On the international level there exists a fabric of functional societies concerned with recreation. Over the years the machinery for recreation co- operation and exchange developed piecemeal. Now the international recreation program is taking form as a comprehensive movement. The challenge still out- runs the achievement.
Power is real, but it does not always prevail. This book explores how disparity structures international relationships. Beginning at the bilateral level, the relationship between the smaller side and the larger side can be normal as long as the smaller does not feel threatened and the larger can assume that its capabilities are respected. However, the smaller can be tempted to brinksmanship, while the larger can be tempted to bully. Asymmetric conflicts are often stalemated because the limited commitment of the larger side is met by the smaller's mortal resistance. In multilateral situations, asymmetry shapes patterns of uncertainty and attention. In global systems, how hegemons treat their subjects is the unobserved sand shifting beneath their feet as they look toward their challenger. Since 2008, the US has retained primacy but not dominance. The management of asymmetric relationships in a multinodal world will determine how power matters in the current era
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Cover -- Half-title -- Title page -- Copyright information -- Table of contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Preface -- Misperception -- China and Vietnam -- China as the Solid Center of East Asia -- Beyond China -- Back to China? -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Asymmetry's Enduring Reality -- Hegemony and Asymmetry -- Definitions of Asymmetry -- A World of Disparities -- An Analytic Definition of Asymmetry -- Three Basic Corollaries: Real, Relational, and Resilient -- Power, Autonomy, and Deference -- Asymmetry and Symmetry -- Asymmetry Versus Hobbes -- Asymmetry beyond Hobbes -- Asymmetric Systems -- Asymmetry Theory and the Study of International Relations -- Asymmetry and Current Affairs -- Asymmetry and International Relations Theory: Realism -- Asymmetry beyond Realism -- Asymmetric Anomalies: Small Wars and East Asian Hierarchy -- Method -- The Plan of the Book -- Part I Asymmetry and Bilateral Relationships -- 1 Basic Structure of Asymmetric Relationships -- The Locatedness of Interests and Parametric Reasonableness -- Locatedness and Interests -- Locatedness and Relationships -- International Relationships and International Relations -- Country A and Country B -- Asymmetry and Security -- Factors Mitigating Asymmetry -- The Politics of Asymmetric Attention -- A to B -- B to A -- Autonomy, Deference, and Respect -- Autonomy for B -- Deference for A -- Mutual Respect -- The Calculus of Asymmetric Interaction -- Boundary Situations -- Negotiation and Benefit -- Postures of A and B -- Buffering the Relationship -- Asymmetric Versus Dominant Relationships -- The Fallacies of Submissiveness -- Asymmetry beyond Asia -- International Initiative -- Power versus Persuasion -- Soft Power -- Change and the Deep Structure of Asymmetric Relationships -- Capability -- Identity -- Diplomacy -- Context -- 2 Asymmetry and Conflict.
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Abstract Changing attitudes in diplomatic relations is a common feature of international politics. However, such changes may trigger risky domino-like cascades of "friend-to-enemy" transitions among other counties and yielding catastrophic damage that could reshape the global network of international relationships. While previous attention has been focused on studying single pairs of international relationships, due to the lack of a systematic framework, it remains still unknown whether, and how, a single transition of attitude between two countries could trigger a cascade of attitude transitions among other countries. Here, we develop such a framework and construct a global evolving network of relations between country pairs based on 70,756,728 international events between 1,225 country pairs from January 1995 to March 2020. Our framework can identify and quantify the cascade of transitions following a given original transition. Surprisingly, weaker transitions are found to initiate most of the largest cascades. We also find that transitions are not only related to the balance of the local environment, but also global network properties such as betweenness centrality. Our results suggest that these transitions have a substantial impact on bilateral trade volumes and scientific collaborations. Our results reveal reaction chains of international relations, which could be helpful for designing early warning signals and mitigation methods for global international conflicts.
AbstractIn the present review, the author draws upon Bell's (1987) critical race theory – especially as reflected in Crenshaw's (1989) construct of intersectionality – en route to examining the results of four studies of international relationship processes that have been published since 2002 (i.e., Holzapfel et al., 2018; Kaya et al., 2019; Kuramoto, 2018 and van Mol & de Valk, 2016). One common theme that emerged from the four studies was the importance of satisfaction‐related processes in international relationships – a theme that Thibaut and Kelley's (1959) interdependence theory would anticipate within intranational and international relationships alike. Although persons from African, Central American, and South American nations are conspicuously missing from the studies in question, the author does not attribute such omissions to structural racism. Implications for future research on inclusivity and the dynamics of international relationships are discussed.
Attitudes that have handicapped the United States in building healthy political & economic relationships are outlined as a prelude to discussion of some creative & successful United States innovations in transnational relationship building. Beginning with the post-World War II period, the development & organization of transnational institutions ranging from the Fulbright Program to the currently proposed institute for Human Rights are examined. Occurring is an ongoing process of development of the United States government's capacity to encourage transnational dialogue, defuse conflict, & reinforce constructive tendencies in the previously underrated human dimension of foreign policy. Modified HA.
American attitudes that have handicapped the United States in building healthy political and economic relationships with other countries in the world are outlined as a prelude to discussion of some creative and successful United States' innovations in relationship building. While acknowledging the United States' role in the U.N. and its agencies, and the significant contributions made by American private sector businesses and organizations, the article focuses on official government efforts in transnational relationship building. Beginning with the post World War II period, the development and organization of transnational institutions ranging from the Fulbright Program to the currently proposed Institute for Human Rights are examined. What seems to be taking place is an ongoing process of development and refinement of our government's capacity to encourage transnational dialog, defuse conflict, and reinforce constructive tendencies in the previously underrated human dimension of foreign policy. Americans may be learning more rapidly than could be expected, given the cultural constraints, some new ways to improve international relations.
Анализ гегемонистской политики сверхдержав ХХ и ХХI вв. дан в свете сформулированных И. Кантом основополагающих «запретительных законов», соблюдение которых, как полагал философ и как показала практика последних двух столетий, является важнейшим условием сохранения мира на планете. ; Immanuel Kant wrote a treatise called Perpetual Peace in 1795 where he formulated basic prohibitory laws. He thought and the practice of the past two centuries showed that compliance with these laws was the main condition for saving peace on the planet. No state should violently interfere with affairs and governance of the other state; No state either it is big or small, it doesn't matter, can be conquered by the other state; No state being in a state of war with the other state can allow such actions that render impossible mutual trust after making peace; Government should take care of cutting military expenses and armament. Regular army (miles perpetuus) in due course should be eliminated; True peace settlement shouldn't contain seeds of future war. The author analyzes the hegemonic policy of superpowers of the 20th and 21st century in the context of the given Kant's principles. He pays special attention to the Project of the new American century and new global moral of the United States that, in author's opinion, repeats the worst mistakes of the Soviet Union.
The article is devoted to environmentalization of agricultural manufacture in Ukraine and attraction of the foreign countries experience. Moreover, establishment and standards of organic farming in the world along with the development of legal regulation of organic farming in Ukraine are considered in the article.IFOAM, organic, legislation, environmentalization, organic food, environmentally friendly agriculture.