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14882 Ergebnisse
Litigation Trolls
In: NYU Law School Center on Civil Justice Symposium on "Litigation Funding: The Basics and Beyond" (Nov. 20, 2015)
Civil litigation
In: Litigation library
Litigation Funding Disclosure and Patent Litigation
In: 33 Federal Circuit Bar Journal (2024, Forthcoming)
Litigation Migrants
In: Georgia State University College of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper
Litigation Finance and the Problem of Frivolous Litigation
In: Litigation Finance and the Problem of Frivolous Litigation, 63 DePaul L. Rev. 195 (2014) (symposium contribution).
Working paper
Spite in Litigation
Problems in Complex Litigation
In: Review of Litigation, Band 10, Heft 213
Biodiversity litigation
In: Oxford scholarship online
Biodiversity is in accelerated decline and urgent action is needed. In 2020, the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity ended, and none of its Aichi Targets were met. Despite the legally disappointing situation on a global level, the role of national courts in adjudicating climate change litigation is showing potential for effective mitigation and adaptation, and judges have become key actors in linking internationally agreed goals with tangible national commitments to mitigate climate change. Can this pursuit of globally agreed goals at a local level be transposed and lead a similar trend for biodiversity governance? This edited collection gives readers an overview of the shape and reach of biodiversity litigation, drawing on specific case studies from countries such as Brazil, China, India and Canada.
Surveying the Litigation Landscape: The Civil Litigation Research Project
In: Public opinion quarterly: journal of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Band 51, Heft 4, S. 571-579
ISSN: 0033-362X
An examination of a pioneering survey of civil litigation in the US -- the U of Wisconsin Civil Litigation Research Project. Initiated in the late 1970s, the project explored the number of suits brought annually, the nature of disputes that led to insurance claims & court cases, the attitudes of citizens toward legal institutions as a result of their experiences in court, & the role of lawyers in the civil justice system. Data were obtained at various stages from federal & state court records (total N = 2,600 disputes) & interviews with lawyers, individual disputants, & representatives of organizations involved in disputes (total N = 3,853) at 5 sites: Albuquerque, NM, Columbia, SC, Los Angeles, Calif, Milwaukee, Wisc, & Philadelphia, Pa. The survey's methodology is discussed in detail & some fundamental errors are illuminated. Implications for future research on litigation & survey research in general are discussed. 5 References. K. Hyatt
Condominium Litigation
In this article, the authors examine and analyze recent judicial and legislative developments in the growing field of condominium litigation. In particular, the authors undertake a comprehensive examination of the documents associated with condominium ownership to ascertain the specific rights and liabilities incorporated therein.