2001 Ergebnisse
Poverty is a vicious circle problem, which is very hard to separate its causes and effects. Vulnerable economic foundation, bureaucratic corrupted and undemocratic government has caused economic crisis become an apprehensive moral crisis. To overcome this problem, sustainable integration of the society and government will have to be exist and finally the nation wealth will be achieved
AbstractThe constitution mandates the state to realize prosperity as stated in the 14th article of the 1945 Constitution, however empirically it seems to have no power for creating a prosperous society. The main goal of this article is to discuss perspectives and efforts for affirming the welfare state ideology. A conception of welfare law state of Indonesia requires that every state action or government must be based on a law, security and public order, makes the welfare state ideology as the foundation of government and its function (bestuursfunctie) in holding duties and responsibilities for the people welfare and creating social justice as the spirit of economic development. IntisariKonstitusi mengamanatkan negara mewujudkan kesejahteraan yang termaktub dalam 14 pasal Konstitusi 1945, namun dalam realitas empirisnya seakan tidak memiliki kekuatan membentuk masyarakat yang sejahtera. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pandangan dan upaya peneguhan ideologi welfare state. Konsepsi negara hukum kesejahteraan Indonesia menghendaki setiap tindakan negara atau pemerintah harus berdasarkan hukum, menjamin keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat, menjadikan ideologi welfare state sebagai landasan kedudukan dan fungsi pemerintah (bestuursfunctie) dalam mengemban tugas, dan tanggung jawab yang lebih luas untuk mensejahterakan rakyat serta menjadikan keadilan sosial sebagai rohnya pembangunan ekonomi.
Menakar Kesejahteraan Buruh: Memperjuangkan Kesejahteraan Buruh diantara Kepentingan Negara dan Korporasi
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ketimpangan antara kesejahteraan dengan peluh kerja buruh, melihat hubungan antara negara, pengusaha dan buruh, serta mengajukan solusi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan buruh. Kesejahteraan buruh mutlak diperjuangkan untuk lebih memanusiakan buruh. Kebijakan yang diambil negara selayaknya tidak mengorbankan kaum buruh. Isu tentang perburuhan sampai saat ini merupakan salah satu isu sexi yang sering kali dijadikan alat tawar politik maupun obyek pencitraan. Buruh menjadi komoditas jualan parpol yang disatu sisi penopang dan menjadi tulang punggung perekonomian nasional tetapi disatu sisi dipandang sebelah mata, terlihat dari kehidupan kaum buruh yang tak kunjung membaik. Desakan dari serikat pekerja maupun perundingan antara pengusaha, pemerintah dan buruh selalu berujung pada kegagalan. Outsourcing, Pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK), Upah minimum regional (UMR), upah yang tak kunjung dibayar hingga kemiskinan yang menghinggapi kaum buruh menjadi permasalahan akut yang tak kunjung ada jalan keluarnya. Satu kesamaan diantara semua masalah, buruhlah yang harus menanggung semuanya. Peningkatan kesejahteraan menjadi dorongan buruh untuk terus berjuang. Kata kunci: Kesejahteraan, Buruh, Kemiskinan, Marginalisasi
Pertumbuhan penduduk dan kesejahteraan
Pertumbuhan penduduk dan dampaknya terhadap kesejahteraan / Mita Noveria -- Peningkatan jumlah penduduk yang besar / Mita Noveria -- Tantangan kependudukan dalam pembangunan pendidikan / Titik Handayani -- Penduduk dan pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan / Aswatini -- Dampak pertumbuhan penduduk terhadap kepemilikan lahan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan / Ade Latifa -- Pertambahan penduduk daerah perkotaan dan dampaknya terhadap kemiskinan / Haning Romdiati -- Program transmigrasi / Bayu Setiawan.
This research was conducted in Poasia District, Kendari City. The objectives of this study were (1) To determine the role of social welfare workers in Poasia District, Kendari City (2) To determine the driving and inhibiting factors of the role of social welfare workers in Poasia District, Kendari City. The research method used is using qualitative research methods, qualitative methods are research methods that produce descriptive data and written or spoken words from people's behavior can be observed, the research technique used is observation / observation, namely the researcher goes directly to the field to obtain data and prepare the tools and materials used at the time of the research. Interviews were conducted to gather information such as the role of social welfare workers and the driving and inhibiting factors in Poasia District, Kendari City. Documentation is done in order to strengthen the data from the results of the interviews conducted in the observation. The technique of determining informants in this research was carried out by purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that in Poasia District there are still many underprivileged people, then the government provides assistance through the Ministry of Social Affairs for less fortunate families. This assistance is provided through a different home program. This program aims to improve the quality of housing for underprivileged people.
