Institutional Balance
In: The European System of Central Banks: An Autonomous Actor?, S. 133-165
4699 Ergebnisse
In: The European System of Central Banks: An Autonomous Actor?, S. 133-165
In: Dilemmas of European Integration, S. 83-106
In: THE EVOLUTION OF EU LAW, p. 41, Paul Craig and Grainne de Burca, eds., Oxford University Press, 2011
In: P Craig and G de Burca, The Evolution of EU Law (OUP, 3rd edn 2021)
Working paper
In: Participation in EU Decision Making, S. 129-166
In: European law review
World Affairs Online
Research Brown Bag Presentations ; The East African Community faces several challenges, including poor governance, an inadequate legal and institutional framework, and poor public participation. A major cause of this predicament are institutional imbalances, brought about by an institutional design that vests most powers in the Summit and the Council (the executive organs of the Community). This leaves the Legislative Assembly, a so-called representative of the public voice, with limited control over acts of the Community. The outcome has been a lack of understanding, support and ownership of the integration process by the subjects whose integration is sought. It is therefore important to examine the institutional interventions needed to create a balance of powers between the executive and legislative organs of the Community in order to ensure effective integration. ; Strathmore University Law School
In: Common Market Law Review, Band 41, Heft 2, S. 383-391
ISSN: 0165-0750
In: Common market law review, Band 41, Heft 2, S. 383-391
ISSN: 0165-0750
In: Common market law review, Band 41, Heft 2, S. 383-392
ISSN: 0165-0750
In: 50 Years of the European Treaties : Looking Back and Thinking Forward
In: Maastricht Faculty of Law Working Paper No. 4
Working paper
In: Romanian journal of international affairs, Band 10, Heft 1-2, S. 74-77
ISSN: 1224-0958
World Affairs Online
In: The world today, Band 32, Heft 12, S. 459-466
ISSN: 0043-9134
World Affairs Online
In: European foreign affairs review, Band 7, Heft 4, S. 369-400
ISSN: 1875-8223