product will allow researchers to gain a more complete picture of the HOLC's City Survey program, and it will provide a valuable new source of historical socio-demographic data at the neighborhood level.
Beginning in 1935, the federal Home Owners' Loan Corporation worked with local mortgage lenders to evaluate the "trend of desirability" in residential areas in Hartford and over 200 other cities. The HOLC portrayed its appraisal report in a color-coded map with the highest grade (A) in green and the lowest grade (D) in red. This government agency considered not only housing conditions, but also the "social status of the population," and downgraded neighborhoods with non-white, immigrant, and poor residents. In later decades, these actions became associated with the discriminatory practice of "redlining." The University of Connecticut MAGIC center hosts an historical interactive map and links to all of the source materials, located at: http://magic.lib.uconn.edu/otl/doclink_holc.html
In: Contemporary economic policy: a journal of Western Economic Association International, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 318-336
ISSN: 1465-7287
We investigate the ability of small business borrowers to signal to investors their credit worthiness through the use of text descriptions in the peer‐to‐peer lending market. Specifically, we examine the relationship between the loan description written by a borrower and whether or not the project is funded by investors. Using textual analysis, we find that small business loan descriptions can be used to predict the likelihood that the loan will be funded. We also find that an index, created from a textual analysis of the words used in the loan description, can forecast the performance of the loan, specifically whether or not the loan defaults. This index has the strongest impact when we focus on borrowers with low FICO scores, suggesting that for these individuals the description can signal information that standard measures used for lending purposes cannot. Overall, it appears as though investors are making investment decisions based on proper and relevant signals given by the borrowers through the loan description. (JELD47, D53, D82, D83, G14, G21)
In: PBFJ-D-22-00735
In: Schriften zum Wirtschaftsrecht Bd. 229
Main description: Petra Josephine Brenner analysiert aktuelle Rechtsprobleme bei der Verfolgung von Exit-Strategien für notleidende Kredite; namentlich dem Verkauf notleidender Kredite (True-Sale), der Einbringung notleidender Forderungen als Sacheinlage in die sanierungsbedürftige Gesellschaft im Wege des Debt-equity Swaps sowie der Auslagerung des Problemkreditmanagements (Outsourcing).Neben zivilrechtlichen Fragestellungen, untersucht die Autorin im Kapitel True-Sale auch regulatorische, insolvenzrechtliche und steuerliche Aspekte einer solchen Transaktion. Im Rahmen des Kapitels Debt-to-equity Swap wird neben einer Darstellung des Ablaufs insbesondere auf das Sanierungsprivileg nach InsO und WpÜG eingegangen.Im Kapitel Outsourcing konzentriert sich die Darstellung auf die aufsichtsrechtlichen Anforderungen, die an eine Auslagerung des Problemkreditmanagements zu stellen sind sowie auf Fragen des Betriebsübergangs.
This report provides a short history and basic description of the Federal Home Loan Bank System, its responsibilities, and its ties to the government. It also discusses issues affecting the Banks and highlights the differences between the FHLB and the other two housing-related GSEs.
"This book discusses the most critical issues relating to the recovery of bad loans--a major problem that European banks urgently need to address and resolve. The book describes, in an innovative but also pragmatic way, the new approaches, techniques, and models for optimal management of non-performing loans (NPLs) and the maximization of their recovery value. Drawing on a rigorous academic background and the latest real-life experiences of major European banks, it details a novel means of dealing with NPLs based on velocity, the holistic use of tools and 'accelerators', and the active management of collaterals. Also, there is a specific focus on the smart use of 'big data' and on the development of 'bad banks', at both the single bank and the system-wide level. Ultimately, credit workout is defined as a core capability for any competitive bank--and as a quite interesting business opportunity for independent, specialized 'alpha' players."--Publisher's description
Issued in the series of documents of the Legislature. ; Description based on: 1905. ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: Estudos econômicos, Band 40, Heft 4, S. 831-858
ISSN: 1980-5357
The aim of this paper is to review some of the existing tests for competition in Brazilian banking, as well as to propose an alternative. After the description of the institutional setting of the Brazilian Banking system on this period, the competition tests on the literature were reviewed, beginning with the test proposed by Panzar and Rosse (1987). The market does not seem to be in long-run equilibrium, implying only the market does not seem to find itself in collusive outcome. The next step was to try a new methodology, applied by Moreno, Martínez and Ruiz (2006) for the Spanish banking market. On this methodology, in which the assumption of equality of conduct parameters between firms and time periods is relaxed, the results indicate that, for some firms and in some time periods, a cooperative conduct in fact is present.
