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Indicators for Innovations Towards Prevention of Toxic Risks
In: Sustainability and Innovation; Indicator Systems for Sustainable Innovation, S. 107-123
Working paper
Measuring and assessing the effects of collaborative innovation in crime prevention
In: Policy & politics, Band 48, Heft 3, S. 397-423
ISSN: 1470-8442
This study reports the findings from an interactive research project in which academics and practitioners worked closely together in designing a new, criteria-based assessment tool that enables local municipalities to measure the degree of collaboration, innovation and crime-preventive effect in publicly financed projects intended to keep at-risk youth out of criminal activities. The assessment tool also offers a much-needed opportunity for researchers to study the extent to which cross-boundary collaboration may spur the development of innovative solutions, which in turn may help to prevent youth crime. The key empirical finding is that collaboration has a strong association with public innovation, which in turn has a strong association with the ability of local projects to help prevent crime. The result makes an important contribution to the expanding field of public innovation research in which quantitative studies that combine process evaluation and impact studies are extremely rare.
Making the Prevention of Homelessness a Priority: The Role of Social Innovation
In: The American journal of economics and sociology, Band 79, Heft 2, S. 353-381
ISSN: 1536-7150
AbstractMass homelessness emerged in Canada in the wake of neoliberal policies that reduced government production of housing and other supportive measures. Efforts to reduce homelessness have occurred in three stages: 1) an emergency response in the 1990s that consisted mostly of investment in shelters, soup kitchens, and day programs, 2) the implementation of community plans to end homelessness, combined with the adoption of Housing First as a strategy that seeks to provide reliable shelter as a first step to anyone without it, followed by other remedial services, and 3) the recent development in Canada of early intervention strategies to prevent homelessness from its inception. The second stage was highly successful in dealing with the situation of chronically homeless adults, and many communities have begun to see reductions in homelessness. However effective, this approach does not break the cycle by intercepting potentially homeless individuals in their youth, which is when it begins for many people. Canada is at the beginning stages of the move towards a stronger focus on prevention, aided by a social innovation agenda to identify, design, test, and evaluate preventive interventions to determine which ones will be most strategically effective, setting the stage for implementation and going to scale.
Innovations in Interpersonal Violence Prevention: Research, Collaboration and Opportunities
In: Journal of family violence, Band 35, Heft 6, S. 537-540
ISSN: 1573-2851
Priority actions of the different Regional Prevention Plans: common features and innovations
The National Prevention Plan (NPP) 2010-2012, approved by the Agreement between the Government, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on 29 April 2010, called for Regions to adopt, by 31/12/2010, the Regional Prevention Plan (RPP) for implementing the interventions provided by the NPP 2010-2012. This article has considered and compared the different RPP's. In an attempt to provide an outlook on the future medical prevention plans over the next few years in Italy, a comparison has been made between the RPP from 19 Regions and the Autonomous Province of Trento. This work has been focused on the actions identified in regional plans as a priority concerning the major common and innovative elements. The analysis of each RPP revealed a common plan to chronic degenerative diseases, because of the aging of the population in every Region of Italy. Other important common targets are: surveillance systems, vaccination programs and screening programs. Toscana and Liguria, more than other Regions, are engaged in the creation of networks involving various social actors. In some Regions there are projects aimed at eliminating social, economic or gender inequities, such as the project "women's health" in the Region of Puglia. Toscana and Emilia-Romagna Plans pay attention to environment and pollution issues. Despite social, environmental and economic differences, the various Regions have common principles, concerning: life style, surveillance, vaccination and the screening for cancer.