This paper concerned with the condition of the social welfare problems of the low incomemigrants living in Prawirodirjan Yogyakarta. The case study of that migrants showed that theirmain social welfare problems related to low income for supporting their family , such as children education fee, and inappropriate house to stay. Although they tried to cope with those problems, but most of them had no successful yet. Social services both from local and national government had not been specially programmed for them. Nevertheless, some of them gained several services which were integrated in public social welfare programmes through "social safety net programmes" in the form of health services, school fee , low cost rice price, etc.Key Words: empowering, social welfare, migrant.
Keberpihakan Birokrasi pada Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
Dalam sistem politik yang demokratis, kekuataan negara untuk mensejahterakan bangsanya tidak hanya ditopang oleh satu kekuatan politik, tetapi ditopang oleh berbagai macam kekuatan politik. Kekuatan tersebut berasal dari partai politik, kelompok kepentingan, kelompok regional, etnis, agama, asosiasi, dan birokrasi. Kekuatan ini apabila bersinergi dengan baik mampu menghasilkan perimbangan kekuatan yang mampu mensejahterakan rakyatnya. Birokrasi sebagai salah satu kekuatan politik memiliki peran yang strategis. Birokrasi memiliki wewenang dalam mengatur hajat hidup orang banyak, sumber daya a/am, anggaran, pegawai, proyek-proyek, serta penguasaan terhadap pengetahuan dan informasi yang tidak sepenuhnya dimiliki pihak lain. Dengan perannya itu, seharusnya Birokrasi mampu mendorong dan memfasilitasi masyarakat agar mencapai kesejahteraannya. Namun kenyataannya, di tahap ke-2 RPJM, Birokrasi seakan kurang berpihak pada kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hal ini terlihat dari Indeks tingkat korupsi di Indonesia berdasarkan survei lembaga Transparency Internasional yang naik dari peringkat 100 menjadi 118 pada tahun 2012, bocornya dana pembangunan akibat kasus korupsi dana bantuan sosial, maupun proyek-proyek pemerintahan lainnya. Hal ini sungguh ironis, di tengah gaung Reformasi yang menginginkan terciptanya good governance. Dalam kaitannya dengan upaya pemerintah mendorong terciptanya good governance dan mendorong keberpihakan birokrasi kepada masyarakat, makalah ini mengkaji bagaimana peran birokrasi seharusnya. Kajian dilakukan melalui telaah pustaka, dan disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif naratif.
Manfaat Pelaksanaan Pemilu untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
System yang digunakan Indonesia saat ini sebagai bentuk mewujudkan kedaulatan rakyat berupa system pemilu. pemilihan umum baik legislatif maupun pemilihan presiden pada prinsipnya adalah agar masyarat sejahtera dan makmur dengan memaksimalkan potensi yang tersedia di Indonesia dengan mengelolan sumber daya alam yang begitu melimpah sesuai dengan amanat Undang-undang dasar 1945 pasal 33 ayat 1 sampai dengan ayat 4. Tujuan penulisan artikel beru untuk mengetahui manfaat dari pemilu bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat dimana menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menelusuri hal-hal yang menjadi kebermanfaatan bagi masyarakat dari pola/system pemilu ini. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan pemilu bermanfaat sebagai alat demokrasi, sarana partisipasi maryarakat, solusi pergantian kepemimpinan, melegitimasi pemimpin terpilih, tempat rakyat mengajukan aspirasi, bersosialisasi dan menjalin relasi.
Negara Kesejahteraan (Welfare State): Mengembalikan Peran Negara Dalam Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Sosial di Indonesia
This paper aims to study the system of social security in Indonesia. Social security represents the elementary rights of every citizen which is guaranteed by the state, like in section 27 article 2 UUD ' 45 and the laws of System of Social Security National (SJSN). Practically, the social security and social services prggram run by government framework not yet clearly with asocial policy which should be integral and continual Government has been trapped in current of liberalism and capitalism so that state role becomes progressively minimize. From 95 million labor force only 24,6 million obtain to get the social security, or newly 12% from resident amount. To overcome the weakness, resistance, and barricade in execution of social security Drstem in Indonesia, National Social Security needed to embrace the principle of government--bodies, deputizing stakeholders in this case competitor! worker, and government. Gathering and fee organizer require to be supported by openness, carefulness, accountability, and eficien. Entangling of various kind of stakeholders actor of vital importance as principal applying form of governance, the model executed by Indonesian government according should be to its society characteristic. Though financing system conducted by sharing across population, the government remain involved in the goodness in arrangement, observation, and also its financing.
