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Mitchell Young While, as the name of this blog reflects, knowledge has become a central concern in European policymaking internally, it has not made the same inroads into the EU's external policy discourses. This neglect of knowledge in the field of international relations is not limited to the EU, but given the European policy context, […] The post Knowledge Power Europe appeared first on Europe of Knowledge.
1. Classical sociological conceptions of knowledge -- 2. Knowledge about knowledge -- 3. The knowledge of the powerful -- 4. Non-knowledge -- 5. Policing knowledge -- 6. Forms of knowledge -- 7. Global knowledge -- 8. Digital worlds and knowledge/information -- 9. Functions of knowledge -- 10. The price of knowledge -- 11. The benefits of knowledge.
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The history of paper is rooted in a material culture of ancient provenance which has insistently shaped cultural life since its invention two thousand years ago. As such, a history of paper is no less a study of immateriality, of the meaning of the marks inscribed on its surface. Indeed, because paper proved so adept at preserving those inscriptions, this ostensibly simple artifact emerged as the favored technology for recording, storing, and sharing what humanity knows about itself. There is no exaggeration, therefore, in describing paper as constituting the infrastructure – or operating system – of civilization. Since the eighteenth century this phenomenology has positioned paper at the center of modernity's two most important political projects, creation of the market economy and organization of the nation state. In both instances, paper served as the practical means for translating thought into action, or knowledge into power. This, in turn, raises important questions regarding the nature of both knowledge and power, and of the relationship between them, in a digital, or paperless, future.
The union of knowledge & power, long urged by philosophers, is on the verge of full consummation, thanks to the advance of sci & the indispensability of expert advice in the face of rapid technological change. Does this union spell the death of democracy? Should a sharp distinction be drawn between natural & soc knowledge? Experience with natural sci'ts indicates that there is room for considerable disagreement when knowledge is translated into policy. Soc knowledge, while admittedly less certain, is a vitally needed complement of natural knowledge. The best way of assuring that knowledge is not misused is still democracy-democracy suitably modified, however, to meet the needs of a post-industr era. HA.
The union of knowledge and power, long urged by philosophers, is on the verge of full consummation, thanks to the advance of science and the indispensability of expert advice in the face of rapid technological change. Does this union spell the death of democracy? Should a sharp distinction be drawn between natural and social knowledge? Experience with natural scientists indicates that there is room for considerable disagreement when knowledge is translated into policy. Social knowledge, while admittedly less certain, is a vitally needed complement of natural knowledge. The best way of assuring that knowledge is not misused is still democracy—democracy suitably modified, however, to meet the needs of a post-industrial era.
Shipping list no.: 92-171-P. ; Papers presented at a symposium sponsored by the Council of Scholars of the Library of Congress, held Mar. 8-9, 1989. ; Includes bibliographical references and index. ; Mode of access: Internet.