POLLUTION PREVENTION - Pollution Prevention Demands Innovation - White House Policy Aims to Deter Polluting Industries
In: National defense, Heft 553, S. 32-33
ISSN: 0092-1491
Innovation at the service of the prevention of and adaptation to migration
Chapter 10 ; International audience ; Among the 257 million migrants on the planet, in 2017 it is estimated that 66 million persons have been forcibly displaced1. This number has steadily increased over the last decade and is mostly composed of people displaced in their own countries (40.3 million in 2016). The next big group (22.5 million) consists of refugees forced to flee their country (UNHCR, 2017). Stateless people are often forgotten but they also deserve attention. There are many causes for distress migration: besides conflicts and wars, the negative impacts of climate change, the degradation of the environment and the occurrence of natural hazards are laying their burden on peoples' livelihoods. It is important to realise that 84% of migrants are hosted by developing regions (UNHCR, 2017). There is a need for international, regional and local governments to re-think policies, programmes, spatial and social planning. The UN pleas for a clear focus on facilitating safe, orderly and regular migration, enabling beneficial impact of migration for migrants and countries, for communities of destination and of origin (UN, 2017). To reach this objective, inclusive and comprehensive strategies are of utmost importance. The primary challenge for governments in the development of such inclusive and comprehensive strategies is to gain full understanding of the different forms of mobility, the complexity of interlinkages and spatial dispersion. These comprehensive strategies consist of innovative social and technical interventions and new modes of governance in response to the challenges and the specific context.
Innovation at the service of the prevention of and adaptation to migration
Chapter 10 ; International audience ; Among the 257 million migrants on the planet, in 2017 it is estimated that 66 million persons have been forcibly displaced1. This number has steadily increased over the last decade and is mostly composed of people displaced in their own countries (40.3 million in 2016). The next big group (22.5 million) consists of refugees forced to flee their country (UNHCR, 2017). Stateless people are often forgotten but they also deserve attention. There are many causes for distress migration: besides conflicts and wars, the negative impacts of climate change, the degradation of the environment and the occurrence of natural hazards are laying their burden on peoples' livelihoods. It is important to realise that 84% of migrants are hosted by developing regions (UNHCR, 2017). There is a need for international, regional and local governments to re-think policies, programmes, spatial and social planning. The UN pleas for a clear focus on facilitating safe, orderly and regular migration, enabling beneficial impact of migration for migrants and countries, for communities of destination and of origin (UN, 2017). To reach this objective, inclusive and comprehensive strategies are of utmost importance. The primary challenge for governments in the development of such inclusive and comprehensive strategies is to gain full understanding of the different forms of mobility, the complexity of interlinkages and spatial dispersion. These comprehensive strategies consist of innovative social and technical interventions and new modes of governance in response to the challenges and the specific context.
Building public innovation for industrial risk prevention and crisis management: Genesis and development of a unique collaborative innovation
In: Social science information, Band 58, Heft 4, S. 589-607
ISSN: 1461-7412
Public innovation is a peculiar form of innovation that provides new policies, new products, new services, and new infrastructures to increase public value. Many barriers can prevent this kind of innovation, so it cannot be taken for granted. Consequently, it is important to understand the conditions that can produce it. The present article is a case study on SIMAGE, a collaborative public innovation that has no equivalent in Europe and was developed in the Italian petrochemical site of Porto Marghera (in the municipality of Venice) for industrial risk prevention and crisis management. Based on sociological research conducted with qualitative techniques, I aim at accounting for the genesis and development of the process that led the public and the private sector to build jointly an effective public innovation through collaboration. The conclusion focuses on innovation processes, on the production of public goods by the public and the private sector, and on risk and crisis governance.
Innovations in Community-Based Crime Prevention: Case Studies and Lessons Learned
In: Springer eBook Collection
Crime, Place and Community Contexts: An Introduction to the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program -- Think Nationally, Act Locally: An Overview of BJCI Communities and the Challenges of Community Capacity Deficits -- Case Studies from 6 Neighborhoods -- Five Years In: The Current Impacts of BJCI -- The Death and Life of Community-Based Crime Prevention Partnerships and the Future Role of the Federal Government.
Building capacity and sustainable prevention innovations: a sustainability planning model
In: Evaluation and program planning: an international journal, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 135-149
ISSN: 1873-7870
Prevention of war
In: International conciliation, Heft 183, S. 123-147
ISSN: 0020-6407