In: U.S. news & world report, Band 57, S. 52-54
ISSN: 0041-5537
This paper aims to propose a solution for the current problem of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) in the Portuguese banking system. The analysis starts with an overview of the theoretical responses to an overall NPL problem. This is followed by a description of the relevant events in the last decade within the Portuguese banking system and of the solution currently being studied by the Portuguese government. The paper concludes that the solution has severe flaws, and proposes an alternative solution that consists on a centralized asset management company.
In: Decision sciences, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 66-81
ISSN: 1540-5915
AbstractThis paper describes a conceptually sound and powerful model to aid bank managers in short and long range decision making for the management of the financial performance of the bank. The planning model is a key element in an integrated computer‐based planning system which includes a forecast of economic, monetary, and loan market conditions, an analysis of internal relationships, and a system of reports which provide management with access to historical data and planning summaries.The planning model at the heart of the system, contains an imbedded linear programming algorithm to optimize "balance sheet management" decisions within liquidity and capital adequacy constraints. The model recognizes the interaction between assets and liabilities, it recognizes the time value of money, and it accommodates the difference between the net marginal yield for decision making, and the gross average yield used for determining revenue. Finally, the model recognizes the crucial role of liquidity with an important treatment of gross cash flows from normal asset turnover as a major source of liquidity, and the liquidity aspects of liabilities, as well as the more traditional concept of asset marketability.
The rule which is issued by the government more or less is always giving effect for the finance sectors generally and the stocks especialy. One of those rules is about Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 14 / 10 / DPNP of Implementation of Risk Management in Banks Doing Lending for Home Ownership and Vehicle Credit. The purpose of the research is knowing the effect of that rule in properties and real estate stocks price activity. The description research through analyzing the stocks price activities graphic of the properties and real estate stocks. The author reach a conclusion that generally, stocks price is affected by the loan to value rule. Keywords: stocks, stocks price, properties and real estate, risk management in banks, , home ownership,loan to value.
In: Gênero & Direito, Band 8, Heft 4
ISSN: 2179-7137
The vocabulary of each language consists of words that enable people to call the things they see and express their attitude towards them, characterize and compare them with the others. To do it, one uses lexical and grammatical means of native language and the borrowed ones from other kindred languages and unrelated languages. If in the beginning these "foreign" words are perceived as exoticisms, with time, without suspecting of their foreign origin, they can enter into its active lexical fund, take a place in dictionaries, be actively used in oral and written speech. However, they may be forgotten, not accepted by the canons of the language, or become archaisms and historicisms. The relevance of the study is explained by the tasks of revealing the role of the activity of loan words with the synonymy of the Tatar language. The article presents the materials that reflect the experience of research of the teachers of the Kazan Federal University in cooperation with the colleagues from other countries on the study of Turkic languages, including the Tatar language in synchrony and diachrony. It is well known that the etymological affinity of the borrowed lexicon from different languages is not the same, as well as their morphological and semantic features. If the most active words are the words related to nouns and adjectives, then verb forms in Turkic languages are rarely borrowed. This paper aim is a lexico-semantic description of the synonymous connections of the verbs with borrowed stems in the Tatar language, as one of the representatives of the Turkic world. During the research, the authors got insight into modern works of Russian and foreign authors on linguistics, philology; analyzed the lexical material fixed in bilingual dictionaries and in "The Dictionary of Synonyms" of the Tatar language; made comparisons of the dictionary fund and practical Tatar speech; revealed the basic tendencies of development of the modern literary language.