The essence of labor inspection is the activity of supervising and enforcing the implementation of laws and regulations in the manpower sector. The relationship between supervision and welfare is an inseparable pair, if you expect a maximum achievement. In terms of labor inspection it is not enough to be limited to supervision, but for the continuity of the realization of the supervision, a systematic, recorded and integrated supervision must be carried out, so that the results of the inspection must be applied in the world of work and be effective in improving the welfare of workers. and enforce the implementation of laws and regulations in the manpower sector, so that in this effort the government also establishes a labor inspection work unit from the top to the lowest as stipulated in Law Number 13 of 2003. Employees of the Labor Inspection, even ministers also have duties in this field. Protection between labor inspection and work success is always carried out in an integrated, coordinated and integrated inspection system which includes the work unit of labor inspection, labor inspectors and labor inspection procedures.
This paper would like to see how the women organizations have tried to build prosperity for women, especially women who live in the village. Interestingly , the women organization activists seek a way out of poverty by using their own ideas, perspectives and mindset, not guided by a uniform national policy. This means the ideas are built based on local emancipation where women live day-to- day. In the author's view, one way for women to achieve prosperity is to give them a chance to work. For women , the purpose of giving the opportunity to work not only to increase revenue but also to take care of a variety of social vulnerability , especially poverty and domestic violence. Women's access to work also means the opportunity to be involved in the socio - political relations more broadly. This means that women can contribute to the development of their neighbourhood because they no longer dwell in the domestic sphere, but have enough time to interact in the public sphere , especially through the involvement in an organization. By doing so, the involvement of women in the organization has a broad meaning, not just a mere social benefit. There is a transformation of social capital, in the form of involvement in the organization, into economic capital in the form of an opportunity to engage in economic activity. However, the effort to transform social capital into economic capital is not easy . There are still unfavourable views arguing that women capability is not commensurate with men which eventually limit women to access a livelihood. Therefore, it is necessary to find a perspective that places men and women in equal and fair positions, especially in acquiring , utilizing and developing assets and accesses to economic resources , social and political . It is time for the state to formulate public policies that put women as the main actors and not merely as objects or complementary policies. In sum , this paper believes that by involving in an organization, women will have a greater opportunity to be involved in economic activities, which in turn can lead women to welfare gates .
PENYELENGGARAAN KESEJAHTERAAN PENDUDUK LANJUT USIA (Penelitian Tentang Upaya Mewujudkan Kesejahteraan Lanjut Usia di Kota Surakarta)
AbstractThis study describes the elaboration and consistency of policies between the Central Government and the Regional Governments to solve problems regarding elderly welfare. Law Number 13 of 1998 concerning Elderly Welfare as a cornerstone of policy for the region and its implementation in the city of Surakarta. The City Government of Surakarta is committed to realizing old age (in Javanese called Adi Yuswo) as an asset and potential for continued development of prosperity. This commitment is manifested in the regulation of policies, institutions, empowerment and participation of stakeholders in general. This study uses secondary data, describing the elaboration of regulations and the implementation of the elderly welfare program in the city of Surakarta. Improvement of the welfare of the elderly is a work with regional institutions across regions, strengthening institutions and community participation at the local level.Keywords: regulation, policy implementation and elderly welfareAbstrakPenelitian ini mendekripsikan tentang penjabaran dan konsistensi kebijakan antara Pemerintah Pusat dengan Pemerintah Daerah untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tentang kesejahteraan lanjut usia. Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 1998 tentang Kesejahteraan Lanjut Usia sebagai batu penjuru kebijakan bagi daerah dan implementasinya di Kota Surakarta. Pemerintah Kota Surakarta berkomitmen mewujudkan lanjut usia (dalam Bahasa Jawa disebut Adi Yuswo) sebagai aset dan potensi pembangunan tetap kesejahteraan. Komitmen tersebut diwujudkan dalam regulasi kebijakan, kelembagaan, pemberdayaan dan partisipasi pemangku kepentingan pada umumnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder, menggambarkan penjabaran regulasi dan pelaksanaan program kesejahteraan lansia di Kota Surakarta. Peningkatan kesejahteraan lansia merupakan kerja bersma perangkat daerah secara lintas perangkat daaerah, menguatkan wadah lembaga dan partisipasi masyarakat di tingkat lokal.Kata kunci: regulasi, pelaksanaan kebijakan dan kesejahteraan lanjut usia.